View Full Version : DM Help So my players made a demigod...

2014-07-17, 07:05 PM
Yea you read it right, one of my players went and slept with a god with full intention of getting herself knocked up, and what do you know? She made every roll I could think of. It was on her first character, and I didn't have the heart to just tell her no, as much as I probably should have. So now I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need to stat out a baby. Not just any baby, the baby of one of the two most powerful entities in our homebrew setting, the God of Chaos (it's a law vs chaos setting, rather than a good vs evil). The anarchic template seems like the laziest way to do it, as well as a divine rank, but is there any better way to do it? Source book wise all I have is Core, UA, MM3, and SpComp, (I know its random, I live in a small town with one bookstore. Sue me.) I was going to go with a girl, and bard levels would be the best fit lore-wise, but other than those specifics I'm a bit puzzled as to where to go from there.

It's going to end up a DMPC if she grows up, cause there is no way in hell I'm handing this off to a player. God only knows how much I will come to regret that...

One Step Two
2014-07-17, 07:20 PM
Yea you read it right, one of my players went and slept with a god with full intention of getting herself knocked up, and what do you know? She made every roll I could think of. It was on her first character, and I didn't have the heart to just tell her no, as much as I probably should have. So now I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need to stat out a baby. Not just any baby, the baby of one of the two most powerful entities in our homebrew setting, the God of Chaos (it's a law vs chaos setting, rather than a good vs evil). The anarchic template seems like the laziest way to do it, as well as a divine rank, but is there any better way to do it? Source book wise all I have is Core, UA, MM3, and SpComp, (I know its random, I live in a small town with one bookstore. Sue me.) I was going to go with a girl, and bard levels would be the best fit lore-wise, but other than those specifics I'm a bit puzzled as to where to go from there.

It's going to end up a DMPC if she grows up, cause there is no way in hell I'm handing this off to a player. God only knows how much I will come to regret that...

Talk to your player. You have a few options:
1: Turn the child into a plot point. Every single worshipper of the God of Chaos will want to praise it. Every madman who wants power of the gods will think of some bizzare ritual to harness it for themselves. Every single worshipper of Law would see the child as a threat. That sort of stuff.
2: Ask if it's okay to take the kid to the outer-planes. The god part means more than the mortal one, and daddy intends to look after his own, and it becomes a sort of intermediary between morals and the divine.
3: If you want to make it a PC or Cohort that isnt over-powered, remember that a god of Chaos doesn't need to just use the Anarchic template, it could decide to use something chaotically inclined to represent an aspect of itself, like Fey, or Half-dragon (brass). And at worst, Divine Rank 0, just makes the character immortal, with no other powers, which is often enough to represent a spark of the divine.

The SRD has information about Deities and their powers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineRanksAndPowers.htm).

I hope this helps!

2014-07-17, 07:24 PM
Use Deities and Demigods to stat out a god, and maybe even go the Angel route and have it teleport out of its mother fully developed into an adult instead of normal birth. If it's a god of chaos, make it a god of chaos and evil that way you've got an antagonist for a story arc. If the player didn't even ask your permission, this is par for the course.

2014-07-17, 07:29 PM
I recomend just letting her grow up as a healthy and energic child, loving her mom greatly and initially just blessed with something like perfect attributes (14-18) in everything, and skilled at all she decides to try and learn.

Besides that nothing unusual or supernatural.. except of course for an uncanny degree of luck that growns stronger and stronger the more she is in danger, going from stumbling over a rock in the forest, scaring off a snake that might otherwise have bitten her, to the country's greatest wizard rolling a 100 on his teleport spell just as an evil cult summons a score of demons to kidnap her, appearing right behind them as they materilise, on a day where he just felt like loading up on some additional force orbs.

2014-07-17, 08:02 PM
I recomend just letting her grow up as a healthy and energic child, loving her mom greatly and initially just blessed with something like perfect attributes (14-18) in everything, and skilled at all she decides to try and learn.

Besides that nothing unusual or supernatural.. except of course for an uncanny degree of luck that growns stronger and stronger the more she is in danger, going from stumbling over a rock in the forest, scaring off a snake that might otherwise have bitten her, to the country's greatest wizard rolling a 100 on his teleport spell just as an evil cult summons a score of demons to kidnap her, appearing right behind them as they materilise, on a day where he just felt like loading up on some additional force orbs.

And red eyes (BLACK BULLET FTW).

Either way this is more diplomatic than my approach.

2014-07-17, 08:21 PM
I recomend just letting her grow up as a healthy and energic child, loving her mom greatly and initially just blessed with something like perfect attributes (14-18) in everything, and skilled at all she decides to try and learn.

Besides that nothing unusual or supernatural.. except of course for an uncanny degree of luck that growns stronger and stronger the more she is in danger, going from stumbling over a rock in the forest, scaring off a snake that might otherwise have bitten her, to the country's greatest wizard rolling a 100 on his teleport spell just as an evil cult summons a score of demons to kidnap her, appearing right behind them as they materilise, on a day where he just felt like loading up on some additional force orbs.

I like this, its funny and seems really chaotic. Also Daddy may have a powerful outsider look after her without anyone else knowing, have some Fey be her "imaginary friend". Though i think having her mature a bit quickly is a good idea, the birth happens in a matter of weeks and she grows up to about 6 years old in a matter of another few weeks, after that she would age normally.

Note: her rapid aging is her father mucking around trying to protect her, his thinking is that a toddler is less vulnerable than a baby.

2014-07-17, 08:26 PM
I recomend just letting her grow up as a healthy and energic child, loving her mom greatly and initially just blessed with something like perfect attributes (14-18) in everything, and skilled at all she decides to try and learn.

Besides that nothing unusual or supernatural.. except of course for an uncanny degree of luck that growns stronger and stronger the more she is in danger, going from stumbling over a rock in the forest, scaring off a snake that might otherwise have bitten her, to the country's greatest wizard rolling a 100 on his teleport spell just as an evil cult summons a score of demons to kidnap her, appearing right behind them as they materilise, on a day where he just felt like loading up on some additional force orbs.

I'd throw DvR 0 on too, the benefits are pretty tame and it's specifically RAW-supported/suggested.

Creatures that have a mortal and a deity as parents also fall into this category.

Oh, and the Chaotic subtype.

2014-07-17, 08:42 PM
Just whatever you do, don't let the kid walk up to Alucard and say "Compared to you I'm a demigod". Because he WILL be told to regrow his legs, summon his demons, fight him, and give him a hug. In that order.

Realistically yes, make the kid a plot point. If anything, I would probably make it a point later to stage the child's "ascension" to whatever plane it belongs in, just to get it out of the way for enough time for it to ride in on its flaming plot chariot wearing its impenetrable plot armor wielding a magic plot sword with a specific plot-induced death that it has to suffer from.

2014-07-17, 08:53 PM
I recomend just letting her grow up as a healthy and energic child, loving her mom greatly and initially just blessed with something like perfect attributes (14-18) in everything, and skilled at all she decides to try and learn.

Besides that nothing unusual or supernatural.. except of course for an uncanny degree of luck that growns stronger and stronger the more she is in danger, going from stumbling over a rock in the forest, scaring off a snake that might otherwise have bitten her, to the country's greatest wizard rolling a 100 on his teleport spell just as an evil cult summons a score of demons to kidnap her, appearing right behind them as they materilise, on a day where he just felt like loading up on some additional force orbs.

I like this, its funny and seems really chaotic. Also Daddy may have a powerful outsider look after her without anyone else knowing, have some Fey be her "imaginary friend". Though i think having her mature a bit quickly is a good idea, the birth happens in a matter of weeks and she grows up to about 6 years old in a matter of another few weeks, after that she would age normally.

Note: her rapid aging is her father mucking around trying to protect her, his thinking is that a toddler is less vulnerable than a baby.

I strongly agree with these two people, it would be too cruel in my opinion to make the baby some kind of evil monster :smallyuk:

Shining Wrath
2014-07-17, 09:01 PM
Do reread your Greek myths about how often one god's kid draws unwanted attention from the servants of other gods.

And of course Dad wants his child to grow up and join the pantheon.

Ergo, as the players level, the strength of the threats sent by Law increase, and the frequency of Deus Ex Machina by Chaos also increases. Eventually the child ought to have permanent Chaotic bodyguards, who may not be the most reliable party members, as they don't care if everyone else (except maybe Mommy) dies so long as Junior makes it. In fact, if picking the wizard up, folding him over, and using him as a size large club will help keep Junior safe, they'll do it.

For the child abilities, I say roll 6d6, choose the best 3, in order S-D-C-I-W-Ch. What better way to be the scion of Chaos than to roll up the ability scores in the classic D&D 1.0 fashion but with double dice? Then fit the class / interests to the scores, which ought to leave you many options.

For ever-increasing luck, use your search engine for Teela Brown.

Oh, and Mom should be pulling her hair out because this is the most strong-willed child EVER and will never ever do what she's told. Ever.

2014-07-17, 09:10 PM
Oh, and Mom should be pulling her hair out because this is the most strong-willed child EVER and will never ever do what she's told. Ever.

or maybe she DOES do what shes told sometimes, just so she isnt too uniform in her behavior :smalltongue:

2014-07-17, 11:55 PM
Maybe the child can shapeshift at will, which considering it will only be a few days/weeks old means it will take a lot of nonsensical forms until it grows up.

2014-07-18, 02:22 AM
Really appreciate the input everyone! I sat down and looked at Daddy chaos's fluff a little more in-depth, and i kinda modeled his newest little affront to nature after him a bit. I've established him to be a bit bipolar, switching between "happy go lucky fun loving uncle Chaotic Good" to "I'm going to kill everyone I don't like in a creative and horrifyingly painful fashion Chaotic Evil" depending on the situation. Momma Druid is the only Chaotic person in the party, and as such shes the only one he likes. I kinda wanna keep that duality going, and bring it farther with the daughter. To the point that her physical appearance alters with her mood. When shes happy, strawberry blonde hair, gold colored eyes, rosey cheeks, etc. But when she gets upset, polar opposite. Jet black hair, purple eyes, greyish/ashen skin. And she never gets a little upset, or just content, one extreme or the other. The main influence for papa chaos was Sheogorath from the shivering isles xpack of ES:Oblivion, if that helps get a grasp of the character. I don't want her to be evil per say, but sadistic at times for sure. As far as her character goes I have a good grasp of where im going with it. Its the mechanics of stating her out im not sure of. The srd says

These entities cannot grant spells, but are immortal and usually have one or more ability scores that are far above the norm for their species
How far above the norm are we talking? 20? 40? Higher? Thats the kinda stuff I was looking for help with.

2014-07-18, 05:28 AM
Well.. i dont actually think you should stat the kid out completely, but perhaps setting ability scores and skill ranks would be a good idea.

And for a regular human who has a average of 10.5, a 20 is very far above what they have, but seeing as its a little kid, then something like 14-16 would as such also be inhumanly high compared to what it should be.

Though for a good advice, if you stat the kid out, then be sure it dont have a ability score thats higher than someone elses main stat, because if the kid is suddenly more charismatic that the party sorcerer, or tougher than the party fighter, then you can be 99% certain someone is going to feel like they are being stepped on their toes.
That were of course also one of the reasons for why i suggested keeping the child as an apperently normal kid.

2014-07-18, 05:51 AM
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but he children of mortals and gods in 3.5 are not demigods (DR 1-5) but quasigods (DR 0).

Do look up on the Epic Level Handbook whether there is an Abomination that fits with the god in question. Otherwise, DR 0 + Anarchic template (+ Half-X if applicable) should do, stats wise.

2014-07-18, 06:12 AM
Take the unholy scion template from heroes of horror, and change it to be chaotic. Then give it divine rank 0.

2014-07-18, 07:53 AM
Spontaneus abortion. Child is an Atropal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm) (only diminutive but Atropal stats).

Problem solved, campaign ended.

2014-07-18, 08:02 AM
Unless you have some really solid plans for the child's personality as a character, I'd go with keeping him or her as a MacGuffin. As a DR 0 godling, the infant is a lot hardier than the normal fragile mortal baby, so can take a bit more casual physical hardship, possibly with an endearing "this is fun!" giggle on its adorable little face. So have beings seeking out the mother before the baby is born, and the baby after it is born, for their own purposes - nefarious or otherwise.

You can go with the bipolar personality very easily and convincingly with a baby, and the shifting appearance is an interesting one.

As a "beginning" power, I might suggest giving the infant a variant on the Slaymate's Pale Aura: Whenever a [chaotic] spell is prepared/cast within a certain distance of it, metamagic applied to it adds one fewer spell level than normal (minimum +0 per metamagic feat). Possibly add [good] or [evil] depending on the baby's mood to the list.

John Longarrow
2014-07-18, 11:27 AM
Three ideas to reflect daddy being uber-power...
1) Give the little darling regeneration(1). Nothing causes permanent damage, so little darling will ALWAYS get better.
2) The little one has 10 points that randomly shift between stats. Roll 1d6 each hour to decide what stat the points migrate to. Each three minutes one point migrates from one stat to another until all 10 have moved a half hour later.
3) Alter-self at will as soon as she hits about 6. This becomes polymorph at about age 10, then shape change at 15. This lets her be what ever she wants to experience life to its fullest.

2014-07-18, 12:06 PM
Note: her rapid aging is her father mucking around trying to protect her, his thinking is that a toddler is less vulnerable than a baby.

Babies stay where you put them, more or less. Toddlers have mobility and no sense of self-preservation. Keep the child as a baby for as long as possible!

2014-07-18, 03:37 PM
Babies stay where you put them, more or less. Toddlers have mobility and no sense of self-preservation. Keep the child as a baby for as long as possible!

I know that and you know that, but does papa know that?

2014-07-18, 06:25 PM
I know that and you know that, but does papa know that?

likely, why else would he grow the kid up faster.

2014-07-18, 07:17 PM
likely, why else would he grow the kid up faster.

Oh, right. God of chaos. Are you 100% decided that the god isn't, himself, a small child?

2014-07-18, 07:32 PM
1. How did a player manage to get in bed with a greater deity?

2. Give the baby Divine Rank 0. Then the father swoops in and carries him off to be raised as his son.

2014-07-18, 11:47 PM
1. How did a player manage to get in bed with a greater deity?

By being attractive and within eyesight of it. That's usually all it takes.

2. Give the baby Divine Rank 0. Then the father swoops in and carries him off to be raised as his son.

Why would he do that? Watching a hapless mortal try to raise a [Chaotic] quasi-deity is so much more fun!:smalltongue:

2014-07-19, 12:38 AM
Have three spellcasters show up with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?

2014-07-19, 09:07 AM
The child is a deity: she has no stats. She has only plot. She is whatever she feels like being at the moment, and the only people who can tell her otherwise are Daddy and the various Lawful forces that even Daddy can't overrule. You don't "define" a god. You just experience her, and hopefully stay alive.

2014-07-19, 10:05 AM
The child is a deity: she has no stats. She has only plot. She is whatever she feels like being at the moment, and the only people who can tell her otherwise are Daddy and the various Lawful forces that even Daddy can't overrule. You don't "define" a god. You just experience her, and hopefully stay alive.

Deities and Demigods would like a word with you.