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View Full Version : DM Help Who would have the second half of a ring of shielding

2014-07-14, 07:44 AM
Quick background currently running a epic level 8 campaign. My players have found themselves in a situation where they know there is a significant mind flayer threat but can not properly inform the authorities as they inadvertently caused it. Last game they finally set out on the quest to set things right on the heels of six missing champions. Which they found one after they have been void minded (MM3). Ive given them a ring of shield other. The question is who else in a party of six would hold the other ring. Im planning them to come against 2 more void minded x adventures (one with the ring). At first I was thinking the cleric would have the ring because they can heal themselves. However Im wondering if there would be a more suitable idea in a party. Consider the now dead/void minded party to be of a classic kind aka Sword and board fighter which they have killed. Damage warrior probably a barb. Healer who is probably going to be a cleric. Spell support of wizard, a rogue or bard. So if your party had a sword and board warrior with a ring of shield other who would you partner it up with.
Side notes:
Yes most of the stuff I am using is from the PHB because I dont want to TPK my players with a single 6-8th level void minded creature. They have mind flayers to die to later.
Yes the party will be facing the void minded X adventures one at a time each with their own flavor of mooks as they are currently serving as generals while the mind flayers are trying to set up a stronger position in the world.
Finally any ideas on how to get a rangers will save up. At the moment Im considering a custom magic item that lets them use their favored enemy bonus on saves.

2014-07-14, 11:04 AM
Well, it sounds like giving the second ring to the cleric would be what a team of champions would have done before being turned into voidminds.

The template does turn the recipient lawful evil though, so you might want to consider if the cleric turned to a new, evil god or something... otherwise, it would probably not have continuing access to spells (and would have taken the ring off).

For the ranger, there is a feat from Ghostwalk called 'Wise To Your Ways' that does exactly what you want, but only for the favored enemy's Extraordinary, Supernatural, and spell like abilities.

2014-07-14, 03:06 PM
That depends...is the sword and board fighter the protector or protectee? If the idea is to protect the fighter, then the cleric is the obvious choice. If the intent is to use fighter's HP pool to protect others, then either the rogue (scouts ahead, sometimes out of range of immediate assistance) or the wizard (potentially the squishiest if taken by surprise).