View Full Version : Is it possible to increase the # of attacks of opportunity an enemy can make on you?

Pinkie Pyro
2014-07-16, 01:56 AM
Is it possible to increase the number of attacks of opportunity an enemy can make on you? If so, a "move into and out of enemies' threatened area with Robilar's gambit" build becomes a lot more attractive...

2014-07-16, 02:09 AM
Ask the DM to give them Combat Reflexes

Seriously, casting Snake's Swiftness on them will allow for an extra attack. That's about all I can think of right now.

2014-07-16, 03:30 AM
Even if you could, the enemy can still not attack you if you're just baiting it. That's the problem with Robilar's in general, though.

2014-07-16, 06:56 AM
our GM is nice. and gives all enemies as many AoO as they want anyway. as he hates keeping track of them. plus we are clever enough to avoid them

2014-07-16, 09:40 AM
our GM is "nice".

FTFY. You should offer to keep up with them for him. Just have each player keep up with the AoO for the opponent(s) they're engaged with. Does he at least give you the same unlimited AoO?

2014-07-16, 01:54 PM
Well, you could cast a Chain Reach Heroics to give them Combat Reflexes. With Arcane Thesis (Heroics) that's a steal at a mere 5th level spell slot. Against slower, clumsier enemies it might be worthwhile casting Mass Cat's Grace first. Ideally your enemies will be so shocked by this lovely gesture that they don't even think to save.

Of course, enemies don't have to make AoOs and that strategy is dependent on getting hit a lot so it might not be an economical use of spells and feats.

2014-07-16, 02:03 PM
Even if you could, the enemy can still not attack you if you're just baiting it. That's the problem with Robilar's in general, though.

True dat.

That's the main reason you need something to draw aggro. I'd highly recommend 3 levels in Knight or a few levels in Crusader for that. That way they're pretty much stuck with hitting you, or hitting nobody else.

2014-07-16, 02:17 PM
There really should be something like a taunt (like from World of Warcraft) that is fairly standard or at least easily accessible for protective tank-types. Maybe a feat but it should be a class-feature for many tanks. In my game, I use the intimidate skill.

2014-07-16, 03:08 PM
our GM is nice. and gives all enemies as many AoO as they want anyway. as he hates keeping track of them. plus we are clever enough to avoid them

I don't see what's so difficult about this - it's either 1 or their dex mod in most cases, and the DM should be tracking their dex mod anyway because he needs to know their initiative, AC/touch AC, reflex, RAB etc.

2014-07-16, 03:54 PM
I don't see what's so difficult about this - it's either 1 or their dex mod in most cases, and the DM should be tracking their dex mod anyway because he needs to know their initiative, AC/touch AC, reflex, RAB etc.

And it's not like you have to keep up with it long. It's only for that round.

2014-07-16, 04:02 PM
You know, just like there is feinting and demoralising I don't see why either of those skills could be used to taunt (or maybe use diplomacy for it but then for the opposite effect of the normal skill; the higher the result, the higher the chance of lowering their disposition towards you and bait them into attacking you.

2014-07-16, 04:51 PM
I don't see what's so difficult about this - it's either 1 or their dex mod in most cases, and the DM should be tracking their dex mod anyway because he needs to know their initiative, AC/touch AC, reflex, RAB etc.

Minor nitpick, combat reflexes grants additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus. so it'd be dex mod +1 not dex mod.

Otherwise I agree, AoO tracking has never been the burdensome part of paperwork in combat, usually its initiative.

2014-07-16, 06:06 PM
FTFY. You should offer to keep up with them for him. Just have each player keep up with the AoO for the opponent(s) they're engaged with. Does he at least give you the same unlimited AoO?

AoO rules and concealment rules he is very light on and forgetful anyway. and since we do not use a battle grid they rarely occur unless they are a blatant "offence" as it were. so its not as if it happens commonly. and no we do not get the same. but i don't think i have ever seen more than 3 from an enemy in a turn.

2014-07-16, 06:08 PM
I usually just give everyone Mythic Combat Reflexes as a free bonus feat.

Pinkie Pyro
2014-07-16, 06:32 PM
Even if you could, the enemy can still not attack you if you're just baiting it. That's the problem with Robilar's in general, though.

A successful Bluff check indicates that the target reacts as you wish, at least for a short time (usually 1 round or less) or believes something that you want it to believe.

Not a big problem, I can just make a bluff check to force them to attack me.

2014-07-16, 07:00 PM
Not a big problem, I can just make a bluff check to force them to attack me.

You can force them to get angry ("react") but whether they attack is still up to them. "Bluff is not a suggestion spell."

2014-07-16, 08:32 PM
You can force them to get angry ("react") but whether they attack is still up to them. "Bluff is not a suggestion spell."
Oooh, that suggests an interesting use for Mass Suggestion. "He's the dangerous one, you should all attack him at once to take him down the fastest."

Depending on the setup, it may even be true!

Pinkie Pyro
2014-07-17, 01:31 AM
You can force them to get angry ("react") but whether they attack is still up to them. "Bluff is not a suggestion spell."

And then we get into the argument:
"I force him to react to my bluff by attacking me"

but obviously this is one that is up to stingy DMs.

Silva Stormrage
2014-07-17, 02:08 AM
You can force them to get angry ("react") but whether they attack is still up to them. "Bluff is not a suggestion spell."

"Cough" http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#instillSuggestioninTarget "Cough"

Granted not feasible for most builds but hey :smalltongue:. Bluff CAN be a suggestion spell.

2014-07-17, 07:57 AM
"Cough" http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#instillSuggestioninTarget "Cough"

Granted not feasible for most builds but hey :smalltongue:. Bluff CAN be a suggestion spell.

Blah blah ELH blah. It's 3.0 so the DM decides whether the epic usages are even possible or whether they work as written with no modifications.