View Full Version : DM Help How would a Lich Druid Planar Shepherd prepare for this fight?

2014-07-17, 11:17 PM
Hello again Playground! I could use some advice on an upcoming battle. A few months ago my group finished the Red Hand of Doom and the players are about to tie up some loose ends and confront the Ghostlord, a Lich Druid in the module. My players are all pretty good at optimization and have relatively powerful level 10 gestalt characters.

The party is as follows:

Grey Elf Elven Generalist Wizard 5 / Blood Magus 5 // Archivist 10
Changeling Cloistered Cleric 10 // Ranger 5 / Scout 5 <--used to be a Drow but was reincarnated...
Human Artificer 10 // Fighter 2/ Warblade 8
Feral Half-Orc Druid 10//Ninja 1 / Barbarian 4 / Fist of the Forest 3 / Warshaper 2 (LA bought off)

If this is sounding eerily familiar to you and your name begins with H, J or M then you might be one of the players and you should stay out!:smallwink:

The Wizard focuses on utility and battlefield control. He has some unique spells that we've homebrewed and a few from Pathfinder that fit his evil blood mage theme. The Cleric is a typical swift hunter build, except she has full cleric casting and an Energy Bow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a). The Warblade uses various tricks to persist various buffs on himself that turn him from a combat expert to a death machine. And then there's the Druid, who has AC so high that it's near impossible to hit him with anything that requires an attack roll. And even if I manage to hit him on a natural 20, he has tons of HP and plenty of self healing.

The Ghostlord has extensive knowledge of the PC's and he knows they are coming to attempt to destroy him. His shrine is a manifest zone to Mabar that he has intensified with his Intensify Manifest Zone SLA. I have made extensive changes to his build, detailed here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xUMGUKRZBpuY_NHhyERzn6hUbj8fv-5XEIJV_4W1-yY/edit?usp=sharing), so I can provide a challenge to my players. I know that he is on the upper scale of challenges for a level 10 party but I'm not giving him Gestalt levels so it sort of balances out. I'm not looking for TPK, but this should certainly result in several deaths if they aren't extremely careful.

Is there anything kind of preparation I missed that would be obvious?

EDIT: I forgot to mention that there are some house rules for skills. You might notice them looking at the linked google doc.
EDIT 2: Oh and the PC's are way over WBL. They're closer to the WBL of 13, which should also serve to balance the encounter a bit.

2014-07-18, 08:27 AM
Well, your evil druid could make use of the jungles rapture spell, which could turn one of the PCs into a plant. A fitting parting gift, as it is.

2014-07-18, 08:42 AM
Thank you for the response. I was worried that this thread would disappear forever with no responses, buried in the swarm of threads that pop up overnight.

I suppose that spell could be useful since if they manage to destroy him he will reform later and come back with a vengeance.