View Full Version : DM Help Fallen Druid

2014-07-17, 01:25 PM
Hey I wanted to ask you guys a question and get some opinions on a situation that arouse in a 3.5 game I DM.

My group discovered the Hand of Venca. Now normally it pretty easy to apply it and move on, however the group member that decided to use it was a druid and happened to roll a 1 on the will save changing her to evil.

The druid is level 18 and my first thought was just convert the character into a Blighter. However after looking at that I'm unsure on how to go about it or if I should. It seems a pretty weak and would not put her on the same power level as the rest of the group which has 4 wizards and others.

Anyone has some thoughts on how I might effectively handle this situation?

2014-07-17, 01:28 PM
Do you mean that she was lawful neutral or chaotic neutral, and is now LE or CE?

As if she's neutral evil she can still totally be a druid.

2014-07-17, 01:31 PM
I may have missed something, but it appears that the Druid only became evil. So long as they are NE, they can continue to be a Druid. Druids just have to be neutral to some degree. (N, CN, LN, NG, or NE)

If they have ceased being Neutral, then you DO have a problem, and finding a way to fix the problem and restore the character might be the next logical step, rather than making them change the character utterly.

If someone else who knows more has another idea, feel free to share.

2014-07-17, 02:01 PM
hmmmm.... how about druid 5/blighter 3/planar shepard 10 (yes you miss out on 3 levels of spell advancement as you hit max level after planar Shepard 7 but you can make up for that by saying UNDEAD wild shape counts for planar Shepard.

this way they can change into undead, magical beasts and elementals and outsiders. i would allow large after magical beasts and huge at elemental/outsiders if you still feel its not up to scratch.

so 9th level spells, a very good wildshape and flavoured as very evil. any grey areas and you are the DM.

2014-07-17, 02:21 PM
If they remained neutral on the law/chaos side, the 'helm of opposite alignment' would fix them right up to neutral good again.

2014-07-17, 02:43 PM
The character is no longer neutral, and if she wishing to go through the steps and such to no longer be changed she can. I mean a party with 4 level 18 or 19 wizards they can do just about anything they want if they put their mind to it correctly.

That's and interesting idea, I'm not very familiar with druids so I will have to look into it some more.

2014-07-17, 02:44 PM
The simplest solution I can think of would be to "strengthen" the drawback just a little, by specifically shifting the character's alignment to NE rather than just shifting along the Good-Evil axis. Then the druid's alignment would still be compatible with the class, and in a happy(?) coincidence, NE matches Vecna's alignment anyway.

2014-07-17, 03:08 PM
It would be very easy for the druid to slide to NE from his current LE or CE alignment.

His class draws him to Neutrality, and requires it. Vecna's alignment is also NE. If he went NE as a druid, he'd still be a druid.