View Full Version : Orc/Goblin templates

2014-07-19, 12:37 AM
I am working on an Orc campaign (LOTR vibe to it) and was looking for templates that applied to orcs or goblins only but found few. Can anyone suggest any or leave a list of those they know of? Please.

2014-07-19, 12:45 AM
Who is supporting the Orcs and Goblins? Generally, that will determine which templates make sense. For example, if the Orcs worship Gruumsh, one of the god-blooded templates (in MMV I think?) would be useful. If they're serving a demon lord, then Fiendish, Half-Fiendish, and maybe the occasional Unholy Scion might be fun. Etc.

2014-07-19, 12:47 AM
Both are humanoids so any template that can be applied to humanoids can be applied to orcs and goblins as well.
Just a few from the MM:
Celestial Creature, Fiendish Creature, Half-Celestial, Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend, Lich.

The d20 index files (http://chet.kindredcircle.org/) may also be a good place to start looking.

2014-07-19, 12:57 AM
Think i am going with the army of Gruumsh. It is overdone however none of my players have played a game like this so it should be interesting and a good way to teach them about the gods.
Right now the bad guy will most likely be around level 10, an Orc (or maybe some subrace or orc) and be wielding items important to Gruumsh. Are their any items that bear his name? I seem to recall there are a few but no details about them.

2014-07-19, 01:06 AM
For Gruumsh related items the MIC has the Shield of the Severed Hand, the Gauntlet of Gruumsh, the Spear of Retribution, and the Blighter's Hex-Eye.

2014-07-19, 01:06 AM
Think i am going with the army of Gruumsh. It is overdone however none of my players have played a game like this so it should be interesting and a good way to teach them about the gods.
Right now the bad guy will most likely be around level 10, an Orc (or maybe some subrace or orc) and be wielding items important to Gruumsh. Are their any items that bear his name? I seem to recall there are a few but no details about them.

Unless you want to go for a major artifact, you'd probably be best off looking in Complete Divine. There are a few relics in there themed by various core gods, likely including Gruumsh.

2014-07-19, 01:11 AM
Thank you for the info, i will check both books out. Thinking of having "dark" magic user portraying himself as Gruumsh to influence these orcs to create a horde and directs it at the lands nearby.

2014-07-19, 01:22 AM
Aww the orcs as pawns again. How about a great orc leader who has the orcs' best interest at heart, like Obould-Many-Arrows (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Obould)

2014-07-19, 01:33 AM
Love Obould, coming from someone who dislikes stupid brute orcs (they ok but have a player that seems to think dimwitted means dumb as a wall literally). How about a mix of the two. He wants the best for his people but as a strong believer in Gruumsh he thinks this horde is the right path until he finds out his "Gruumsh" is a lie.