View Full Version : Pathfinder Soltengrebbe, beast of Drezen [Wrath of the Righteous spoilers!]

Kol Korran
2014-07-10, 02:30 PM
Hey folks! The party I Dm for will reach Drezen in a session or two, (Sword of Valor module) and I'm thinking ahead.

The first mythical trial by the module is to kill the mythic chiemra, Soltengrebbe. I'm worried that it might be a bit too weak. My party aren't optimizers, but they have dealt nicely with the challenges the module presents, even after some significant upgrading I've done (You can see the sig).

I'm wondeing if anyone else played this scenario, and how they fared. At what level did the party face the chimera? How did they fare? Where did you have them meet it? Did you use it as it is, or an upgraded version?

I'm aiming to make this a very tough fight. I'm not sure where and when they'll meet her, that depends on the events at the siege I guess. But I hope they'll gain 7th level before they do.

I was thinking of upgrade the mythic trial a bit. My current ideas:
- Add a giant template (Addition to strength, con, sizes of natural weapons). and possibly an advanced template. This will make it a CR 11 (A serious challenge for 7th/1st level party I hope). The idea is to truly make it...the BEAST of Drezen- high hp, high melee damage, with the mythical power used mostly for save and rending. I think facing a huge beast might also prove to be impressive.

- Perhaps replace her with... a dragon? I think a young adult brass dragon (Made demonic by some demonic influence),with perhaps just 2 mythical tiers, to keep it CR 11. Better attacks, defenses, even some spells (Mirror image? Invisibility?). Either that or perhaps a young copper dragon, giant template (just so it'll be large), and 4 mythical tiers (Again, making it a CR 11). I prefer it's slowing breath to the Brass sleeping breath, as it doesn't take opponents fully out of the fight. I'm bit worried that his might be an overkill, with how tough dragons are said to be. I rarely ran them. However, a dragon fight is always tense and memorable!

Any other ideas?

Kol Korran
2014-07-11, 06:36 AM
Small edition: As a chymera, she has the following feats:
- Ability Focus (mythic breath)
- Improved Critical (bite)
- Improved Initiative (Mythic)
- Iron Will
- Vital Strike (Mythic)
- Weapon Focus (bite)

I'd like to change the bite focus and perhaps improved critical to something more... fitting. First thing that comes to mind is power attack of course. Also multi attack, that for some reason isn't mentioned in the original stat block. I'll need to check up on that. Any other ideas? especially good monster feats? Maybe something using it's many heads, it's breath, or possibly it's huge size?

2014-07-11, 07:14 AM
Have you looked at Scorpion's updated statblocks? There's a thread in Paizo's WotR forum containing the HeroLab files for them. Goes some of the way towards evening the score.

Kol Korran
2014-07-11, 09:07 AM
Have you looked at Scorpion's updated statblocks? There's a thread in Paizo's WotR forum containing the HeroLab files for them. Goes some of the way towards evening the score.
Thanks, I've just downloaded it and took a quick look. It seems good, and it sems to fix some of the problems with some stat blocks. I'll look into using it as a base. I think I may use his Soltenbergge, but perhaps add the "giant" template to it. Will see.
