View Full Version : Optimization Soulbow + Divine Power

2014-07-10, 02:06 PM
So, I maaay have found a BAB exploit that lets you have over your level in BAB.

Your mind arrows improve as you gain higher levels. At 3rd level, a mind arrow gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, and at 7th level the bonus improves to +2. These enhancement bonuses stack with previous enhancement bonuses gained earlier for your soulknife class levels. Likewise, these enhancement bonuses also improve your soulknife base attack bonus. If your return to your soulknife class progression, these mind arrow enhancement bonuses on attack and damage are cumulative bonuses on top of any new enhancement bonuses gained, and they benefit both your mind blade and mind arrows.

It's here if you feel like it: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a

Basically, you get a bonus to your BAB equal to your soulknife/soulbow enhancement. Unfortunately, both of those classes have 3/4 BAB, so you end up behind, most of the time... but what if you used Divine Power? I'd say the RAW gets a little tricky there, but there's an argument to be made that since the soul-implement BAB is a bonus, and only applies to your mind arrows/soulknife, it should stack on top of Divine Power.

2014-07-10, 03:03 PM
While this holds true in a RAW TO discussion, any DM will see that it's an obvious typo and is referencing your Soulknife mind blade enhancement bonus, not your Soulknife BAB. This is not a playable gimmick.