View Full Version : Lost: One Left Eye. Replacement Needed

2014-07-13, 02:08 PM
So, in a RL game I run a PC made a heroic escape attempt from captivity.
Halfway through one of the minions began to help him escape for his own reasons. At the end the hero and the minion squared off, exchanging a few quick blows, some quips, and ultimately ending up leaping in opposite directions as a barrel of black powder ignited and destroyed the headquarters.
The players do not know if the minion has survived, but suspect that he will become a recurring villain since at one moment the PC stabbed out his eye with a critical card.

Now, the next time he shows up he's going to be wearing an eyepatch. But I want to replace his eye with something, so at one point he can tear off the eyepatch and make the players go 'whoa, that ain't good'
Any thoughts on what I can replace his eye with?
And the game is focused around the Yuan-ti and their plots, so anything that starts its own over-arching plots might be a no-go.
Players are now level 4.

Thanks as always;

2014-07-13, 02:09 PM
So, in a RL game I run a PC made a heroic escape attempt from captivity.
Halfway through one of the minions began to help him escape for his own reasons. At the end the hero and the minion squared off, exchanging a few quick blows, some quips, and ultimately ending up leaping in opposite directions as a barrel of black powder ignited and destroyed the headquarters.
The players do not know if the minion has survived, but suspect that he will become a recurring villain since at one moment the PC stabbed out his eye with a critical card.

Now, the next time he shows up he's going to be wearing an eyepatch. But I want to replace his eye with something, so at one point he can tear off the eyepatch and make the players go 'whoa, that ain't good'
Any thoughts on what I can replace his eye with?

Thanks as always;

Import the Eye of Vecna and use that :smalltongue:

2014-07-13, 02:11 PM
Eye of Vecna, definitely. It's practically made for this sort of thing.

That, or a gem/device that shoots lasers.

2014-07-13, 02:20 PM
Import the Eye of Vecna and use that :smalltongue:

Eye of Vecna, definitely. It's practically made for this sort of thing.

Ehh, I'd do the Eye of Vecna, but the game is themed around Yuan-Ti, not undead.
Guess I should have mentioned that in the opening

2014-07-13, 02:22 PM
Ehh, I'd do the Eye of Vecna, but the game is themed around Yuan-Ti, not undead.
Guess I should have mentioned that in the opening

Let me check but i believe there is a Yaun-ti graft for the eyes somewhere...

Edit: apparently not, but Yaun-ti tend to be big into spellcasting right? why not add a cabal of yaun-ti necromancers that he made a deal with and call it a day?

Falcon X
2014-07-13, 02:54 PM
The first place to look for cool grafts are Fiend Folio (Fearsome Eye, Charming Eye). It actually has Yuan-Ti grafts, but alas, no eye (has tail, fangs, scaly skin, and arms).

Magic of Eberron has grafts too like those from a fire elemental.

2014-07-13, 02:56 PM
Next time they see him, have him take the eye of whoever got the crit in. He now has a brand new eye.

2014-07-13, 03:01 PM
Next time they see him, have him take the eye of whoever got the crit in. He now has a brand new eye.

It shouldnt be unaviodable, give the warblade (didnt OP say that was who got crit?) a couple chances to prevent the situation but if he messes those up then you now have a nemesis for the party :smallamused:

2014-07-13, 03:03 PM
Mutineer's Eye from Dragon Mag 318. Only useful if you have Sneak Attack though.

2014-07-13, 03:05 PM
It shouldnt be unaviodable, give the warblade (didnt OP say that was who got crit?) a couple chances to prevent the situation but if he messes those up then you now have a nemesis for the party :smallamused:
I didn't see anything about a warblade, but that is mostly what I meant. I didn't mean fiat the eye out of his socket, that'd be horrible.

"As you walk down the road, you see Villain ex Machina with an eyepatch tackle you, snatch your eye, and run away snickering. No, don't roll for initiative."

Averis Vol
2014-07-13, 03:06 PM
instead of getting a new eye, you could have some necromancers fuse a gem of seeing to his retina, so whenever he rips off the eyepatch he has true seeing.

2014-07-13, 03:08 PM
instead of getting a new eye, you could have some necromancers fuse a gem of seeing to his retina, so whenever he rips off the eyepatch he has true seeing.

Ooh this one is nice, it has both Squick factor and utility, very nice :smallamused:

2014-07-13, 03:13 PM
I like the idea of him stealing the PCs eye, but thats a bit unfair I think (especially since he has already slashed the tendons in his wrist)
Squick factor is always good, so the gem-in-eye socket could be cool, and I'm checking out the grafts.
The bad guy actually does have sneak attack, so I'll take a look at the mutineer's eye as well!
And the character who is developing the rivalry is a Devoted Performer Paladin of Freedom/Bard.

2014-07-13, 03:44 PM
Here's an eye-dea (I'm done): don't get a new eye.

Get a snake. Make it so that the replacement lets him fire the snake from Sepia Snake Sigil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sepiaSnakeSigil.htm) as a free action once per round.

Red Fel
2014-07-13, 04:23 PM
Others have mentioned grafts already. Here's a fairly comprehensive list of grafts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?190350-Fleshwarping-A-List-of-Grafts-Symbionts-and-Related-Goodies) - plenty of Eye options, generally Undead and Fiendish in nature.

I also recall some item - I think the Corsair's Eyepatch - that grants you the Blind-Fight feat. That's an option; rather than replacing the eye, use it as an excuse to wear a magical eyepatch.

2014-07-13, 04:59 PM
check Libris Mortis, there.s a section there about undeade grafts.

it has:
Bodak.s eye (just kills you if you fail fort dc 15 1/day, but wont come back as a bodak)
¿Flame.s eye? (10d6 fire ball 1/day)
¿Mummyfied? eye (eyebite 1/day cl12)

that might help

disclaimer: English is not my native language and i dont have the book in english so i had to "translate" the names and i did my best...
so sorry for eye bleeding when reading the names :smalleek:

2014-07-13, 05:14 PM
Are there any NPCs the characters actually give a damn about (and aren't in contanst contact with)?

If so, have it be one of their eyes. Bonus points if it's a loved one!

2014-07-13, 05:34 PM
A command-word item of Lesser Geas, of course.:smallamused:

2014-07-13, 06:25 PM
A command-word item of Lesser Geas, of course.:smallamused:

Now that is TOO cruel :smallannoyed:

With a box
2014-07-13, 06:39 PM
Eye hovers up from his eyebowl
He now has a remote eye

2014-07-13, 07:09 PM
Eye hovers up from his eyebowl
He now has a remote eye

So an eye of arcane eye?

Also second the gem of true seeing idea.

2014-07-13, 09:35 PM
Here's an eye-dea (I'm done): don't get a new eye.

Get a snake. Make it so that the replacement lets him fire the snake from Sepia Snake Sigil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sepiaSnakeSigil.htm) as a free action once per round.

This. Very much this. I think there are other snake-themed spells you could also consider, or repurpose that Finger Darts spell from... BoVD? I think it does Con damage, which can be irksome. Or just have a large sized snake come out of his head: instant animal companion. It's magic.

2014-07-13, 09:38 PM
This. Very much this. I think there are other snake-themed spells you could also consider, or repurpose that Finger Darts spell from... BoVD? I think it does Con damage, which can be irksome. Or just have a large sized snake come out of his head: instant animal companion. It's magic.

Pretty sure there's a Wu Jen spell called Snake Darts actually.

2014-07-14, 04:53 AM
Now that is TOO cruel :smallannoyed:


2014-07-14, 05:00 AM
Sharingan! How about statting out a yuan-ti eye graft?

2014-07-14, 06:14 AM
replace it with a Beholderkin, Eyeball or a shrunken Beholder

2014-07-14, 07:28 AM
One thing to keep in mind: if he's covering it with an eyepatch, he has to have a reason for keeping it covered. If it grants him cool powers - especially vision-related - he wouldn't want to keep it covered. He'd want to leave it exposed. A one-eye gaze attack would be a good reason to keep it covered, so he could interact without triggering the attack on people.

2014-07-14, 08:21 AM
One thing to keep in mind: if he's covering it with an eyepatch, he has to have a reason for keeping it covered. If it grants him cool powers - especially vision-related - he wouldn't want to keep it covered. He'd want to leave it exposed. A one-eye gaze attack would be a good reason to keep it covered, so he could interact without triggering the attack on people.

I second this! Plus, poking the eye out was a mean spirited move on the part of the player, and it sounds like finding this guy and pulling the eye-patch off would be something they'd do out of spite... then whoops! Gaze attack.

2014-07-14, 09:59 AM
I don't know what level you're playing at, but Sepia Snake Sigil once a round seems a bit... excessive. It targets Reflex, so only the rogue or ranger is going to be good at avoiding it, and the stun duration is WAY longer than a fight. Barring well-executed Dispel Magic (and I would target the casters first with this), all it takes is a single missed save for a character to become irrelevant to the fight (save as a bit of cover). If there were no limits on usage, I wouldn't be doing anything else until only the high-Reflex characters remained.

2014-07-14, 02:27 PM
Yah, something that has a gaze or something that he can't really control would be best so that he does indeed have a reason to cover it (beyond just looking awesome)
A yuan-ti graft would make sense I'm just not much of a homebrewer, so am not sure what type of thing it would/should be. If I did go with that route I'd likely make it something like the snake darts thing; some kind of hideous orb that has snake heads where his pupil should be.
And then it contracts and begins to fire snakes at the players like some kind of slithering snakey chain gun.
Ok, looking up the text for snake darts it can't actually do that.
But...thats an amazing spell! 6d6 damage, auto-hit, and then poison? Sure it has a standard action reset, but if you only plan on casting it once in a fight you can take that standard action after the battle.

EDIT: level 4 now.

2014-07-14, 02:48 PM
As noted in the dysfunctional rule collection thread, having only one eye doesn't actually have any penalties.

2014-07-14, 02:50 PM
As noted in the dysfunctional rule collection thread, having only one eye doesn't actually have any penalties.

That's pretty funny, because the Mutineer's Eye graft specifically gives you a -2 to Spot Checks because you're missing an eye.

2014-07-15, 04:17 PM
Probably not mentioned there because it's Dragon material.

2014-07-15, 05:44 PM
What if you, during the game, make a big deal regarding a beholder mage who has allied with the yuan-ti? The minion allies himself with the beholder mage, only to hack off one of the stalks while the beholder is sleeping (or takes one after the PCs cause its death). The minion then grafts the eyestalk into his empty socket, and now it acts exactly like an eyestalk from a beholder mage.

Bonus points when he rips off the eyepatch and this long snakey thing with an eye on the end slithers out.

2014-07-15, 09:50 PM
You could just Yuan-Ti-ize the Bodak eye graft in libris mortis. It does a death gaze once per day, pretty adaptable. Maybe a basalisk eye that does flesh to stone once per day?