View Full Version : 3rd Ed Boosting Fort Save with an Item

2014-07-18, 10:44 AM
I'm making a Bard for a low- to medium-optimization 3.5 game. (No Pathfinder allowed.) I had just about finished, when I realized the Fort save is awful. The DM has said enemies will use poison, so Fort save will be important. (So please, no 1/day or 1/encounter items. They won't be sufficient.)

I originally had a Cloak of Resistance, but would rather keep my back slot open for a Cloak of CHA.

Game starts at LVL 5, and WBL is being enforced.

2014-07-18, 10:47 AM
Magic Item Compendium, you can add the stat enhancements onto any item of that slot for the normal cost of the item.

So a Cloak of Resistance +1/Charisma +2 costs 5000.

2014-07-18, 10:50 AM
An item that boosts CON can help, also. In addition, you could pick up a wand of Bear's Endurance, assuming someone in the party has it on their spell list, boosting CON, and Fort, even higher.