View Full Version : Vegas in Eberron?

2014-07-10, 01:30 PM
One of my players is testing the limits of my knowledge on this setting. Does anyone know if there is an existing Vegas equivalent in Eberron? If no such place exists, where would you place it?

2014-07-10, 01:33 PM
There is that port city in Xen'drik... And it is an all but lawless den of villainy...

A warforged reforged enclave in the mournlands: a laboratory of sensation

2014-07-10, 01:36 PM
i dont know if one already exists, but if you are going to make one i would put it on a floating island that slowly circles the world to always keep it spring/summer. At every major city a bunch of skyboats come down to set up a land based shuttle service (at a price) while those that have enough money for their own airships can dock directly with the island. And because it is a mobile island it is its own country essentially so it doesnt have to abide by any of the rules, so im imagining races, gladiator sports, and gambling of all shapes and sizes.

2014-07-10, 01:52 PM
There is that port city in Xen'drik... And it is an all but lawless den of villainy...
That's Stormreach, covered in the "City of Stormreach" sourcebook. It has lots of gambling, brothels, drug dens, gladiator matches, and so on. Also certain parts of Sharn (see "Sharn: City of Towers") are very Vegas like with all of the above and more forms of entertainment, such as basically all districts in Lower Menthis Plateau.

2014-07-10, 01:58 PM
There is that port city in Xen'drik... And it is an all but lawless den of villainy...

A warforged reforged enclave in the mournlands: a laboratory of sensation

Stormreach? That could work but it's not quite the same.

2014-07-10, 02:05 PM
Yeah ah that's the name. Afb so...

Anyway a healing-allowed place in the mournlands would work. A new-Vegas type place. Adventurers there are trapped as they can't make the journey out. Healing is the result of some artifact type device. They gamble with warforged for various goods needed to keep the machinery working.

Similar set-up could exist in the demon wastes, but meant to entice travelers to their doom. Disguised demons gamble with explorers' freedom, offering exquisite goods. They take money at the low betting tables. Services, favors, and lives are the high rollers' stakes
Explorers that manage to leave are mind wiped to forget any companions lost to the dice and only remember the opulence and fabulous rewards they got

2014-07-10, 02:13 PM
I like all of the answers so far. Lots of great ideas for future games...