View Full Version : Planning the heist

2014-07-16, 01:10 PM
After watching a couple episodes of Hustle I thought it might be fun for the PCs (especially the rogue) to plan and execute a museum heist. After mocking up a couple of schematics I started to realised that I'm not actually an architect and that I have no idea what I'm doing, so here I am on the internet looking for other peoples' hard work.

Anyway onto the actual point of this topic, does anyone know of any pre-made modules or material they're willing to share based around a sneaking around a large building?

2014-07-16, 02:01 PM
I'm a big fan of the Heists in Payday, which seem to follow the law of K.I.S.S.

Keep It Simple Stupid*, the bigger the area where the Heist is taking place, the more variables there are likely to be. The bigger you make the location, the more time you need to give players during the planning stage and the more static you'll need to make your defences.

You'll of course need to plan out every last detail of the location, so your players would be able to more easily gather information and you'd be more ready to react to their actions in a believable way.

*That's actually kinda insulting, I still like the acronym though.