View Full Version : DM Help What happens when you kill a God?

2014-07-18, 02:41 PM
Hey there, I need some advice over this subject, I have searched the web and the rule books and found nothing solid on this. So, what I want to know is specifically what happens to a God's divine essence when you kill them? Does a god-killer automatically become a God? Does the essence spread across the universe? Can someone else absorb the dead god's essence somehow even though they weren't the one who actually killed the god?
What I am thinking about goes along the lines of a powerful being getting the players to do his dirty work by offing a weakened god, so that he can absorb the god's essence and still be blameless in the god's death. Is that possible?

2014-07-18, 03:01 PM
Read up on Pathfinder's Lamashtu.

PairO'Dice Lost
2014-07-18, 04:32 PM
So, what I want to know is specifically what happens to a God's divine essence when you kill them? Does a god-killer automatically become a God? Does the essence spread across the universe? Can someone else absorb the dead god's essence somehow even though they weren't the one who actually killed the god?

Deities & Demigods has a section talking about how divinity is transferred, and all of the above are potential options. Which one of those applies depends on the setting you're using; if it's a published one, check out the setting-specific rulebooks for that, otherwise it's up to you as a DM how it works in your setting.

Shining Wrath
2014-07-18, 05:14 PM
As was mentioned, Deities & Demigods.

The portfolio question is interesting, though. Deities are aware of events within their portfolios, Greater Deities are aware weeks in advance. I would have to say that offing a deity with certain items in its portfolio should have been foreseen by every other deity with one or more of the same portfolio items. So I guess all the other gods were down with your party killing this one.

2014-07-18, 09:03 PM
As was mentioned, Deities & Demigods.

The portfolio question is interesting, though. Deities are aware of events within their portfolios, Greater Deities are aware weeks in advance. I would have to say that offing a deity with certain items in its portfolio should have been foreseen by every other deity with one or more of the same portfolio items. So I guess all the other gods were down with your party killing this one.

After all, they're all gods. That doesn't mean they all get along.
Though the willingness and capability to commit deicide does make you a rival and a concern to the other gods. Who needs 2 evil gods of Magic and Death? Wee Jas doesn't need you stepping in her turf. So she may let the party murder boccob, then swing in and finish them off while they're still recovering from the fight. Suddenly she;s pretty much THE god of magic.

2014-07-18, 10:24 PM
Requiem for a God (http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1588461041?pc_redir=1404656167&robot_redir=1) by Malhavoc Press might be useful. Due note that it's 3rd party and d20/3.0.