View Full Version : Optimization Help: Heroics Spell ... Fighter Feats for Wizards!

Miss Disaster
2014-07-11, 11:30 AM
My 12th Level wizard (Forgotten Realms 3.5 Campaign) just got a Runestaff that has the spell Heroics amongst its 3 spells. She plans to keep the Runestaff. Due to the unique needs & share-buff tactics of our 4 PC party, I don't need to use Heroics to buff-up my party mates. But I would like to use it on my wizard.

My dilemma is in finding a good suite of Fighter Feat options for her to choose from on a given day. She's a traditional Batman/BC wizard who avoids melee and already has the Imp. Initiative feat (UA ACF option in lieu of Scribe Scroll). Ideally, I'd like to find 4 or 5 Fighter Feat options that she can choose from. Improved Critical and Weapon Finesse aren't going to work, either.

I realize Martial Study from ToB is a Fighter Feat. But I don't see any specific maneuvers that really look like a powerful option for a melee-avoiding, battlefield control wizard. Mind Over Body would be good, but she already has a sky-high FORT Save. Perhaps there are some maneuvers that are strong defensive options?

Anyhoo, all suggestions are welcome. Thank you for your help!

2014-07-11, 01:20 PM
Martial Stance (Child of Shadow) is a nice defensive option--20% concealment as long as you move. You can qualify for it with Shadow Jaunt, which is great for mobility.

2014-07-11, 02:01 PM
My dilemma is in finding a good suite of Fighter Feat options for her to choose from on a given day. I realize Martial Study from ToB is a Fighter Feat. But I don't see any specific maneuvers that really look like a powerful option for a melee-avoiding, battlefield control wizard.
Improved Toughness: A good defensive Fighter feat. Extra hp equal to HD is always useful.
Martial Study (Mind Over Body): It doesn't matter how high your Fort save is. The point of this feat is so you don't autofail on a natural 1.
Martial Study (Action Before Thought, Moment of Perfect Mind): If you don't mind dying 5% of the time you need to make a Fort save, focus on Reflex or Will saves instead.
Martial Stance (Stance of Alacrity): So you're protected against a natural 1 more than once per round.

Miss Disaster
2014-07-11, 02:17 PM
Thanks Troacctid and Cruiser1. Those are good additions to the options suite.


Also, the link above shows the 225 "Fighter Feats" from the WotC 3.5 books. Now I gotta go through them and weed out the ones with hefty prerequisites and inappropriate combat schticks for a frail, maneuvering BC Wizard..

2014-07-11, 02:17 PM
Blind-Fight or Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Orc Double Axe)