View Full Version : Filmmaking

2014-07-14, 12:27 PM
I didn't see a thread for filmmaking or other video endeavors so I figure'd I'd go ahead, and make one. I suppose people interested in film/vide/cinema stuff can discuss techniques, existing films, and whatnot as well as show off their stuff.

2014-07-15, 05:47 PM
I didn't see a thread for filmmaking or other video endeavors so I figure'd I'd go ahead, and make one. I suppose people interested in film/vide/cinema stuff can discuss techniques, existing films, and whatnot as well as show off their stuff.

Well, at the moment, I'm still wildly amateur- I just finished High School. But, I have a decent amount of film- here's a link to my youtube page!


My proudest achievements are The Jacket, written shot and edited in two hours total, Robert Roberts the Robber Robber- the most confusing story of all time, with a cast and crew totaling two, and Professional Partnership- a film about filmakers making films. Because that's what filmakers do. Make films.

2014-07-16, 11:03 AM
I'm still in high school, and I'd say I'm an amateur as well. Here's where my stuff is at: youtube.com/charliemarcou (http://youtube.com/charliemarcou)