View Full Version : Pathfinder Illithid Contamination, The Adversary

2014-07-15, 10:18 PM
I am going to be part of a game soon that only has two players (apart from the DM). I’ve known the DM for MANY years and he loves epic battles and the idea of heroes overcoming great odds. Due to this he wants us to make Gestalt Pathfinder characters. This…should be interesting. From what I understand of it the overall idea is that he wants us to power game. He wants to throw crazy things at us, and he wants us to be legendary. I usually get very nervous around this kind of DM, but I like I said I know this fellow and he is a FANTASTIC story teller. Like Tolkien, but he doesn’t spend 10 pages talking about a door.

The purpose of this thread is two fold. I would like suggestions on the crunch, and opinions/suggestions on the fluff.

Oh and also I know Illithids do not exist in Golarion, but in this campaign they do. With that said, let us get to part A, the FLUFF.

My character's name is an Illithid variant (explained in a bit) named Uropattormalinashezres (Uro for short). The creatures story begins when a very powerful mage (gestalt cleric/wizard) began his experiments with aberrations. Through a process not entirely understood yet he altered the larvae inside of a pre-spawn mindflayer and released it back into the underdark. This creature expelled only one tadpole into the elder brain's pool instead of the multitude normally expressed. The mindflayer in question kept this startling occurrence to himself hoping that he would not be singled out. He hoped the relatively normal looking spawn would perish in the brine, as many do quite commonly.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until it was time for this tadpoles implantation. What resulted...was not expected. The end result was a mindflayer with red eyes, forest green skin, 3 fingered hands (2 fingers 1 thumb) and a slightly stockier build than normal. The strangest part was that the left forarm and hand were larger and more muscular than the right and had sharp claws. It did not even seem to belong on this creature.

What followed was hell for this creature. Captivity, experimentation, psychic and mystical inquisition. During this time a startling revelation was made. The variant seemed to have no real emotions, but it did retain the memories of its host.
"Adversary," was whispered in hushed and fearful tones.

It was decided the creature would be put down, but when the inquisitors came to his cell, he was gone. Next thing Uro knew he was in a field outside Riddleport.

Now things get CRUNCHY. The character is the result of exposing a Mind Flayer's reproductive system to the strange energies of the outer realms (yes the theurge that did this experiment was a member of Cthulhu's Cult.)

For stats I am using the stats laid out in this post:


That post was done by Admiral Squish, and he did a wonderful job. Maybe not for a full fledged flayer, but certainly for a PC variant.

To get even crunchier I was going to make him a Cleric 10 Contemplative 10/Dread 20. (dread being from dreamscarred press' Psionics Unleashed)

*Contemplative is from complete divine (3.5), but the DM Ok'd the use of it.

Im using the cleric archetype Theosophist for this. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/kobold-press/theosophist

By level 20 he should have access to 5 domains of which I believe I will use Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, Void, and Madness.

I am not really sure what to do when it comes to feats. All I have for certain right now is that I want him to be a scholar of old lore, and have a burning hatred to Illithids.

I was inspired by a quote from farscape. Scorpius, referring to Scarrans, said, "I would trade my life for their destruction."
No idea why it inspired me so.

Anyway, I know this post was very rambly and mind-numbingly long. I thank you for reading this far. Right now im just looking for suggestions as to a good old lore scholar, and any suggestions that may add to my backstory or make it more interesting.

Thank you in advance.

2014-07-16, 07:28 AM
Hm...on second thought not sure about the -2con AND str...

2014-07-19, 09:46 PM
Even if it's a terrible idea someone throw me a bone here.

2014-07-19, 11:16 PM
Hmmm. You're an emotionless, mutated mindflayer hero with an unpronounceable name whose appearance is vaguely reminiscent of Cthulhu crossed with Kermit the frog. You have no friends, no family, no connections to any organizations in the gameworld. You look like something that would have every citizen of any normal town running for their lives at the sight of you. Despite being emotionless, you hate mindflayers (???), but, frankly, so does everyone who knows anything about them, so that's not really saying much. And that's it.

It does need some development. I could offer you some questions to consider.
Where does your character live? How does it function in society, considering that it has an appearance that not even illithids would consider "street-normal"?
Why keep that unpronounceable name given to you by people you hate? If you find a proper place in society, why not give yourself a name appropriate to the local culture?
Which library or monastic order does it belong to? Who is its superior? Who are its compatriots?
What is its motivation for engaging with the world, considering that it has no emotions (except hate, apparently), pursues a class that suggests a retiring lifestyle, and may have difficulty walking the street of any humanoid population center without being attacked? "Kill mindflayers" is not a sufficient answer to this.

2014-07-21, 08:42 PM
What are Uropattormalinashezres' religious principles? And deity?