View Full Version : Pathfinder Fighter-based Mage Slayer build help

2014-07-18, 03:08 AM
Character sheet HERE (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=949453).

Basically, my goal is to be the party's Magekiller. Party is a Tengu Oracle, Catfolk Monk (Zen Archer), Catfolk Monk (Four Winds), Kitsune Samurai, and Kitsune Ninja. (Notice the campaign is titled Beastmode. =P)

I'm trying to keep my character relatively martial, possibly multiclassing if need be but trying to stay relatively melee in concept. I fully understand the "casters can be the caster's greatest enemy" deal. (I played a 10th level Abjurer before and single-handedly preventing four 10d6 fireballs in a row was the most incredible feeling in the world.) I don't really want to dip into pure casting classes per se (i.e. Wizard, Sorcerer (lol my Charisma), or Magus). I'm looking for possible feat chains (other than the Step Up line I've already started) or other class abilities that might help. I've done a lot of research but I also wanted to see if anyone else has had a fun Fighter-oriented anti-magic build.

'O, Giants upon thine playing grounds, I call seek thine wisdom!

2014-07-18, 06:33 AM
Disruptive & Spellbreaker wouldn't be terrible options. If you're GM is willing to extend race-specific feats, Shatterspell can be a fun option.

2014-07-18, 07:39 PM
3 levels (or more) of Spellbreaker (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/spellbreaker) Inquisitor.
1st level lets you roll-twice-take-best on Will saves against Mind-Affecting spells
3rd gives you a +1 untyped bonus to Saves vs. spells of a specific Arcane School
3rd also gives a +2 on Concentration checks to opponents in your threatened area, this stacks with the Disruptive feat

Speaking of the Disruptive feat, you can get that at 1st (Inquisitor) level by taking the Spellkiller (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/inquisitions/inquistions---paizo/spellkiller-inquisition) Inquisition.

There's also the Barbarian, just look over the Rage Powers (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian/rage-powers) with Superstition as a pre-req

2014-07-18, 07:49 PM
You best bet for making a mundane build that can be remotely effect against caster is to literally beg your DM in real life to run all spellcasters as incredibly incompetent.

Beyond that is say just pick whichever class levels and feats seem like fun. You've got two monks in your party so you're in pretty good shape in terms of avoiding being the weak link in the party chain.

2014-07-18, 07:51 PM
You best bet for making a mundane build that can be remotely effect against caster is to literally beg your DM in real life to run all spellcasters as incredibly incompetent.


Really, the power gap is just too big.

2014-07-18, 10:52 PM
You should strongly consider a different class if you want to slay mages. Even the thematically similar Barbarian would be better for the task -- take the entire Superstition rage power line and use human favored class bonus to boost it more. You'll get a big bonus on spell saves, touch AC, and damage to casters. Then grab Strength Surge and....the power that "sunders" spells and rage cycle with them, to dispel enemy casters' buffs.

If you do go Fighter, about the only truly nice thing they get for anti-mage is Teleport Tactician (yes, the pre-reqs for it suck, but you're a fighter...wasting resources on a feat chain is what you're all about). Make it your level 10 feat. Pin Down should probably be your 11th level feat. Get massive reach. Consider going for the Tiger Pounce feat chain, too. Another chain where all but the final feat is complete garbage. But...that'll at least make you more "sticky." And of course there's Step Up.
EDIT: You "started" the Step Up line already, eh? I'd suggest NOT continuing it. The first feat does what you need, the other two will seldom ever be useful, IMO.

2014-07-19, 11:59 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys!

Will definitely be looking into Teleport Tactician. Seems awesome. Pin Down too.