View Full Version : Additions to the Evil Overlord list

Jay R
2014-07-17, 06:31 AM
A couple of decades ago, Peter Anspruch and friends compiled the Evil Overlord list.

I wrote some additions, purely for my own amusement. I recently posted some of them, and ChaosArchon asked to see more of them. So here they are, for anybody who cares.

Jay R’s Evil Overlord Rules:

1. I will not line the walls of my flammable chateau with torches.

2. My carpets will be nailed down.

3. No room, even my throne room, that is ever likely to have prisoners in it, will be decorated by hanging weapons on the walls.

4. Only one copy of the plans for my headquarters will ever show the escape tunnel from my private quarters, and that copy will be kept locked up in my private quarters. The outside entrance will be located in the middle of the deadly quicksand swamp, guarded by wyverns. The only key will be kept on my person. Notwithstanding all of these precautions, no such tunnel will ever be built.

5. The exterior of my castle will not be made of sturdy, impressive looking granite. It will be made of dull, boring adobe, which flakes off when you try to scale the walls.

6. My enemy doesn’t have to remain alive so that he’ll know that I’ve beaten him. It’s enough that his head is on a pike in my courtyard. I'll know I’ve beaten him, and it’s what we think of ourselves that’s important.

7. The letter “Z”, the sign of the bat, the scarlet pimpernel, or any other symbol invented by my enemy will be immediately used as a trademark for a brand of disposable diapers or fat-free yogurt. Carved into a wall, it will neither inspire the peasants nor terrify my guards.

8. I will confide in one trusted lieutenant that many years ago a wizard put a curse on me that if one who is true of heart tries to kill himself in my presence, he will survive, and I will die instead. The curse is, of course, entirely spurious.

9. I will offer monthly cash prizes for the worst news brought to me by one of my subjects. When the hero escapes, I want to hear about it, damn it!

10. If I ever find an ultimate super-weapon that can only be used once, I will not save it for a crucial moment when I am under siege and the hero is just as close to it as I am. I will fire it immediately at a cardboard target on a firing range, alone.

11. The captured hero need not be brought to my throne room. His head will be brought to my throne room, his heart to the security station, and his liver left where he was captured.

12. I will set strict standards for personal honor and honesty, cultivating a reputation as a totally honorable villain. I will do this by telling the truth whenever possible, combined with a strict policy that all double-crosses must be instantly fatal to the recipient.

13. I will not raise my enemy’s daughter as my own. If I am tempted to do so because such beauty must be preserved, I will instead use her as fertilizer for my rose garden.

14. No trees will be allowed to grow near palace windows.

15. All guards will be trained that the phrase “Such-and such happened – should we raise the drawbridge?” is unacceptable. Better is “… so we raised the drawbridge immediately.” Best of all is “ … but it’s all right because the drawbridge was up just like it’s supposed to be.”

16. I will start an entertainer’s college to train all the jesters, bards, jugglers and fools I require. Unknown performers seeking entrance are to be used for target practice.

17. Any tall, ruggedly handsome man who is too mild-mannered or effete to carry a sword or gun will be put to death. Real wimps look like wimps.

18. The first handsome but indolent man who idly inquires about my plan to capture the masked outlaw will be arrested immediately. I will then tell him, “That’s my plan to capture the masked outlaw.”

19. I will never use the fatally ambiguous phrase “the only one I can trust,” which blurs the crucial distinction between “loyal servant” and “competent servant”.

20. If my plan to destroy the hero requires slaying innocent people, and the hero asks me how I could do such a horrible thing, I won’t tell him; I’ll show him.

21. I will not sneer at or insult any of my servants. It always comes back to haunt you.

22. All merchants will be instructed to report any man who buys black bridal satin, or any other girly fabric that men never wear except to fight injustice.

23. In any public competition I hold, all finalists not in my direct employ will be shot – before the competition ends.

24. I will employ an automatic device to send random Morse code messages throughout my dungeons about escape, tunnels, changes of the guard, etc.

25. Prisoners will be shaved and bathed every day for easy identification. They will also be dyed purple.

26. A prisoner who dies in my dungeons will not be sewn into a bag and dropped into the sea or buried in a shallow grave – he will be mulched.

27. My enemy will not be left to rot on a desert island – he will be shot. The personal touch means so much to people.

28. I will not employ my enemy’s estranged childhood friend to capture him because “you know how he thinks.” Everybody knows how the hero thinks.

29. I will always show a proper appreciation for the literary requirements. When the hero is captured and about to die, I will not make a speech about my triumph. That just marks the climax of an adventure story, when the hero is about to win. I will let him make a speech, as required by the poetic structure of a tragedy, in which the hero dies a noble death.

30. I will be a caring and protective ruler, concerned with the health and well-being of my people. Accordingly, if any child sees his parents murdered, I will have the child put into the care of a competent psychiatrist who can prevent his trauma from developing into a harmful and annoying obsession about devoting his life to the cause of justice.

31. Under penalty of death, no priestly vestments will include a hood or other face-obscuring accessory. Furthermore, the only approved clerical attire for visiting prisons and gallows will be designed by Speedo.

32. A hero who has lied to me or my minions (as is necessary in most plans to sneak into my fortress in disguise) has forfeited any right to hold me to a standard of truthfulness. Let’s remember which of us is supposed to be evil, shall we?

33. If I lock up the charming but insolent masked outlaw, and then return later to find him gone and the cell occupied instead by my charming but insolent friend (coincidentally the same height and weight), then I won’t release him; I’ll have him shot. If the masked outlaw returns, I will apologize and build my friend a proper memorial.

34. If one of my servants really wants to tell me something before I light the fuse, then I will listen before I light the fuse.

35. When engaged in a hand-to-hand fight with my enemy, I will utter a taunting but lame insult. Since I know he will stop fighting for a moment to respond immediately with a much wittier insult, a sardonic smile, and a stalwart pose, that’s the time to strike.

36. When engaged in a search, guards will be instructed to pull the beards of all bearded passers-by.

37. Chandelier ropes in my castle will not be strong enough to support the weight of a man.

38. All vines growing near or on my castle will be covered with thorns.

39. No vines will be allowed to grow up my castle wall. The vine-like thing visible on the outer walls will actually be disguised electrical fencing.

40. When I capture the hero and his beautiful girlfriend, I will not slap him when he utters a brassy and defiant insult. That only encourages him. I will slap the girl.

41. When a common enemy appears, I will not make a temporary pact with the hero. He’s the hero – he has to face the monster. I will blow up the planet they meet on.

42. I will not be “amused by the pitiful efforts” of my foe. I will be amused by shooting him.

43. All floor plans of my palace will have the words “throne room” and “death trap” switched.

44. I will not wait for the music to crescendo before pulling the switch.

45. On the first day after my triumph, everyone will hear a brilliant song lampooning me, as the latest worker of Drogo the jester. On the second day, Drogo will not be found.

46. I will not fight near a cliff, rooftop, catwalk, bridge, or other high place.

47. I will not pursue bands of outlaws into the forest; I will burn the forest down.

48. My legions will be taught to shoot straight. My legions will be taught to shoot straight. My legions will be taught to shoot straight.

49. I will not build a secret tunnel into my headquarters. It's my headquarters - I’m allowed to walk in the front gate.

2014-07-17, 06:31 PM
29. I will always show a proper appreciation for the literary requirements. When the hero is captured and about to die, I will not make a speech about my triumph. That just marks the climax of an adventure story, when the hero is about to win. I will let him make a speech, as required by the poetic structure of a tragedy, in which the hero dies a noble death.

I thought this one is particular was really good.

And if we're making additions here:

50. When it comes to guards, footsoldiers, or any other kind of mook, they will be given an intense training regimen and held to a high standard of marksmanship and physical strength.
51. Personal initiative and competence will be rewarded with promotion and a high level of esprit-de-corps will be encouraged in all units.
52. Mistakes among soldiers and especially officers, unless they are grievous, negligent, and/or repeated, will NOT be punishable by death.
53. Conscription will only be used under the most dire of circumstances.
54. Guards will, whenever possible, be posted in teams of four. Any disturbance, alert, or unidentified noise will be investigated by TWO of the guards while the other two keep a lookout.
55. Any disturbance, alert, or unidentified noise will immediately be reported to the Captain of the Guard. Failure to check back in with an all-clear within five minutes will result in the entire base going to high alert and reinforcements being sent to the trouble spot (but for the love of all that is Evil, not ALL the guards on the base).

Scowling Dragon
2014-07-17, 09:15 PM
I'm not a big fan of the evil overlord list because it just doesn't take into account humanity or reality. Its like a "How to be perfect list" and then laughing at even realistic failure.

Lots of the stuff would be redundant, take up lots of time and money and at the end you'r left with no time to enjoy yourself as an evil overlord.

2014-07-17, 10:30 PM
56.teach the guards: don't investigate the rustling bushes. Leave your partner to guard the entrance and investigate the bushes directly across from it

57.Make sure there is a single, miniscule detail on each guards armour that no one else would notice and must be seen before entering the base

58.Make sure that your henchmen don't have an IQ of 3

59. Don't capture people to torture for fun. Shoot the un-needed prisoners and torure the others for information

60.Don't keep the button that opens all prison cells or keys within 5 feet of the cells

62.Don't keep the heroes secret weapon that can kill you instantly next to yo when you interrogate someone. Break it.

Well, that's all I could think of.

2014-07-17, 11:37 PM
63. Require that all visitors to my public offices that resemble extremely fashion-conscious paramedics in body armor be shot on sight, even if they do not mumble about guards or cameras.
64. Require that all sacrifices or executions be run by me, my advisors and a board of minion directors before being planned or carried out.*
65. Have only one specialist, who is in my employ, build any and all secret weapon, supply and armor compartments in my offices, dungeons or other areas, then have him leave all the keys with me, arrange an execution of his body double in a public square, and have him spirited away to a randomly determined location with memory-wiping drugs administered to him beforehand, just in case I need him again.

*And no goats. Sacrificing goats is a no-no.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-18, 02:39 AM
66. Don't become obsessed with controlling "the narrative". Life is not a story. Simply do what makes sense to do.

67. Even if my plan technically involves the hero becoming victorious over me, blabbing it all right to their face is still the worst decision I can make.

68. Power I cannot access is no power at all. Do not hunt down obscure tomes and strange rituals to gain world domination, instead try seeking things that are more practical, like money or political power, and if possible, religious. People fear you much more if they believe your a god.

69. Learn to lie through truth-twisting. The best liars don't need to lie after all, only mislead through technical truths.

70. I will know when to give up. Sticking to a plan until it goes up in flames, probably literally, without assessing the changing conditions of the situation is stupid and wasteful.

71. When I make my doomsday weapon, like a hypnotic world ray, I will be covert in my operations to build it as possible, acquiring the materials through the most quiet and discreet means possible instead of say, blatantly taking it with force and thus giving away what I'm after to the heroes.

72. Only Power equals Power. I shall make give myself a well-rounded skill set to better deal with unexpected situations and so I don't put all my eggs in one basket and find myself vulnerable because I never learned unarmed combat.

73. If I am going to blab my plan, lie about in its entirety and say that its something completely different, and of course build a fake device for the hero to attack instead of the real one. that way they will destroy my decoy and my real plan will go off without a hitch.

74. On second thought, why rely on only ONE plan for world domination? build multiple doomsday devices with diverse methods and design, then set them all off at the same time. that way there is a higher chance that at least one of my doomsday devices will succeed.

75. Then make decoys for all of those, just in case.

76. If I live in a universe where love and friendship are physical forces of the universe that can change the outcome of a battle, I shall make sure my own minions are close friends and lovers with each other in their evil deeds, love and friendship are not bound by morality after all.

77. If my ultimate weapon can be destroyed by throwing it into the place where it was made, then just seal it up! Thus ensuring my victory.

2014-07-18, 04:05 AM
While the Evil Overlord list was entertaining, I do feel that if taken in full, and with some of the suggestions here incorporated, it's not only restrictive, but almost counterproductive. Everything ends up being over-thought and over-planned to take account of increasingly obscure scenarios, at the expense of actually being effective in whatever your evil plan is (and more importantly, enjoying yourself in doing so). Moreover the list is so long it's impossible to remember. While some of the specifics of the list are still worth bearing in mind, I think it would rather be more productive to try to reduce it, specifically to a set of general principles:

1. Don't become overconfident.
2. Maintain a realistic assessment of the competence and loyalty of one's underlings.
3. Take measures to increase the competence and loyalty of one's underlings.
4. Don't underestimate the hero.
5. Act swiftly and decisively, after an appropriate amount of research.
6. Avoid complexity for complexity's sake.
7. Don't self-sabotage.
8. Ignore any of the above rules on a case-by-case basis if they're getting in the way of what's really important.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-18, 04:33 AM
Don't you mean "Eight Habits of Highly Effective Evil Overlords" Aedilred?

2014-07-18, 05:45 AM
Well, maybe. But then the Evil Overlord list is itself a jumble anyway, ranging from general pieces of advice ("I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them") to extraordinarily specific ("If I am fighting with the hero atop a moving platform, have disarmed him, and am about to finish him off and he glances behind me and drops flat, I too will drop flat instead of quizzically turning around to find out what he saw"). Really, it's just identifying cliches, or perceived cliches, in a certain type of fiction, and pointing out either that you shouldn't do that, or that there's a simpler way to deal with the problem ("If I'm eating dinner with the hero, put poison in his goblet, then have to leave the table for any reason, I will order new drinks for both of us instead of trying to decide whether or not to switch with him").

It's certainly not what it says it is, which is a "top 100 things I would do as an Evil Overlord". It's more like "Tricky situations you might encounter as an Evil Overlord and how to resolve them, rookie mistakes to avoid, and also some general advice". The list on the website currently has over 250 entries, which is getting on for too long to remember conveniently and since some of the advice is only applicable in emergencies or specific situations, adding more entries isn't going to help.

And yes, I know it's just for fun, and not actual advice that (I hope) anyone is relying on. (Indeed, I think some fan additions forget that it's not meant to be taken entirely seriously, which is something that shines through in the original). But if the point is to be a list of practical maxims for an Evil Overlord to live by, I think we're at the stage where it needs to be shorter rather than longer.

Lord Raziere
2014-07-18, 05:52 AM
hence the alternate name. people are just gonna keep adding things to the EO List no matter what you do. naming those eight things "Evil Overlord List" is just confusing. name it something else to differentiate it, then go to the website, explain your reasoning for it, and submit it, requesting that it be kept separate from the rest of the evil overlord list and such. I'm sure they'll be cool with it. after all, its user-submitted anyways, right? here however, they will just fade into the depths of the forum eventually....

2014-07-18, 05:56 AM
I'm not actually proposing an official (or even unofficial) revision to the EOL or anything. (I don't think the site is even still maintained, is it? It doesn't seem to have been updated since at least 2004). It's just that since we're having a discussion on modifications to the EOL, I thought I'd offer an alternative perspective on how to improve it.

Jay R
2014-07-18, 06:35 AM
I'm not a big fan of the evil overlord list because it just doesn't take into account humanity or reality. Its like a "How to be perfect list" and then laughing at even realistic failure.

No, it's just a way to make fun of silly things that happen in movies.

While the Evil Overlord list was entertaining, I do feel that if taken in full, and with some of the suggestions here incorporated, it's not only restrictive, but almost counterproductive. Everything ends up being over-thought and over-planned to take account of increasingly obscure scenarios, at the expense of actually being effective in whatever your evil plan is (and more importantly, enjoying yourself in doing so). Moreover the list is so long it's impossible to remember. While some of the specifics of the list are still worth bearing in mind, I think it would rather be more productive to try to reduce it, specifically to a set of general principles:

1. Don't become overconfident.
2. Maintain a realistic assessment of the competence and loyalty of one's underlings.
3. Take measures to increase the competence and loyalty of one's underlings.
4. Don't underestimate the hero.
5. Act swiftly and decisively, after an appropriate amount of research.
6. Avoid complexity for complexity's sake.
7. Don't self-sabotage.
8. Ignore any of the above rules on a case-by-case basis if they're getting in the way of what's really important.

I think you've succeeded completely at your goal. You have successfully eliminated all the overlappings, inconsistencies. restrictions, over-thinking, over-planning, obscure scenarios, and humor from this series of jokes.

2014-07-18, 06:54 AM
I think you've succeeded completely at your goal. You have successfully eliminated all the overlappings, inconsistencies. restrictions, over-thinking, over-planning, obscure scenarios, and humor from this series of jokes.

I think that making the list as long as it is has successfully in itself eliminated the humor of it as I had great difficulties caring about continuing beyond rule 20

2014-07-18, 07:06 AM
- When in doubt, shoot.

- Seriously, shoot.

2014-07-18, 05:10 PM
I'm not a big fan of the evil overlord list because it just doesn't take into account humanity or reality. Its like a "How to be perfect list" and then laughing at even realistic failure.

Lots of the stuff would be redundant, take up lots of time and money and at the end you're left with no time to enjoy yourself as an evil overlord.

I agree with this completely.

There are some funny items here (especially 33, 36 and 49), but my idea of comedy requires mistakes and things not going to plan. Most of the humour in EO lists comes from the imagined consquences of trying to use such list of contigencies. Proper EO comedy, IMO, should be about pointlessly nasty things being shoehorned into practical ideas.

10. If I ever find an ultimate super-weapon that can only be used once, I will not save it for a crucial moment when I am under siege and the hero is just as close to it as I am. I will fire it immediately at a cardboard target on a firing range, alone.
I give you a reign of about a week. :smalltongue:

2014-07-19, 02:16 AM
Most of the humour in EO lists comes from the imagined consquences of trying to use such list of contigencies. Proper EO comedy, IMO, should be about pointlessly nasty things being shoehorned into practical ideas.

Or just about Tropes in general.

Though this one does stick in the mind:

142: If I have children and subsequently grandchildren, I will keep my three-year-old granddaughter near me at all times. When the hero enters to kill me, I will ask him to first explain to her why it is necessary to kill her beloved grandpa. When the hero launches into an explanation of morality way over her head, that will be her cue to pull the lever and send him into the pit of crocodiles. After all, small children like crocodiles almost as much as Evil Overlords and it's important to spend quality time with the grandkids.

2014-07-19, 10:21 PM
so, back to the list then?
78. I will never needlessly engage in genocide, as that just brings bad publicity and, in this day and age, could result in declarations of war from countries who would otherwise have no interest in stopping me, in addition to the generic underdog hero wanting to save his people.
79. Conversely, if genocide is required for my evil plans to succeed (that is, it is a means, rather than the ends, such as I need to gather souls to do something), my targets will be a weak country with which I have no prior connection and share no borders.
80. If I have any allies and plan to betray them, I will wait until all of my current enemies are utterly defeated before I make new ones.
81. If I am from a land other than that which I rule, I will do my best to adopt the local accent and customs, as well as make up a believable story about how I am actually from a small village within the borders of my domain.
82. Further, if I am disfigured or deformed in any way, I will NOT let my wounds consume me and swear revenge against the hero. If I cannot afford the plastic surgery to fix this, I am obviously doing something wrong.
83. I will also NOT, and I repeat, NOT give myself any lengthy titles, or even any evil-sounding ones. I am secure in my own power and do not need to show it off.
84. I will send my jesters on tour as stand-up comedians, as not only will this show that I enjoy a good laugh and am willing to share my joy with others, but they can effectively be used as subliminal propaganda.