View Full Version : Questions regarding waging peace... against the party.

The Ravensong
2014-07-14, 08:02 PM
So, I have a silly idea regarding villains waging peace against the party and the LG government they serve. The scenario is going to involve what amounts to a peaceful protest against the party in their fortress in which the villains and the rabble that they've roused against the party plan to blockade the entrance and shout out their demands for political change through the night (and day) until their demands are met.

The idea is to wear down the soldiers and personnel of the fortress by preventing them from sleeping/ converting them over to the villain's side/ allowing them through the blockade to go home with the knowledge they won't be let back in until their demands are met.

That said... is there any precedent for a savings throw to fall asleep when someone is actively trying to keep you awake? Has anyone else waged peace against their players? I'm trying to throw non-standard tactics and challenges against my party, but I'm running into the wall of not seeing rules precedents for what I'd like to do.

If I can't find a precedent the plan is to give the party a will savings throw to get a good night's sleep in which the dc will continuously increase with every day they succeed to represent the party getting less and less sleep... and failing to get to sleep resulting in a further save against fatigue.

2014-07-14, 08:22 PM
I can't find rules on insomnia, but I think you've got a relatively unique situation. At a certain point, I'm unsure how much a person shouting at you can affect you sleeping. Maybe look into elder evils? There's an Elder Evil that stops you from sleeping, maybe tone down those effects?