View Full Version : Roleplaying Why an artificer goes to the battle?

With a box
2014-07-18, 08:00 AM
lsn't it would better the artificer stay in a magic macket and sent some items (FADEX , teleport object or go himself)he made to other party members?

2014-07-18, 09:42 AM
Well, why isn't it better for a wizard to sit in his lab, research new spells and use for them, occasionaly make a magic item or buff some party member? Why do people adventure at all would be better question.

Anyway, artificer studies magic and magic items. Perhaps there is something you want to get your hands on, some artifact that is really interesting, but it is guarded by monsters and traps and it cannot be moved away from it's location (say, it's warforged forge). Could you just hire people to clean it for you so you can study it? Yes you can. But some people want to experience finding the artifact, maybe fighting your way to it is what you really like but it doesn't fit your job much. Think of adventuring artificer as Indiana Jones if it helps you. You seek knowledge, but you are not afraid to get into troubles. If this is not what you want to do, you are probably NPC and you hire people who are willing to do it for you.

2014-07-18, 09:43 AM
My main reason is specific backstory reasons, as well as research and an obsession with magic. Generally Artificers got into the business because they like magic and magic items, and finding new stuff before anyone else is a real treat for them. being able to experience tonnes of different types of magic from lots of different sources exposes Artificers to types of magic that they may not have had access to in a city setting.

2014-07-18, 11:17 AM
lsn't it would better the artificer stay in a magic macket and sent some items (FADEX , teleport object or go himself)he made to other party members?
If he doesn't adventure, he'll never get the experience he needs to keep making magic items.

But seriously, don't play this game. 99.999% of the people in a campaign world do just sit safely at home, doing their jobs. There's a reason that we doesn't focus on those. Your character is one of the .001% who are driven and/or insane enough to go out and do interesting things. It's up to you to figure out why.

2014-07-18, 11:20 AM
If he doesn't adventure, he'll never get the experience he needs to keep making magic items.

That's not necessarily true. As long as he's level 5 he's got retain essence. Then its just playing the market to make sure you can keep getting items for cheap to retain, sell your stuff at a good price to where you make profit and use excess to buy magic items to retain essence on. Especially since you've probably got your craft skills maxed out, you can get extra funds by crafting mundane stuff and selling that off to buy magic items. Alternatively, make a really expensive magic item, sell it, then use the money to buy all kinds of other stuff to retain, then go to town.

2014-07-18, 11:29 AM
Because then he's undercut by that Artificer who can provide higher quality items, with larger Caster levels, larger DC's, and more powerful spells within.

Plus, if you were an Artificer, then what better way to make money than by going on an adventure with your own branded equipment? You'd be the D&D Roger Federer winning tennis grandslams Epic Dragon Battles with your own branded gear - "why yes, good sir, this very breastplate saved me from the dragons breath itself, I can make you one just like it if you prefer". A bit like how Richard Branson, or Dan Bilzerian use their own celebrity status to sell their own "goods" or "services".