View Full Version : The Giovanni Saga (V20); Paul's Thread

2014-07-14, 12:17 PM
Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight,
And burned is Apollo's laurel bough,
That sometime grew within this learned man
- Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus

"I have studied abroad at times, but yes. I'm certainly not used to purely social invitations, or would I be wrong in suspecting that our host has something more in mind?" Paul asked Lord Casmir.

“Aye, you are right in that. Our little fellowship is cut from a broad cloth of humanity, wouldn't you say? And yet we are united in purpose. But who is to say that we are finished growing, simply because we have reached the mystic number thirteen?" The Lord's dark, intense eyes drift for a moment to Lord Mieczyslav. "And who is to say that all those now gathered will remain?"

“Too many people are coarse, uneducated, suspicious, violet, e'en cruel.” As he speaks he walks slowly, leading Paul away from the other dinner guests. It seems some of the other hosts are taking their guests and sequestering them while waiting for the feast to begin.

2014-07-14, 03:23 PM
"Indeed. Speaking of cruelty and violence, how well do you know that man Lothar? He seems to take some kind of perverse glee in 'punishing' the transgressions of those under him."

2014-07-15, 12:14 AM
"To what extent is his unlike other men who, given the smallest sliver of power over their fellow man, will not hasten to abuse it? He is a lout, a bully, a thug, a Jew-hater, and a lecher, and this was before he had Giovanni's authority to back him. What he has is a head for numbers, and a talent at administration. As long as he is useful, his indiscretions can be tolerated."

2014-07-16, 10:04 PM
Hmm, then I must wonder how much trouble Lord Claudius believes him to be worth. Well, forget him for now. Was there something you wanted of me?"

2014-07-19, 08:52 PM
The two men by now walked alone through the dark hallways of the manse. Lord Casmir did not seem to hear Paul's question, starting ahead at the way before them, and speaking as if to himself. "Do you ever wonder why it must be the way it is? Why men like Lothar are elevated, and the meek ground down into the dirt? Why do the just perish and the unjust stand to gain? Why does the parent sometimes outlive the child? Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west?" He stops at a spiral staircase. "Do you ever wonder what you would do differently, had you had the power?"

2014-07-19, 09:58 PM
"I'm no angel, Casmir. I would help who I can, but my one true goal is Knowledge. Discovery. What is man truly capable of? That sort of thing."

2014-07-19, 10:41 PM
"You are not allowed, young Paul, to answer a question of 'if' with 'but I am not.' It is called a hypothetical. Now, command you the forces of Creation: what would be different?"

2014-07-20, 12:04 AM
"You misunderstand me, or perhaps I was unclear. I meant I am not a saint. I wish I could say with honesty that I would use such power selflessly. To help all in need with nary a thought for my own gain. But Knowledge is my desire. I would rather be omnicient than omnipotent.

To more directly answer your question: people would still be free to be as cruel as they desired, but there would be justice. The otherwise complacent bystanders would have courage enough to intervene when able. Those in power would not be able to bribe and buy themselves out of trouble. Nobody would need to fear the ones charged with their protection."

2014-07-20, 11:15 PM
Lord Casmir snorted in disgust. "You are young. I myself spent much of my youth bent over book and scroll, learning the wonders of the world and the secrets of creation. Then the time came when I was forced to leave my studies and went out to experience the world in all of its glory, only to find that the world and its inhabitants do not live up to the words written on the page.” The two men start upward around and around the spiral staircase.

“People are coarse, uneducated, suspicious, violet, e'en cruel. Better, I think, to wipe the filth from the board start over fresh and leave nothing to chance! Imagine it, such absolute power in the hands of the wise."

2014-07-21, 03:33 AM
"Would that it were in the hands of the responsible. Better yet, in no hands."

2014-07-21, 09:04 AM
As you reach the second floor you walk past several poorly lit rooms and hallways, passing servant folk and soldier without Casmir giving them as much as a glance. He opens a door to a large, sparsely furnished room. The walls are decorated with portraits of different men of station. The other end of the room is dominated by two large doors with stained glass windows, depicting a scene from the Bible. Christ sits his throne, separating a flock of people, those on his right walking towards a mountain top, the other half, the majority, walking towards his left, where a tomb waits for them. A servant has forgotten a bucket of water on the floor.

"I could not disagree with you more. I regret only that such absolute power is unattainable, at least instant mastery. But one can come close. One can walk the left-hand path. Are you knowing, young Paul?"

Paul rolls Intelligence+Occult vs. difficulty 6: 6d10.hits(6) → [3,6,10,7,2,8] = (4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4578944/)

Casmir is asking Paul if he is a practitioner of magic, specifically if he practices the craft in a personal search for spiritual freedom, shattering taboos and using occult or Satanic imagery.

2014-07-21, 03:04 PM
"Once perhaps, but I'm no longer one for silly superstition."

2014-07-23, 02:02 PM
"You know nothing!" Lord Casmir boomed suddenly. "Those who walk the left-hand path have the strength of will to correct things, instead of waiting for the Son to do so. But I cannot merely tell you this. The forbidden arts cannot merely be spoken about to be understood, sister. It must be experienced." He says, putting his hands on Paul's shoulders and holding him in a firm grip. "Walking the black road is a dangerous undertaking. I could show you the way."

2014-07-23, 09:48 PM
"Really now. If what you claim is true, then by all means show me. Prove me wrong." Paul is utterly deadpan.

2014-07-23, 11:04 PM
Casmir narrows his eyes, clearly displeased by Paul's challenge. "You should be more cautious, young Paul. You show an unhealthy lack of wisdom!" He laughs a short, loud laugh that sounds like an explosion in the otherwise silent room. "The black arts are perverse and corrupting. I will give you the merest taste to begin with, to illustrate my point. Walk across the room and turn to the left."

After issuing the command, he raises his left hand and makes a twisting gesture with his wrist. For the briefest of moments, a red nimbus seems to emanate from his fingertips, shrouding his hand in a caul. But then Paul blinks, and the light is gone.

Lord Casmir uses Contradict: Willpower roll versus difficulty 4

7d10.hits(4) → [10,6,2,9,3,2,9] = (4) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4582693/)

Paul gets a chance to detect a supernatural influence on his will: Perception+Subterfuge vs. difficulty 6

7d10.hits(6) → [4,1,5,2,9,7,9] = (3) (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4582695/)

If Paul chooses to walk across the room and turn left, he that heinstead turns right. It seems like such a mundane thing, but part of him knows he is being influenced by some outside source.

If he chooses to walk across the room and turn right, he will go left. And if he chooses to stay still, he will walk across the room and turn left. Basically, whatever he will choose to do, he is going to be compelled to do the opposite.

2014-07-24, 01:38 AM
Paul turns about, disoriented by the event, though manages to face Casmir. "What in the- What was that? Lord Casmir, I once attempted to study these 'Black Arts', but found nothing but myths. How is something like this so thoroughly kept a secret?"

Then, after a moment's thought: "And for that matter, how can you hold my disbelief against me? If I truly 'know nothing', then teach me." He holds out his left hand. "If you wish to show me the way, you will find in me an infinite willingness to learn."

2014-07-24, 11:41 AM
Casmir grabs Paul by the shoulders gain, more forcefully and enthusiastic this time. “Yes. Yes! Now you see! Now the glimmer of knowledge is there! If one can contradict the will with what amounts to the merest flick of the wrist, think of the things one could do with true mastery! Think of the implications! Think of all that you could accomplish by choosing to step out of your ignorance and become one of the knowing. All you have to do is stop submitting to the judgment of the Lord and make creation submit to you. That is the forbidden path. Would you take the next step with me?”

2014-07-24, 02:56 PM
"You need only tell me how."

2014-07-28, 10:13 PM
“How? 'Tis one thing to corrupt and contradict the will, quite another to break it and dominate it. The knowing can force their will upon others. The knowing can correct the mistake the Lord made by giving man the free will to oppose him. The knowing cannot be opposed. Do you see that bucket of water on the floor?” He asks, pausing in his almost ritualistic chant about the knowing. “Plunge your head into the bucket.”

Paul feels compelled to walk over to the bucket, and not even the animalistic sense of self-preservation that would keep a man from drowning himself matters in the face of Lord Casmir's will.

Dominate 2 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4588063/). 5 successes. That means Casmir can order Paul to do literally anything.

2014-07-31, 01:45 AM
Wait a sec. For one, that's only four. He got a one. For another, he can't make me harm myself regardless.

I'm also curious how my Phobia flaw would interact with this. A bucket isn't exactly deep, but I'd argue the circumstance. I would've just put "water", but then strict RAW would dictate I'd have to roll to not flee in terror from my own drinking glass.


2014-08-02, 10:23 PM
He's rolling against your Willpower,which is a 5, no?

[10,9,5,7,7,1,6] = (6) = Six successes, minus 1 gives us 5.

And with that many successes, someone can be commanded to do almost anything, within my discretion. I'm discreting. A momentary dunk is all you were commanded to do, not to stay submerged until you drowned, so I'm going to say it's a legit use of the power.

As for the phobia, I'm going to say it doesn't kick in.

2014-08-02, 11:24 PM
Huh, I could've sworn I had six. Well, moving on.
After pulling his head from the bucket, Paul blankly stares at Casmir. "Now what was that about?"

2014-08-06, 08:34 PM
“You've felt the corrupting influence of the left-hand path, and you've felt the erosion of the will. Yet there is one more step to achieve full initiation into the mysteries. Dare you take the final plunge?”

Casmir walks over to one of the windows and forces the casement open with a creaking noise. He bids Paul climb though the window, onto the ledge, with a gesture. "There is always a threshold that should be crossed."

Does Paul cross the threshold? While he is free to act on his desires, and has total free will to respond to this invitation.

2014-08-06, 09:37 PM
I suppose that depends what floor we're on. At any rate, he'll certainly poke his head out the window (also looking down so as to answer that question IC) before making the decision.

2014-08-06, 09:46 PM
There is a very steep drop off, at least thirty feet to the back courtyard, which is hard stone. The window ledge is very narrow, about two inches wide.

2014-08-07, 09:11 AM
"You... You want me to jump out the window?"

2014-08-07, 02:18 PM
"No, I merely wish for you to climb out." He answers. "You think you can walk the path of power without knowing that a single misstep can send you plummeting towards disaster?"

2014-08-07, 03:14 PM
Paul sticks his head out the window again for a moment. "Does the lesson have to be so... literal?" Still, he climbs out, absolutely refusing to let go of the windowframe until he has his footing.

2014-08-11, 08:01 PM
The ledge is a narrow one, and overlooks a courtyard. The ground is covered in unyielding, unforgiving rock. A lone, dead tree takes up the center of the courtyard. Hard, cold April winds blow, chilling Paul to the bone, especially his head as the water on his hair and cheeks becomes mercilessly colder. Casmir laughs as he takes her place on the narrow ledge. “If you would know of the Mysteries, you must trust me!” he shouts over the howling winds.

“Think on your place just now, young man. I could compel you to jump at any time! Or I could contradict your will to live into a will to die! Your life is but a flickering flame in my hands!”

2014-08-13, 10:23 PM
Paul has no knowledge of Vampiric Disciplines, but he's quite good at knowing when he's being lied to.

I may be new to the game, but I know Casmir can't actually do those things. Self-harm is one of the listed examples of things one can't be compelled to do.

Perception/Emnpathy: [roll0]
And this definitely falls under his Perception Specialization.

2014-08-15, 09:55 PM
We may agree that Paul can't be suicided off the balcony, but the problem is that Casmir isn't exactly of sound mind. When he gets worked up like this, he does genuinely believe that his own power is greater than it is, so Paul does pick up that he's utterly sincere in his belief that he could do what he said he could.

2014-08-15, 10:15 PM
Paul just stares at the raving man before him, letting him continue with his speech.

2014-08-15, 10:38 PM
"At this point, am I not as powerful as the Lord Above? From here I dictate your fate! If you thought it would save your life, would you pray to me, your new Lord? I have the ability to save you as well as damn you. Would you pray to me, your Saviour, for mercy?"

Casmir does not give Paul a chance to answer his question. "I will not force you to pray to me. You can reject me and I can still be merciful. But then again maybe I will not. It is a pretty long fall, young man!" He says, laughing.

His smile, his laughter, vanish as suddenly as a candle snuffed in the high wind, and he stares with cold hatred. "Mayhap you may leap after dinner." And with that, he closes the window, leaving Paul stranded upon the high, windy ledge.

And with that, we're set to close down this thread for now. I have to say, you fought Casmir much harder than anyone else fought against their soon-to-be sires. What's Paul going to take away from the experience?

2014-08-16, 12:58 AM
Mainly he'll be keeping an eye on himself so as to not develop a god complex.

He also attempts to open the window and go back inside.

2014-08-16, 01:24 AM
Would that it were so easy, mate. Have yourself 3xp!

I'm going to put the finishing touches on every other vignette thread, and then bring everyone back together.

2014-08-16, 02:57 PM
Yeah, didn't really think so.

Paul waits a minute in case Casmir (or the plot, I guess) comes back for him, then puts his foot through the window. To be clear, I'm not "just waiting for the plot". By your own words, it's just about freezing out here. Paul isn't going to stay any longer than he thinks he needs to.

2014-08-17, 11:31 PM
Rolling to see if Paul can kick in the window without slipping off the ledge ---> Success! (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4610558/)

That being done, let's head over to the group thread.