View Full Version : Player Help What should I do?

2014-07-15, 03:41 PM
I gotta say, I'm surprised I managed to make it this long before I asked this question. Basically, I think my group is outstripping my Op-Fu. When I joined my current group we were low op. The most optimized of us was probably our "bag assassin"(bags of holding use to suffocate peeps) and maybe our cleric. I don't really remember much from back then. Recently, most of the old group left for various reasons leaving me as the sole member of the Old Guard. We were all solidly T3 players. The new group.... it seems like every new applicant we get is either High T1 or conversely, Low T3. We have a Shadowcraft Mage(as has been brought up several times) a few Druids who, while I haven't seen them in action yet, I have a good feeling will be T1 players(One's a shifter, so there's that) and we just got a DMM Persist Cleric who does everything I used to do, but better(namely, beatstick) We also have an Unseen Seer, but he mostly focuses on SA and we all know how that can be nerfed. I was the Juggernaut. Focused on shrugging off blows and getting in their faces. Hell, I actually have the wonky grappling rules memorized due to it. All of the Old Guard had used the Pathguy Eberron generator to make our characters. The new group ignored that post(or didn't see it) and just made willy-nilly. I've been trying to get the DMM Cleric to tone it down, as I'm the DM's assistant when it comes to new players(I have the time to look over them, he doesn't) and I know that the DM won't be able to handle his character. He had trouble with the SM/

We're currently level 21 due to a divine boon from Vecna and trying to kill Vol. I get that the game is broken at this point, but using the excuse of "But we're epic level!" isn't a good reason to break it further. We go back to level 15 after we complete the quest and most of our group still far out-paces me. I get it, I'm a melee character and they're casters. But what should I do? I don't really want to leave the group as I really enjoy the DM and have been having a hard time finding another group that fits with my schedule. I also feel like leaving the DM would put him in a situation where he'd suddenly have to handle all these T1 players without having anyone tossing ideas to him.

TL;DR: I have little Op-Fu, my group has far more. Don't want to leave the group because I enjoy the DM. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

2014-07-15, 03:59 PM
Ask the players to play weaker versions of the classes and try to keep up. Lots of optimizers like the chance to still make a beastly character when they're told "You can prestige around freely, but your base classes have to be T4 or lower".

You can still get things like DMM Persist guy using a dip into Sacred Exorcist or Soldier of Light on a different spell list class or something, but it's not going to be quite as awful to deal with as Cleric.

All in all though, if asking them to tone it down doesn't get them to, you might not want to play with them in the first place.

2014-07-15, 04:06 PM
I get that, but I'm not really a fan of, as JP put it, "Oh I can play this character monstrously broken, but I will deign not to." And I doubt that the other players are going to have a reason to rebuildd anytime soon as their damn near invincible.

Maybe I should try to get in on that JP game...

2014-07-15, 04:11 PM
You could give them a reason to rebuild their characters by... I don't know... how about asking them to?

I mean, steamrolling everything because the DM can't challenge you can be fun for a couple of sessions, but if you go about it saying it may help them enjoy the game more by letting the DM make interesting challenges that don't get circumvented or crushed, you may be able to get them on board with the idea.