View Full Version : Optimization Character Concept: Eliza Chainbreaker, the Cold Champion

2014-07-15, 04:08 PM
Let them go, let them go
I am one with the Eladrin Court
Let them go, let them go
You'll never enslave my folk
Here we stand
And here we'll fight
Let all Hell rage on

The Cold never seemed to control me

From our semi-gestalt game, the DM's sister wants to get in the party. She has mostly played 2e and Savage Worlds, and little 3.5/PF, so she asked me for advice. Also, the DM recently bought the Tome of Battle, so most of us in the melee department are willing to get at least a look at it.

She'll be starting at level 6, but I like to think that she wants to plan ahead, so this is what she has so far. Yes, it needs a lot of work, and the DM might allow her to gestalt.

Concept image:

(Ok, so my photoshop skills suck :smallbiggrin:)

As a child, Eliza only knew servitude, and she hated it. She was the daughter of a thrall, servants of the sandshapers of the river kingdom of Ahtep, and as a thrall she was witness of the cruelty of the sandlords: Their worship of bloody gods, their dealings with fire giants, and the broken will of her people: The frostfolk.

During a night, however, she also was witness of a rebellion of her people, a former jarl known as Olaf Brittleaxe broke his chains and dared to strike the Pharaoh, only to have his arms and legs torn off, as he was under the influence of their magic. Angered, she prayed to someone, anyone, to free her and her people.

Her prayers were answered in the shape of magic: Ice magic, to be more precise. At first, she was scared of her gift, but soon found herself controlling it little by little, and in time, she freed herself from her masters, and fled north, where no one could fin her.

One day, however, she was found by an old warrior: Seth, the unrelenting. He was a daring warrior, brave and brash. He called himself a paladin, but employed tactics that no other paladins she heard of used. Later on she found he was what some called Holy Liberators, and soon after the two became known freedom fighters against the sand shapers. Seth took her under his wing, and trained her in combat. Soon after, she became a Paladin of Freedom in her own right, and in time, she managed to fuse her combat prowess and her magic. During this time, she found that her prayers were answered by the Court of the Stars, whom they contacted her in her dreams; they needed a mortal champion, to combat the darkness of the sandshapers, and they said that they were guided not by themselves, but by her people's god: Odin.

When she awoke from that last revealing dream, she realized that Seth was actually Odin in disguise, but never found the old man again. She felt determined to follow her path, and continued onward, fighting slavers and devil worshipers that owed their fealty to the Sandshapers.

However, news that the sandshapers had sent a large group of slavers against her people in the north drove her to go alone to the lands that saw her birth. She withstood the bitter snowstorms, and even survived some of its savage denizens, but she arrived in time, wielding ice colder than winter, and the righteous wrath of the Eladrins that had guided her from the beginning.

Now, she keeps to herself in an abandoned fortress that overlooks the shore where the sandshapers first tried to attack her people. There she trains the townsfolk to fight, and uses what little magic she was to see their acitivies.

Human Paladin (Paladin of Freedom) 3/Warblade 1/Sorcerer (Metamagic Adept) 3/Abjurant Champion 5/Elemental Adept (Ice) 1/Frost mage 7

Stats (rolled):

Str 16
Dex 12
Con 16
Int 14
Wis 12
Cha 18


1.- Combat Casting
Human.- Snowcasting
3.- Smiting Spell
6.- Energy Substitution (Ice)
9.- Lord of Uttercold
12.- Frozen Magic
15.- Arcane Strike
18.- ???

Now, there is the possibility that the DM might allow her to gestalt either pally/sorc or warblade/sorc, and since I've never used Tome of Battle (and no one in the group, for that matter), I think all advice given will be highly welcomed