View Full Version : Mutants and Masterminds: Channel City

2014-07-18, 12:19 AM
http://www.staywellgroup.com/uploads/images/header_images/959x288xNight,P20city,P20skyline,P20iStock_top,P20 banner.jpg.pagespeed.ic.ZVU876QBgu.jpg

Channel City. One of the largest seaside cities in the United States. Settled along the coast of California, Channel City is a hub of trade and enterprise for many. Two sets of suspension bridges connect all the different parts of the city together, and the tallest buildings sit in downtown.

Link to OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?362434-Mutant-and-Masterminds-Channel-City-OOC&p=17788166#post17788166)

July 22, 2016: Downtown Channel City. 12:21 AM

Downtown is bustling, always busy at this time of day; Folks on their lunch breaks, shopping, some in suits and other's in t-shirts, almost all of them with some kind of electronic device whether phone or laptop. But there is an atmosphere of fear; rumors have been circulating about strange break ins and people with almost supernatural power. One rumor says that houses in the housing district have had their locks simply destroyed, shattered into a thousand pieces as though they were made of ice. One woman claims all her jewelry had simply vanished, and there had been no alarm or even video footage of a thief on her home security system. But life continues on, and for whatever reason, all of you are here; whether for pleasure or for business or whatever other purpose.

Whatever your characters are doing, go ahead and post an introductory paragprah or two or whatever length you see fit.

2014-07-18, 01:56 AM
Red Commander's shoulders slumped like those of the grey commanders behind him as he surveyed his new base. He'd recently demoted himself for poor performance, it was what you had to do when you were your own boss, you had to know when you could do better and punish yourself for it. All the rest of you would understand, you'd failed and you'd not feel alright with that unless you kicked yourself a bit. You know how it goes.

Charged to detain a man alive for questioning one of Red's men had shot the target. The bomb was of no consequence, failure was failure, and so they all looked up gloomily at the parking garage the Commander Corporation had recently purchased. It stood towering over the streets, yet dwarfed by the height of the countless skyscrapers around it. This would be plenty enough punishment for keeping the man from self detonating in the local BART station.

"Ah, cheer up, it'll be all right, the boss man can only stay mad so long right?" One of the soldiers provides in an attempt to cheer up his commanders.
"Yeah, I mean it's not like we just lost a two hundred thousand dollar computer system, access to the latest in millitant transportation and all the juicy perks we've all come to love." Another replies bitterly.
"And who's fault was that anyways?" yet another asks
"What are you telling me I shouldn't have taken the shot? What would you have done wise guy?"
"Well I was busy apprehending the other one, and I managed it without landing us in a rat hole like this didn't I?" The Soldier replies, angrily stomping his foot on the ground.
"Well we're here, so lets make the most of it. Squads one to four, set up a perimeter, I want this place locked down even if it means filling the gaps with cinder blocks and reinforcing them with a layer of sandbags. Get some lighting set up and sweep for bugs, keep the place under watch at all times and try to get some cameras set up just in case someone forgets to report an entry. Teams five through eight, you're with the greys and I, while we're here we'll be making the best of it, and I won't have any complaining. We're all in the same unit so we're all equally responsible, and the boss man has every right to punish us all for that. And speaking of low tech, someone bulletproof those damned cars, I don't like the thought of any lowly gang punks who think they're hot killing any of my men. Remember, we're professionals. Act like it."
All in all there were eighty five of them. One Red Commander, four Gray commanders, and eighty soldiars, but as soon as they'd entered the city, two of the greys had broken off from the force and were nowhere to be found. Still nobody seemed too concerned.
"And get that damned noise proofing in, I don't want any intel leaked."
It seemed they'd just left the stuffed confines of those cars, but once more they filed in. A single squad pulled into the parking garage, fanning out to sweep it for intruders as three more began driving off for hardware and building supply stores. Cement and sand weren't particularly hard to come across, nor were phone books, bullet proofed glass or sound proofing, but all were large enough that nobody wanted them on their laps in the drive on over.

As for the rest of them, there was work to do, and that work would be done with or without a functional base camp. These reports Red had peen paging through on the way over had caused a slight crease on his brow. Gods. A royal pain in the butt, even in this day and age, and if they were here he wanted to know who and why. Moreover he wanted to know the pulse of the city like that of a sleeping lover.

Mere minuets later one of the Gray Commanders had ten soldiers going to all the local private eyes and witnesses, the other Gray Commander, taking a different approach, begins appearing at the sites of the recent robberies requesting to be walked through what happened at each. It was, after all, hard to turn down eleven heavily armed gunmen even before they say they're there to help investigate the instances. Meanwhile six armored cars pulled up into the CCPD, and Red Commander entered the building in the company of twenty gunmen.
"Hello, you may call me Red, I would like to speak with you're present detectives and head as to the occurrence of recent crimes in your city. All of them. You will be briefing myself and my team, and we in turn will appreciate you're cooperation. I will also require a briefing of all armed groups within and closely surrounding the city, as well as your latest incident reports. Assuming you are willing, we'd also be willing to tune our transmitters to your radio frequency in order to better keep each other appraised of any developments on each others end."
"Developments." What a deceptively broad word. So far as most were concerned the Commander Corporation wasn't nearly so bad as most armed thugs, but that they still were, and where armed thugs were involved, the worst was often to be expected. Still the situation was more complicated then that. The Commander Corporation were not just any band of thugs, and in most nations, including the United States of the Americas, the Commander Corporation worked out a deal or two at some point granting them diplomatic immunity and the support of the government where interests aligned so long as the Commander Corporation took responsibility for punishing their members themselves.

2014-07-18, 08:44 AM
"Hrah...!" she shouted as she delivered one last solid kick to the punching bag, causing the thing to sway back and forth violently. Mina took a deep breath, wiped off the sweat with her sweatband, and walked over to the side of her apartment's gym where she had left a water bottle, a towel, and a spray bottle sitting together. Mina scooped up the water bottle, took a drink, and then grabbed the towel and spray bottle, better to keep this place clean than to have to clean it once it got dirty. As she began to use the spray bottle on all the spots she had occupied during exercise she began to wonder if it was high-time to hire a maid or a butler or someone to keep the place clean. After all, time she spends keeping the place clean is less time she has to dedicate to everything else she has to do... no! No! She can't risk there being any sort of security risk or accidental reveal of her greatest secret... maybe simple robots?

She left the gym and out into the residency proper of the building. The Murray Enterprises Tower of Channel City was where Uncle Quincy's business ventures, along with a few small ventures Mina secretly pulls the strings of, conducts most of its business, and the top five floors of the building are all hers. The living space on the first three of those floors, and everything else on the remaining two floors and roof of the building. Damn, being in here by herself in this rather large living space is... well never mind that, maybe she'll give more serious consideration to cleaning robots.

For now though there are other things to do before that Charity party later in the afternoon, she hates those parties, not because of the charity itself, that was a good thing after all, but the guests attending tend to be a bunch of puffed up self-important egotists that mainly attend to lord their "superior morality" over others. She needs to go to the workshop and run maintenance on her equipment, and run to the lab to make sure it's up and running: these mysterious crimes may require analysis she can't do in the field, and whatever is the cause she will find out about it. As Mina got in the elevator and inserted her key into the key slot, granting her access to the top two floors and the roof, her thoughts continued to trail blaze through recent developments on the street.

Her pursuit of Sinner had slowed to a crawl ever since she exposed that last judge the crime lord had bought, he's getting cautious, and she doesn't like it. Also that mercenary company, Commander Corp, their presence in the city has swelled recently and she likes that even less, the last thing Mina needs is for a bunch of men who have being sold out on their resume being in her city when her hidden foe is feeling the pressure, she'll need to keep a closer eye on this Commander Corp. Then of course there are the mystery thefts; she will get to the bottom of these too.

Before heading to the shop she decided to go up one more floor, just a floor beneath the roof, and check if the Haven's computer system detected anything about those thefts or Commander Corp, it wasn't a truly free-thinking AI, but Mina was able to program it to run independent searches based on her instructions and filters. Mina stepped out of the elevator and walked the short hallway to open what she considered the heart and soul of the Haven, the Computer room. Lining the walls were monitors, from the Haven's security feeds, news channels, diagnostics linked to her various workstations around the Haven, all fed back to this room.

As she approached the computer, her phone gave that peculiar tone indicating she had missed a call. It had to be either Uncle Quincy wanting to talk about the Charity Party AND trying to talk her out of going on patrol tonight, or it was her cousin Lucy, it's always hard to figure what she wants to talk about ahead of time. Mina sighed and reached for her phone, "Computer, run a search on Commander Corp, and a separate search for news feeds regarding the recent so-called supernatural break ins, report once I've hung up this phone," she instructed as she dialed back the number of the caller she missed.

2014-07-18, 04:58 PM
Domitius wasn't stupid, he was hungry.

He just looked stupid as another plate of food was pushed in front of him, he looked at it for a moment, smiled and then began devouring it.

A man nearby smiled and shook his head, walking off, her signaled to the cook to keep it coming, the mans appetite was veracious and he wouldn't lose the man, he was the best he had seen.

After waking, Domitius had wandered the streets, awed by everything he saw, he still is, but now can control the slack jaw, wide eyed look he had that first day. Simply walking out of the museum wasn't hard, he stole some clothes from a locker and simply did that, walked out.

That day he walked for most of it, walking the streets, gazing up to the tall skyscrapers, and at the TV's in the stores, sure, he had seen some in the museum, but he was never close to any, and they never showed anything like what he saw now. His voice had gone, and it had taken several days for it come back, he took to English very quickly, having heard it for the most part of several centuries. He slept in the streets, not feeling the cold or bad weather.

His first week or so was spent on the streets, in whatever cardboard box, or dumpster that wasn't already taken, Domitius wasn't to shocked, even Rome had its underbelly, and this wasn't much from what he could see. He did see a steep imbalance of justice though, high lighted by his first interaction with someone, by knifepoint.

He snarled at the thought as he gulped down huge bites of his hoagie.

Hoagies were awesome, and he was very happy to be introduced to them.

The man near him had found him outside his club one day, it wasn't hard to miss him, as he towered over everyone by a good 1 or 2 feet. literally.

Domitius had broken up a fight without even flexing a muscle, and the owner saw his potential, and realized his jackpot when he found that Domitius has no clue to...anything really.

And now he pays the man with a room to sleep in and food, all the food he can eat.

In return he keeps his club safe, and things have even been picking up, having an 8 foot 1 bouncer tends to attract attention after all.

He doesn't sleep much, almost afraid that he won't wake up, he walks the streets for people to help when he isn't eating or performing his guard duties.

2014-07-20, 10:42 PM
Noah scooped up the stack of books from the counter and dropped them hastily in a flimsy plastic bag, deliberately stopping himself from paying attention to the covers--probably an unnecessary habit, but he'd always been somewhat embarrassed to hand his genre fiction novels over to bookstore cashiers, so it seemed appropriate to spare his own customers the indignity, however small, of sharing their reading habits with a stranger. Or maybe he was the only one who cared.
"Thanks, have a nice day" he said to the woman across the counter, smiling politely as he handed her books back. She apparently thought him worthy of only a cursory nod of acknowledgement as she headed for the door. Normally he might have been put out, but right now, her curtness suited him just fine. Hastily bringing his computer out of screen-saver, he reopened his web browser to the Channel Daily article he'd been scouring. "More Reports of Undetected Burglaries" the headline proclaimed. Noah swallowed down his frustration as he read further; two more of the cases in the last week, and still not a shred of evidence. With an exasperated sigh, he closed the webpage. Why they were even still running these stories with no progress made in any of the cases, he wasn't going to dignify thinking about.
Maybe I should go back to school and take some forensics classes...probably should have given more thought to what skills I'd actually need to be a superhero. He'd been following the invisible robber's cases (he stopped himself from calling them Poltergeist--it was the media's job to name the criminals, not his) for the better part of two months, and his progress had been the same as that of the cops--nonexistent. Superheroes in the movies never need to do their own detective work...well, I guess Batman did, but normally the villain's revealed themselves by now. What good's the coolest power ever if I have no idea who to smash with it? He idled away the minutes staring out the front windows of the store as he pondered this line of thought, drumming his fingers absently on the polished wooden counter. Outside, downtown Channel went about its usual bustle. Looks like another boring day...

2014-07-21, 12:37 PM
Calvin was not having a good day; Which was not in and of itself unusual given that he had not really been having a good week, or a good month so far for that matter. Exiting the detective agency he had been hoping to treat with in order to get his own private investigator's license, he snorted his derision and turned up the collar of his long leather coat, producing a lighter and a cigarette seemingly from nowhere in the process. A few quick puffs and a long drag later and Calvin was visibly more relaxed as he stood outside the stoop of the building housing the agency, though not so relaxed that he wasn't still obliged to glower up at the third story window and consider what a brick might look like smashing through it. Not the best of ideas when what he really needed was some actual goodwill from someone in the investigative community, but then, when all you had was a hastily completed GED, a record of juvenile delinquency, and a smart mouth, there weren't a lot of options in front of you. Calvin sighed, not wishing to lament his situation any further. Truth was, he didn't so much need the investigative license, it just meant a certain amount of leniency should he get caught poking around where he shouldn't be, but given the nature of who and what he was trying to investigate, there was a chance the police themselves might not be too certain on their jurisdiction. That kind of speculation though didn't count for much when he'd been wholly unable to turn up any other kind of lead on who and what his Grandfather's backers, for lack of a better term, were.

Taking a few steps towards the street, he settled himself down on the seat of his bike and worked on finishing his cigarette before he started it up and headed back for the club house. 'Though it's really just a house, now that there's no club for it . . .' He thought gloomily, as he turned back to regard the detective agency. 'Good thing the estate sale left enough for me to buy the thing outright, I'd hate to think how paying rent on that heap would be this time next year if I haven't secured some steadier work.' That was the other reason he was keen on getting his license, as the upkeep on his own research, projects, and certain medical expenses were burning through the money his grandfather had 'left' behind, and while he'd set aside enough to at least keep him in room and board for the year, every bit he scrimped now would help later. Looking down at his half finished cigarette, he spat it into the gutter and stamped it out, 'Just one more reason to quit smoking.' He thought, before he turned to see a man entering the building he had just been leaving.

'Hold the phone . . .' He thought, stepping back up onto the curb and heading inside. Calvin was only just able to catch a glance of the man entering the elevator, apparently headed upstairs, but he knew he recognized him. 'Damn me if he isn't one of those Commander Corp lackeys.' He thought to himself as he ran over just in time to catch the elevator himself, nodding at the Commander by way of greeting. Calvin was only vaguely aware of the Commander Corp organization, having squared off with them back in his Hellion days, here and there, but if anyone might have some connections in the investigative community, or even the occult, it wouldn't hurt to follow this guy for a bit.

2014-07-21, 08:13 PM
The Commander corp lackey charged through the hallway, snapping his gun free and moving it before him, intent on all his surroundings as he plods through the hallway at a brisk march, his eyes darting suspiciously at every hallway he passes until at last he plants his back heavily against a wall beside the door to the stairs. Hastily he gropes blindly in his bag before he finds a dark mask which he quickly dons. Unzipping his backpack without ever turning around, he pulls a gas mask forward over his head. Calmly he watches his watch for just over a minuet, casually running his hand from his pockets to is ankles, belt, and the back of his pants, as if to assure himself of the lethal implements of his trade. Without warning he spins on his heel, casually sliding through the door before charging up the stair. Leveling his gun at the top of every stair, and sweeping the stair above with it every half level. At level 3 he slips lithely into the hallway of the apartment complex.

The door swishing closed silently behind him. Without seeming to notice any of the other apartments he moves through the halls without hesitation, not so much as blinking as two identically garbed men exit the elevators to his left, joining suit. Nor when the two from an adjoining hallway to the right file in. Across the hallway another four men with the same militant garb and stride mirror their movements, advancing without hesitation until both groups meet. As the two groups meet however three men on each side throw themselves to the wall around an apartment door as two do the same to the wall across the hall. the remaining two heavily throw their shoulders against the door, guns ablaze with dazzling lights and defensing sounds as mullets rain like hailstones upon the small apartment. the remaining gunmen open fire, staggered such that, watching them, you'd hardly even notice them trading out magazines. Three long clips later the men all file into the room, discarding their weapons in favor of new ones from the backs of their pants. One man even slips a heavy duty hunting knife free from his trouser pocket.

As a wolf stalks a steer, trading one obstruction for another, always staying out of sight, yet ever closing in on their prey, the men moved through the apartment. from behind the wall, to the empty bathroom, to behind the overly ornate chair, to an overturned pool table to a solid base table, and on and on through the apartment. Half the soldiers stopped moving at the sign of non transparent bullet holes in the walls where the bullets had not torn free, but rather deflected off the hard metallic shell of a safe house. the other half however continued to dodge and weave through the house until they reached the fire escape where a man in identical garb with a single silver stripe along the left side of his helmet shook his head. Calmly the six of them returned to where the other five waited, and pulling out an identical gun, the soldier with the silver stripe lowered his gun at the hidden panic room, and opened fire. his shells however did not deflect harmlessly, nor even truly strike the surface of the metallic wall, but rather each detonated as they struck the cheep apartment dry walling, quickly deforming the steel beneath until at last it gave way under the force of the onslaught of explosives. Sliding back several inches the heavy plate of steel fell solidly onto the ground, settling on one bent corner, and a heavy dent the explosives had left behind.

This man, Jimmy Abandonato, who could be seen within to be seated upon a simple wooden chair, light his cigar calmly surveying the army. "Yaknow, you Smiths are just abat the last family I want ta see right about now... well second last, but that door woulda kept'm out."

__________________________________________________ ___________

Jimmy Abandonato had been the head of a crime boss family for fifteen years, running everything from drug smuggling to taking out hits. Any punk on the street would have told you that he was trouble, told you he was ruthless, told you of his fascination with the expressions people would make as their heads slowly rolled off their bodies, coxed all the way along by an elite force of gunmen who knew just where to hit to make heads literally roll. Any punk on the street would have told you that Jimmy Abandonato had connections all through channel city, and that you couldn't lift a finger without him knowing. There wasn't a punk on the street however who would tell you that Jimmy Abandonato was as helpless as a kitten. He'd failed a contract a few years back, one to kill a Mr. Smith owner and CEO of the Commander Corporation. Suffice it to say things didn't pan out too well for old jimmy after that. Still, one of the things any punk on the street would say would be right. Jimmy had his finger to the pulse of Channel City, and at least so far as street crime went, jimmy would know about anyone so much as crooking a finger. Why he had ever taken that contract I don't know, and so I don't care, and those two are indeed mutually exclusive. Slowly the silver stripped soldier lifted his gun to Jimmy's midsection. "Talk, or we'll be the last family you ever do see Jimmy."

Jimmy, cautiously eying the gun that had just leveled a solid foot of steel, waved his hands downward as if to ask they put the guns down. "Bout what? Ya holdin' me at da' end of a barrle hea, and ya ain't even said what it is ya came ta say."

Tell me about the robberies Jimmy, I know you had people there, and I know you're just dying to tell me.

2014-07-22, 01:38 PM
Dom jerked his head to the sounds down the street, a soft *pow* *pow* *pow*, he had heard that sound before, and he knew it was not good. Turning he began to run, as he saw he heard more gunshots he jumped up to a roof top with ease, landing with a *Huruff*, he smiled as he knew the people below were probably thinking "What the ****!".

Still, more gunshots, this time he figured out which building, and jumped to the roof, ripping open the door, he moved down the stairways, much faster than the elevator, and he took the flights one at a time.

He found the one he thought and ripped open the stairwell door, know he heard a different noise, more oomph to the sounds, small explosions, like he had seen on TV. He stormed down the hallway and saw some men standing outside, must be guarding it.

They didn't look like cops. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" he bellowed as he slowly moved down the hallway, shifting into his caryatid form as he did.

Drack, sorry if I took liberties with you men being in the hall way, but I figured being a paramilitary unit, they would post security (and me being former military, that makes sense) and I wanted an amicable way of interacting with you.

2014-07-22, 06:39 PM
"Who the hel..." one begins as another politely requests "please stand back mister." Suddenly as the man before them changes to stone however, they open fire.

vs. defence, vs. toughness.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

The man with the silver stripe looks about the safe room. "I fear that sound may mean I'm indisposed, so instead you'll be telling my good friend here, Jesus. Jesus, what do you know, if he doesn't talk, cut him open the slow way. Finally a chance to try out that knife you've been so eager to use. You five, seal up this room behind me."

With that the man in the silver suit vanishes as if into nothingness.

[roll6] stealth, immune to all the five basic senses except touch.

2014-07-22, 07:06 PM
Dom raises his hands in reaction to the guns raised to him, but as he has gotten used to it over the past weeks, guns don't hurt him, its a strange feeling, he related it to the scorpions of the Empire, those deadly siege weapons which could take out an entire row of men on the battlefield, and now he was staring down a more powerful and deadlier version.

How they had shrunk it down to such a small size was amazing, but he shunted that thought aside, he needed to deal with these men, they couldn't just barge in and shoot at people!

The first shot missed, hitting the ceiling, the other two hit solidly but *PINGED* off his chest, bouncing off and then into the drywall next to him.

He stood still, not wanting it to escalate.

"Why in Jupiters' beard did you SHOOT ME?" he screamed at them, both fists clenched at his side.

2014-07-22, 07:14 PM
"The hel..." The one begins, still shooting, but the third raises a hand signaling them to cease firing. "Apologies, in South America last year we saw a goat eater who's form would always change just before he'd attack. Nasty little demon. Built up an instinct. Shoot first, bury dead civilians later."
The first, still astonished begins once more "The hel-" but is cut off as the but of a gun slides back solidly into his plated Kevlar.
"You wouldn't happen to be a goat-eater now would you?" The third asks, somewhat suspiciously.

2014-07-22, 07:22 PM
Dom gapes at them with a look of frustration and confusion...

"Goat? well, I haven't in years, but now that you mention it, when the Legion was in greece, we'd have great huge Goat roasts, nothing like a roast got leg after a 4 hour post duty I'll tell you, ahh..." he caught himself suddenly, leery at how they distracted him. "Hey! What are you guys doing here, who's in there?" he says, pointing inside, taking a step closer.

You other guys, feel free to 'accidentally' be in the area also :P

2014-07-22, 07:42 PM
As he steps closer all the guns go off once more until the third man notices the lack of hostility and again signals for a ceasefire.

same drill
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

Ignoring the question the man focuses on the goat, clearing one threat at a time.
"Cooked goat or raw goat? Goat eaters eat raw goat, mostly alive, they think it tastes more... juicy."

2014-07-22, 10:36 PM
Both bullets ping off his chest, again embedding into the walls next to him, he recoils from the discharge of the weapons, but otherwise seems unharmed.

He frowns at the question, "Who in Hades eats goat raw?"

He takes another step forward and adds "You shoot me again, and I'm going to bash your heads in." with a grim look.

2014-07-23, 05:22 AM
Another round of bullets as he steps forward, and then they stop hearing the threat.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]

"Look, I don't think you're one of those south american goat-eaters, and you seem like a nice enough guy, so I'll tell you what. You don't want us shooting you, then you should stop giving us cause to. Don't come any closer, or better yet, turn around, go to this nice little stand on fifth street and get yourself a good falafel, I'm sure that'll put all of us in a better mood. Now how's that sound guy?"

2014-07-24, 12:27 PM
Tired of being shot, and ignored, he strides forward and attempts to punch the man who was talking in the gut, following through towards the wall.

so, If i'm reading the book right, its an attack vs. Parry and then he makes a toughness check vs DC 15+STR(12) if hit?

[roll0] vs Parry

edit: so that should be a toughness check of DC 27, oh and his str is Penetrating.


2014-07-24, 08:19 PM
perry [roll0]

Skillfully the man moves to the side, but too slowly to avoid your heavy concrete hands which shatter the man's jaw with explosive force. His comrades, seeing a clear threat to their lives, at point blank range, continue to fire.

[roll1], [roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]

2014-07-24, 09:44 PM
Both bullets ping of his stone skin again, he turns after punishing the 1st one, a little taken aback by the damage he had wrought, but still annoyed by the men he raises both of his fists in the air as one and slams into the ground, hoping the floor is stronger than it looks.

His hammer fist blasts the area sending ripples across the floorboards and cracking all the drywall within 30 meters.

Burst 30 ft., Affliction: Dazed, Stunned

Dodge area DC 22 to reduce to half power
Affliction Fortitude DC 22 or 16 if successful dodge
1st degree: Dazed
2nd degree: Stunned

2014-07-24, 10:09 PM
The sudden crash felt throughout the building is what gets Calvin's attention from a floor down. Generally speaking, he wasn't a big fan of the idea of running into where there was clearly a fire-fight happening but after tailing the Commander Corps lackey up through the building, this was too much to ignore. He knew just enough to know that these guys were more clued in than your average private security company. Not that there was anything particularly off, or weird about them, except they seemed to maintain the rigid discipline you'd expect of Roman legionnaires rather than what you'd expect from the portly rent-a-cops or loose canon mercenaries private security usually entailed. Drawing the least grease stained bandanna he had out of his jacket, he tied it around his face before shaking out the partial gauntlet on his left arm and took a deep breath before exiting the stairwell. Rounding the corner, his .357 revolver in hand, he was suddenly struck by the sight in front of him, as the Commander Corps engaged what looked like a man made of stone. "Hold it!" He called out, edging around the corner to present as slight a profile as possible, wishing he'd taken, "Do you want to bring the whole building down around us?" He hoped just the intervention of another armed party who wasn't immediately firing might be enough to still the moment long enough to parley, but stone giant before him had him wondering. 'Is he a demon? A fae maybe?' He thought, hearkening back to the few encounters he'd had with such creatures, and was relieved for the moment that the creature before him didn't have a tail, second head, or overtly inhuman characteristics which would suggest an ogre, troll, or something nastier.

Calvin took a moment to pull back the hammer on the pistol. It was double action, so all he really had to do was pull the trigger, but the sound of a gun being cocked was usually enough to make people sit up and take notice a moment longer. Besides, it's what all the action heroes did in the movies, and gave him a brief glance at which spell-lock round was in the chamber.

2014-07-25, 05:13 AM
The Gunmen Stagger back, but then hold their unsteady ground, shaking like a drunk trying to stay balanced on his feet as the drywall cracks and crumbles about them. Alas the ringing in their ears from the impact and gunfire prevent them from taking note of the newcomer.

2014-07-25, 11:37 AM
Domitius is about to pummel the men who were stumbling from his attack when another pops around the corner, but this one seemed different, knowing and seeing different uniforms, his military discipline kicked in, even how rusty he was, he knew that this new person was most likely not affiliated, but that didn't mean they weren't allies or conspirators.

He took a step forward and stopped his punch, looking at the newcomer.

Frowning he replied to the man with a gun, always guns, guns guns guns, he was starting to hate them.

"And who in the realm of Hades are you?" he said, scowling, "These men were shooting and barging into this building before I even got here, they refuse to answer me, are you with them? Do I need to knock you around also?"

2014-07-25, 12:05 PM
Domitius is about to pummel the men who were stumbling from his attack when another pops around the corner, but this one seemed different, knowing and seeing different uniforms, his military discipline kicked in, even how rusty he was, he knew that this new person was most likely not affiliated, but that didn't mean they weren't allies or conspirators.

He took a step forward and stopped his punch, looking at the newcomer.

Frowning he replied to the man with a gun, always guns, guns guns guns, he was starting to hate them.

"And who in the realm of Hades are you?" he said, scowling, "These men were shooting and barging into this building before I even got here, they refuse to answer me, are you with them? Do I need to knock you around also?"

"I'm not with them," Calvin said simply, taking a step forward and even going so far as to take one hand off his gun, letting the hammer down slowly as he did so. Raising both his arms plaintively, he kept the revolver in hand, but his finger was now over the trigger guard, though he didn't go so far as to holster it just yet. "Not saying they have a good reason to go around shooting things up, but there's no reason to start smashing the place up as well. That includes me."

"You guys!" Calvin calls past Domitius to the staggered men, "Commander Corps Lackeys! What's your business here?"

2014-07-25, 12:14 PM
Domitius raises an eyebrow.

This guy wasn't with them, no he was another element all together.

"It is, if they start shooting you, I think you wouldn't be all to happy about it either." he says in reply to the smashing everything comment. He looks around at the damage and the prone soldier and shrugs apologetically "But to be fair, I hadn't intended to do so much damage, they just kept shooting me."

He looks to the others and raises a fist to them "I would answer the man, Commander Corps Lackey." he says with a tone that would brook no arguments.

2014-07-25, 01:26 PM
Domitius is about to pummel the men who were stumbling from his attack when another pops around the corner, but this one seemed different, knowing and seeing different uniforms, his military discipline kicked in, even how rusty he was, he knew that this new person was most likely not affiliated, but that didn't mean they weren't allies or conspirators.

He took a step forward and stopped his punch, looking at the newcomer.

Frowning he replied to the man with a gun, always guns, guns guns guns, he was starting to hate them.

"And who in the realm of Hades are you?" he said, scowling, "These men were shooting and barging into this building before I even got here, they refuse to answer me, are you with them? Do I need to knock you around also?"

"Our business is none of yours, and I suggest that if you don't want any more trouble, that you cease this pointless resistance. You may be made of something like stone, but that doesn't mean you're impervious to bullets." Silently the man's gaze travels down to some derbies on the ground. True, those little chips could have come from the building, but it wouldn't be unthinkable for the stone man to slowly be grinding away. While preserved in a museum, chances are the stone men had seen countless statues eroded by time, or demolished by man. Some probably even as target practice by the British militia in their day. "Now, I believe I told you to stand back over there." The man continues, pointing to where the stone man had originally shifted to rock. With a touch of concern in his voice the man adds "For your own safety."

2014-07-26, 03:09 AM
As Vampire run's through her computer system, the displays flicker to life. immediately everything hums with life, information from various systems and open communication lines, news stories, and reports flood the computer. Slowly, a picture seems to come to life.

The computer finds several key difference between many of the break ins; of particular note are the stories involved, as well as security camera feed. Thank god for home owners who don't understand technology well enough to lock their camera from outside interference.

Several of the break ins in the northern part of the apartments district appear to have items simply vanish from the home, with no trace of a break in. Meanwhile, in the southern portion, the security systems, along with the door locks on the doors were left shattered into several small pieces.

It easily triangulates the reported areas, giving likely locations for these criminals, whoever they were. But a few other interests are marked on the map... where the computer seems to have calculated possible criminal activity.

In Red Commander's case, His research through various agencies and what little he could glean through a not very cooperative police department tells him most similar information.


Red Commander:

Jimmy smile grew wider, chewing the end of his cigar.

"I might know somethan... And judging by 'da time, ya don't have much to stop the next one. And it's a doozy. But ya gotta promise to put away ya toys first, and I'll tell ya what I know before y'all leave quietly. Deal?"

Meanwhile, the tense 'negotiations' out in the hallway continue....

2014-07-28, 04:45 AM
In the Panic-room
Jesus signals to the others to lower their guns as he raises his knife to Jimmy's throat. "This is me asking nice here, tell me and I won't slit your throat like a squealing pig in the pen cutting you just right so you can bleed out nice and slot. I won't hang you to your fancy balcony and let the city watch as I cut off your toes one by one, letting them fall in front of your face. I won't be cutting off your digits one by one and trying to shatter all the bones in your body. My record is 204, those little ones are really hard, but I'll keep trying just for you, and don't even try me for what I'd do next you little snake. Now you tell me what I want to know now while I'm feeling generous or our "toys" will be the last thing on your mind."

In the Hallway (Where none of the above can be heard)

"Our business is none of yours, and I suggest that if you don't want any more trouble, that you cease this pointless resistance. You may be made of something like stone, but that doesn't mean you're impervious to bullets." Silently the man's gaze travels down to some derbies on the ground. True, those little chips could have come from the building, but it wouldn't be unthinkable for the stone man to slowly be grinding away. While preserved in a museum, chances are the stone men had seen countless statues eroded by time, or demolished by man. Some probably even as target practice by the British militia in their day. "Now, I believe I told you to stand back over there." The man continues, pointing to where the stone man had originally shifted to rock. With a touch of concern in his voice the man adds "For your own safety."

Same stuff, but I figured you guys could do with me repeating it and all. =p


The remaining red and gray commander return, sending twenty soldiers out to patrol the streets, those police weren't likely to be much help in this matter, still Red turned the police scanner on all the same. Slowly the Gray changed his camouflage from his classic urban militant getup to that of a wealthy company head camouflage. Buttoning the Tux he heads out without a word, it would not do to arrive late to a charity event so soon after arriving.

Meanwhile Red assembles a task force on standby, and looks out across the city. He's seen many cities, but it always astounded him how they always seemed to get bigger.

2014-07-28, 06:06 PM
The book store wasn't overly crowded today, but neither was it empty- several chattering teenagers, high school freshmen most likely, stood about the back, looking over different titles and magazines, while some of the older customer's enjoyed coffee from the nearby coffee shop during their own perusal.
Soon though, Noah's news search was interrupted by another customer. He could tell the stranger was well built, even underneath the dark hoodie he was wearing. He had an unusual hairstyle too- short but spiked back, and white. He seemed slightly out of it as he set down the book on the checkout counter. "Just this one," he mumbled, distracted. It was one of those Generic self-help books, apparently on good parenting techniques.


__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________

Jimmy gave a little gulp at the thought of losing his toes, but he remained staunch.
"look, ta be entirely honest, that's not tha' worst I've been threatened with recently. Hell, I'd prefer your torture over his..."

He looked back over. " So I'm gonna end up dead either way. Might as well take tha' bastard down with me for cuttin' in on my profit in tha' first place."

He held his hands in surrender, almost mockingly. He took another puff of his cigar as he sat in his chair. "The people at those robberies ain't mine. There under some other guy, never told me his name, just kinda showed me the extent of things he could do. Ma' head hasn't been tha' same since. Some kinda, crazy mind powers or somethin'? Sounds stupid, but this mysterious ******* seems to have 'em. Anyway, the robberies were done by some of his people, crazy people at that. One can freeze things, the other can disappear almost like a ghost.... I'm sure there ah' otha's too. Been poppin' up all ova' the damn place, it seems. He seemed particularly fond of the term 'gods'. I kinda prefer freaks, but whateva'." He took another puff on the cigar. "And there's another one planned, too. Downtown today, afternoon. I'm sure you'll find it with the fireworks display. Far too damn showy, but hey. Did say it'd take eyes off of what few 'mundane' jobs I got to keep."

"Right then, so go ahead and take me out already. I'm dead already, and I'd probably prefer it at the end of a' smokin' gun than with whatever other weird things tha' guy can do ta' me."

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________

The fight breaking out in the hall, along with the gunshots from earlier, seems to have attracted some level of attention, screams other apartments in the complex and on other floors moving into whispers and crying as the residents in the small building wonder about the gunshots and the crashing sound of rock and stone, some more than undoubtedly calling the police.

2014-07-28, 06:23 PM
"That's up to the boss." Jesus says evenly.

Two of the men open the panic room door as another two grab Jimmy by the arms, steering him towards the hallway.

Jesus, speaking from behind the line of men says "Gray, we got it, though the goods are perishable, you need some help over here?"

As if materializing out of thin air, the soldier with the silver stripe on his helmet appears behind the wizard, his gun held behind the nape of the man's neck. Politely as he could, the gray commander requests "Hows about we put down that ugly little pistol and play nice." Not once turning his attention from the man in front of his gun he begins barking orders to his men. "Jesus, grab Jimmy, he's coming with us. We'll be putting him under code panther, all of you start heading down the fire escape, you'll be covered."

Turning about the men begin filing out the window, Jimmy in hand.

2014-07-29, 12:18 PM
Domitius looks bewildered as the 'commander corps' moves out, and then the silver striped-helmeted one appears behind the newcomer pointing his revolver towards him, with a gun of his own.

Maybe he should get one, everyone seems to have one.

He was about to bash in the petulent one who implied he was chipping, no way, his form was as fresh as the day he lay with that Romani princess, shaking his head mentally, he focused on the men near him.

"NOOO! you need to answer me, you can't just ignore me and shoot people you don't like!"

He slams into the one who was talking to him before, trying to grab him.

[roll0] Vs. Parry, + free grab attempt

Resistance 27 for damage.

[roll1] vs Strength or Dodge (which is better) or be grabbed.

Caryatid can grab with one arm and is not vulnerable while grabbing, and if succesful, will begin to choke him (using Chokehold), to apply the suffocation effect to him.

Escape check is 27 (10+12 (str)+5(Improved Hold)

2014-07-29, 06:16 PM
Noah couldn't help but raise a quizzical eyebrow at the customer's strange looks and manner; the man seemed to distracted to notice anyway. He wasn't sure exactly what it was--after all, one met all sorts working retail--but something about the guy seemed...odd, in a different way than he was accustomed to. "Sure, no problem" he replied a little hesitantly, picking up the book and waving it over the scanner. "That'll be $12.50, please. Need a bag?"

2014-07-30, 05:25 PM
'Jesus where did this ******* come from?' Calvin thinks as he feels the metal press against his back. With Jesus still attempting to exit, and the bulletproof stone-man still attempting to get some answers, he figures his best bet is to let him soak up the attention and create a little confusion to give himself an exit window. With a flick of his wrist, the runes on his vambrace glow to life, and Calvin is consumed in a blur like waves of heat combined with shimmering motes of deflecting light, which even at point blank range suddenly make him a much more challenging target for the silver striped commander. Simultaneously infused with nearly inhuman vigor and alacrity, Calvin raises his pistol with a deft and practiced motion, swapping out a shell in one of the chambers and spins it back in place, sighting down the barrel as he brings it to bear down the hallway and thumbing back the hammer, again, just for effect. 'Now we see how well those fancy rituals actually work when housed by a copper jacket.' He thinks, as he pulls the trigger, unleashing an illusory cacophony of sight and sound to overwhelm the senses of everyone in the hall, excluding himself.

Move Action to Activate Aegis Vambrace: Phantasmal Blur- All attacks based on vision are at a -2 against Calvin, and his Dodge Rank is now 13.
Flashbang! [roll0] vs Dodge Defense for everyone within 30ft of Domitius.
DC 21 Resistance Check vs Will (DC 15 for those who manage to Dodge) to avoid having their Visual and Auditory Senses Impaired; Disabled; or rendered Unaware.

2014-07-30, 05:54 PM
Gunshot in the bang.
[roll0] to hit and [roll1] for damage.
Commander Corporation always uses lethal force, so apologies in advance if I end up killing anyone. =)

The soldiers all file out in a hurry leaving their commander and lone comrade to face these foes themselves. The mission always came first.

The soldiar's screams, and the roar of explosive shells are both drowned out by the bang of the old clunk pistol. After the flash, for all who retain their sight and hearing, the soldiar silently struggles against his stone captor (futally) as the soldiar with the silver stripe stares down a smokey barrel, as if completely unphased by the flash.

2014-07-30, 05:57 PM
It posted before I'd finished. =(

"I suggest you not make me shoot you again." The soldiar with the silver stripe comments idly. "Now let us be civil, drop the gun."

[roll0] persuasion. That'd be how intimidating he be. ;)

2014-07-30, 06:07 PM
Jimmy moves along quietly, only until he notices the Stone man in the hallway. "I ****in knew it!" he said, and he seemed to faint as the stone man began throttling the commander corp man. The soldiers in the corridor simply carried him along on their way out of the building down the fire escape while Caryatid and Spellslinger "Talk things out" With the other Commander Corp.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________

"yeah, yeah, thanks," he said, dropping a crumpled twenty on the counter. He certainly seemed anxious, and unless Noah had more to say, he leaves in a hurry, mumbling to himself about something, almost as though to calm himself down.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________

Mina was correct; once she took the time, a missed called from her Uncle Quincy flashed across the screen, alongside a message of one new voicemail waiting.

"Mina! I hope your not going to be late to the Charleson building. You know, where The Murray Charity Meals are? I know you didn't forget. Just try to show up on time this time, please. We need to keep up appearances after all. I know you don't like these kinds of events, but try to enjoy the evening. I'll see you soon."

2014-07-30, 06:07 PM
Domitius was pondering whether or not he was going to squeeze the life out of the man he held, or bash the others with him like a club.

The choice was made for him a moment later though, as the flashbang spell detonated right ontop of him, overwhelming his senses, he quickly let go of the man and fell to his knees, hands on his head, bright white spots seemingly burning his vision as it slowly cleared.

2014-07-30, 08:01 PM
Disoriented by the blast the silver striped soldiar, attempting to follow the man's movements, instead shoots the empty apartment. Punching into a wall, the smart bullet detonates, clearing furniture, and walls from sight, leaving only the metal clad panic room in sight, and raining derbies onto the soldiers below.

2014-07-30, 11:31 PM
Mina was correct; once she took the time, a missed called from her Uncle Quincy flashed across the screen, alongside a message of one new voicemail waiting.

"Mina! I hope your not going to be late to the Charleson building. You know, where The Murray Charity Meals are? I know you didn't forget. Just try to show up on time this time, please. We need to keep up appearances after all. I know you don't like these kinds of events, but try to enjoy the evening. I'll see you soon."

Hey I'm finally making a second IC post!

Mina released a gentle sigh as she deleted the voicemail and hung up her phone. He was right that keeping up appearances was important, but he also forgets that being a little bit late helps maintain the image she wants the world to see, that she has a loose definition of responsibility, that she's the unfortunate woman who lost her family only to be picked up by her rich uncle. Though on the other hand she does want to try to be on time for a charity event, being late to a standard party is one thing, but for a charity party... yeah maybe it would be best to show up on time if she can help it.

After all it's not like she didn't have good reason to be late to previous events, lives were at stake before, and she couldn't leave someone to their fate just to make it to some party. Let the media try to ruin her reputation, they won't touch her integrity, her responsibility, her mission! The task she has taken upon herself can't be cast off just for the sake of appearances.

Which reminds her, "...'but try to enjoy the evening,' he says." she thinks to herself. Likely a subtle nudge to encourage her to not go on another dangerous patrol in favor of a safe party. She trusts Uncle Quincy with her secret, but she wishes that he'd give up on trying to discourage her. He must want to see his brother, her father, avenged as much as she does! Though she sighs as the word vengeance crosses her mind, just what will she do if she ever meets Sinner face-to-face? Maybe, just maybe, she'll know when the time comes.

Her thoughts on the subject grind to halt when one of the monitors gives an alert! Calls are coming from the area the city colloquially calls the "Apartment District." Shots fired, bangs, building may be falling apart!? "I hope that last report is just hysteria," she mutters to herself. She'll have to save maintenance on the equipment and proto-typing the cleaning robots until she got back, right now people were in danger!

"Computer, activate Hangar Controls, prep the Vampire Wing, be ready to launch by the time I get up there!" she commands the computer as she quickly walks toward the containment unit that holds her "second skin" as it were. In a manner of seconds she is down to jogging shorts and her sports bra, in little more than a minute she has donned her costume.

The predominately black and dark-gray latex tights hug the barely noticeable padding lined within the suit as it conforms to Mina's body. There are two streaks of a darkened blood red color the suit, reaching from the sides of her neck, traveling along her collar bones until they curve downward, ending in curved points just above her waist. Same colored red streaks extend over her elbows, knees, and knuckles while much thinner lines of red accentuate some her curves and muscle definition. The black cape drapes very slightly over her shoulders, and extends past her knee joints. Finally she pulls the cowl over her face, black except for some dark gray extending from her brow, along the sides of her head and merging at the crown, and the red eye pieces that covered her eyes. The Vampire finishes by strapping the black and red utility belt around her waist, now there is still one thing to do.

Knowing that the prep for the Vampire Wing would take a little bit more time, she decided to hurry down to her room, grab the dress and clothes she intends to wear to the Charity Party, the make-up, the jewelry, and her purse with a simple cloak hidden inside of it, and then take the elevator all the way up to the hangar.

By the time she's up there the Gray and Blood Red tinted jet is ready and waiting. She climbs in, stows her civilian things safely in the Vampire Wing, and prepares to take off. As the Hangar door lifts up, she activates the Vampire Wing's visual cloaking, after all it'd be a tough sell to explain why the Vampire's main vehicle keeps flying in and out of Murray Enterprises' main skyscraper. Once the door is fully open she pulls it out, and then takes off.

The Vampire tightens her grip on the controls and says to herself, "Sinner, Commander Corps, or whomever is out there, I will not let you just do as you please in this city as long as I'm on watch."

2014-07-31, 04:19 PM
'I'm Not sticking around here a moment longer.' Calvin thinks as he sees the damage wrought by whatever it was that the Silver Commander had nearly shot him with had done to the apartment beyond the hallway. Somewhat regretfully, he looks to the blinded and deafened stone-man writhing in place, woeful that his flashbang had done more to effect his only potential ally, rather than the Commander Corps lackeys he had been hoping to disable. Still, little enough time to dwell on that while he was still facing down an armed man himself. Spinning in place, his limbs moved nearly faster than the eye could follow, and the rush and exhilaration as the magic accelerated his movements was enough to keep his spirits high, while the refracting shield of light which blurred his outline made for more effective camouflage than any military uniform, even while it lit him up like a neon sign.

Dodging out into the hallway, he brought up his pistol and directed it at the Silver Commander thumbing back the hammer and bringing a new spell-lock round into the chamber. "What's going on here Commander?" Calvin said, using both the moniker and the name of the company to avoid confusion, rather than as a sign of respect, "Straight abduction isn't your style. Who'd this guy piss off?"

Move a short distance away and ready an action to fire if Silver Commander doesn't answer immediately.

2014-07-31, 10:16 PM
As it happens, the grey commander doesn't answer, following the voice, he fires off another round, but rather then one explosion, two can be heard along with the shattering of glass and crackling of drywall.

[roll0] DC 25 toughness
[roll1] DC 25 toughness (someone outside shooting in if you wanna get potentially metagamey, but it might be hard to tell them both exploding in the same vicinity in a short span of time.)

The remaining soldier crawls blindly to the fire escape, trying to escape down it before there is no more fire escape.

2014-08-01, 12:50 PM
Domitius was completely blinded, a sharp metallic taste was in his mouth as well as utter silence, he was kneeling, he knew that, but he couldn't see anything, he felt people rushing by him, waved his arms out to steady himself, flailing wildly as he did so, falling again, his face bounced off the floor.

He managed to roll to his back and waited, hoping to all hope that the blindness and mute deafness would fade.

He prayed to Jupiter it would.

He's out for a whole minute.

2014-08-01, 04:34 PM
Calvin fired nearly simultaneously as the Silver Commander, whose only response was another round from that hand cannon he was packing. The Spell-lock round he had chambered unleashed singular ray of what could have been black-light or an ultra violet laser, but immediately expanded from the barrel to it's target to form an enervating conduit of mystic force.

Despite his magically enhanced alacrity, there was only so much that Calvin could do to avoid the explosive rounds fired by the Silver Commander and those Commander Corps soldiers still outside. Twisting and writhing and weaving through the hall, the illusory aura of dancing light made sure no single shot connected, but the concussive force and debris turned shrapnel was all too effective in bombarding him with what felt like buckshot. He was more than thankful for the protection his enchanted coat provided, though his ears were left ringing, and his vision swam as he was knocked about and peppered with crushed drywall and splinters from the furniture.

Bringing up his vambrace in front of him, and doing his best to settle in to a more defensive posture, Calvin ignited a different series of runes on it's surface, and the blur of flaring light and distortion resolved itself into a wholly different aura: a cool, field that shone with the hardness of gunmetal, itself possessing a matte quality, almost as if one could reach out and feel the solidity of brushed steel before they ever reached his person. Even as the new protective aura took hold, he leveled his spell lock revolver over the vambrace in a planted shooter's stance. 'Time for talk is over I guess.' He thought, as he chambered and fired another round, sliding the spell-bullet into place with a subtle gesture from his cuff. As the hammer fell, the chamber suddenly began to spin wildly and glowed bright with a golden orange glow which was channeled through the barrel into a barrage of mystic projectiles which pulsed and spun and spiraled through the air with a life all their own; zeroing in on the silver commander in a hail of automatic fire.

Condition: Dazed; -2 Penalty on Toughness Checks
Readied Action to fire Entropic Ray since Silver Commander did not answer: [roll0]; Fort DC 23 (DC 16 if it misses) to Resist Weaken STA 13 (Secondary Effect on my next turn).
Free Action to switch Aegis Vambrace AEs: Phantasmal Blur to Ardent Mettle.
Standard action to use Magic Missiles: [roll1]; Toughness DC 27.

2014-08-01, 09:17 PM
"Should I take that as a refusal of my civil suggestion?" The soldier asks, slowly raising his gun to the wizard in turn.

Readied action to return fire or react to any threats.

2014-08-04, 03:07 PM
Soon, Vampire arrives to the source of the commotion, and the sound of gunshots and a few missing bricks from the side of the apartment building were easy enough evidence there was something going on. Just on the street below, a file of armed men disappear into a van before driving off, disappearing onto the streets.

2014-08-04, 05:42 PM
Seeing how the man was clearly refusing to see reason, the grey commander vanishes once more into thin air. Once they regain their senses, his minions hurry out.

2014-08-05, 12:56 PM
With the Commander Corps gone, Domitius recovers quickly, shaking his head as the single tone drowns out to the normal sound of the cities, that blasted mage was going to get it next time, he had no idea why he had shot him with that blast, but he sure didn't like it.

Turning he walked away from the apartment, disappointed with himself on how he acted, and how he had failed as well.

He shifts back into human form as he walks away, heading back to his small apartment.

2014-08-05, 01:07 PM
With the Commander Corps gone, Domitius recovers quickly, shaking his head as the single tone drowns out to the normal sound of the cities, that blasted mage was going to get it next time, he had no idea why he had shot him with that blast, but he sure didn't like it.

Turning he walked away from the apartment, disappointed with himself on how he acted, and how he had failed as well.

He shifts back into human form as he walks away, heading back to his small apartment.

"Woah they're big guy." Calvin says, as Domitius gets back to his feet, still puzzled by the sudden disappearance of the Silver Commander, but willing to refocus on the moment. "Sorry about the blast, I had no idea it would effect you so much more than than anyone else, but the effects will cause no permanent damage. Technically it's all an illusion, though I know how real it feels in the moment. Had a few mishaps while I was cobbling together that particular ritual into a ballistic delivery system." He holds up his revolver and spins the chamber for effect, showcasing different runic sigils now less visible that there was no spell in effect.

"So, what's your story? Know anything about who Commander Corps is or why they might want to kidnap that guy?"

2014-08-05, 01:19 PM
As Domitius takes a step he pauses and turns, listening to the man, he instantly turned back to stone, but relaxed when he heard the man.

"That wasn't all that nice" he said wringing out one of his arms for knots "But that's cool, mistakes happen, and you don't know me, people call me Caryatid, or Domitius," he shifts back to normal "When I'm like this" he still is an imposing figure, almost reaching to 8 feet, "Next time, let me know, or try to avoid me," he says with a big wolfish grin.

He gestures to the Commander Corps men "Those guys? no way, I heard some gun shots and came running, hoping to help someone, but these guys wouldn't answer me, I was about to bring the wrath of Mars upon them" he says, shadow boxing with a one-two punch, his huge ham fists making *woof* sounds in the air "But then...well you happened." He puts his hands on his waist "Whats your story?"

2014-08-05, 01:22 PM
Deciding that pursuing the van is second priority to investigating the building, the Vampire leaves the cloaked Vampire Wing to hover high above the apartment, exited the building and glided down to a back entrance into the apartment building.

"First I need to make sure there aren't any injuries, and then I can investigate the area for clues." She thought to herself as she climbed the building's stairs. She slowed her advance when she thought she heard talking, a young man's voice from the sound of it. It'd be best to try to listen in and see what's going on first. She first tested the electrostatic grips in her gloves and the toes of her boots, good they seemed to work, now she has additional places to hide and eavesdrop if needed. She proceeds to sneak up the stairs to attempt to listen in to any conversation.

Stealth roll:[roll0] opposed by perception roll, higher result wins.

2014-08-05, 03:38 PM
Ah yes, I should make one of those stealth checks too, in case anyone can detect my presence without any of their four non-tactile senses. =\

Edit: stealth, not perception. ;)

2014-08-05, 03:53 PM

Domitius looks to the man he is talking, unable to see anything askew at the moment.

2014-08-05, 09:17 PM
The sounds of sirens in the distance herald the coming of the channel city police force. The mutterings and panic of those few who hadn't yet evacuated the building, or couldn't, still echoed through the halls.
And yet, something, didn't quite feel right...

The ground trembled. It quaked, it rocked, it was an earthquake?

The building seemed unstable for a moment before the ground ceased in its motion. And then the air cracked.

A massive, warbling scream sliced through the air, followed by more rumbling as something... Inhuman burst from the street below. It stood on large, digitigrade legs, it's chitinous hide and compound eyes making it seem like an insect. It stood easily three stories tall, massive scythe like claws extending from both sets of its forelimbs. It's mandibles clicked, and it made a noise of curiosity before taking off after the van, much faster than its lumbering size indicated.

feel free to do as you will.
Also, Protean, this was definitely loud enough for you to hear. You could also wait for the chase to reach you, though hopefully it doesn't rampage too far.

2014-08-06, 09:54 PM
Whatever that noise was couldn't be good. Damn but she isn't going to even get the opportunity to stay on one task is she. Many more people could be in danger if she didn't hurry to try to intervene in this incident, but she couldn't simply leave with no clue whatsoever as to what went on this building.

Not sure of what the two men around the corner were up to, whether they were civilians or more directly involved here, she decided that just in case she'd leave a concealable microphone on the wall she was hidden behind. Even if they move from that spot it's not like The Vampire was in any danger of running out of these microphones. Once the mic was planted she slipped away quietly as possible (though given the potential danger stealth was secondary to simply getting out of the building in time).

Once she approached the outside she used the remote controller for the Vampire wing to have it hover above the building, also remotely disabling the visual cloak, she'd need to be able to see it to board. Soon the vehicle was flying down not too far off the ground and a circular panel underneath it slid open, allowing Mina to jump up and climb in. Soon she climbed into the pilot's seat and began her pursuit of... pursuit of...

"A giant bug!? What in the world!?" She could not help but exclaim this out loud, I mean come on, a giant bug, that's just so absurd! "It's official, I'm going to have to start accounting for less mundane threats in the future," she mutters to herself as she nonetheless continues to pursue the insect.

2014-08-08, 07:54 PM
Red turned over the magazine and reconsidered, he didn't need another gun magazine to show him what he could get in addition to his arsenal at home.

His legs itched.

They had ever since...what happened, the explosion taking his right leg had given him phantom limb sensation, as well as the procedure that took his left, it had caused them to itch, docs said it was all in his head, and that it would fade after time. He found that if he concentrated, he could reduce it to a background static, but most of the time he got a headache.

He shrugged, trading one thing for the other, he concentrated for a moment and the sensation dissipated, to be replaced by a sharp jolt of pain in his forehead, frowning from the pain he grimaced.

And then the scream pierced the air making his new headache worse, he turned instinctively and regarded the point of origin; somewhere outside in the street.

He put the magazine back and pushed through the growing crowd, to look through the windows of the store.

A huge bug stood in the street, its mandibles clicking and clacking, its bugeyes surveying the street and buildings around it.

Red whistled and leaned low so he could peer all the way up to the monsters head.

"That's a big one" he said to himself, his eyes squinting to take the whole monster in. He was going to need to act, this could be his alpha test pilot, the lab guys said they wanted to see what he could do, so, this was it.

Moving quickly he turned around and spoke to the crowd "Everyone move back, stay away from the street and stay calm, there should be an exit in the rear, move towards it slowly and calm." he said with his arms held up.

Whether they listened or not, he moved to the back and found the exit, kicking the door open and activating his left thigh to release his rifle, pulling it out he unfolded it, expanding the buttstock and letting the barrel and receiver snap in place. He grabbed it with his right hand and twisted it downwards, checking the ammo loaded. Regular. That will work for now.

He looked down and sighed.

He just got these boots and they had cost a pretty penny, sighing and shaking his head he activated his Omega Limbs, his boots tore apart as his cyber limbs stretched, the tri-fold toes spread out into a triangle, and the foot Rockets engaged, levitating him a few feet from the ground. He looked up to the roof and slowly rose, until he stepped onto the roof behind the stairwell cover,.

Popping out from behind the little roof shed, he scoped the ....'bug' with his rifle, fingering the trigger...

Ready action to shoot the bug if it moves away

Can we get a map?

2014-08-08, 09:57 PM
Code panther, what a pain in his old keester. The van pulls to the side of the rode and allows five rose bushes from an old lady's blossoming garden to enter.,

Drawing their guns to shoot if the beastie gets threatening, one of the rose bushes sets a black box with blinking red lights onto the dash board. What better time to test new equipment then when giant bugs try tearing apart the middle of town, right?

Without pause, the wheel is jerked from the hands of the soldier, and the car begins driving itself.

[roll0] for driving.