View Full Version : Could I use the multiheaded template from Savage Species for this?

2014-07-19, 01:50 AM
I want to make a truly unique and creepy opponent, so I decided on this:

A female elf wizard had a twin brother. They were close growing up, and when war came, her brother volunteered. He died in combat fairly quickly though, and when she got him back, she decided an arcane experiment was in order. Deeply distrustful of divine magic, she decided she would return him to life and keep him "forever at her side", and by that I mean she literally grafted his head, neck, right half of his torso onto her body, replacing the right side of her torso and her right arm with his. The process drove her insane, and it didn't really work. He isn't actually alive, just a shell only really acting on her impulse. She carries on conversations with it, sometimes hearing responses in her head or responding on her own

I'm making her a Silvanesti (Races of Ansalon) wizard 17. Would this make for a good use of the template?

2014-07-19, 02:03 AM
A pretty good use, indeed. Consider the feat Multivoice (same book) - the prerequisites are steep, but being able to cast two spells per round before adding in Quicken and other shenanigans is pretty powerful.

2014-07-19, 02:16 AM
A pretty good use, indeed. Consider the feat Multivoice (same book) - the prerequisites are steep, but being able to cast two spells per round before adding in Quicken and other shenanigans is pretty powerful.

Multivoice seems designed for gish, I'd probably rather go with choosing feats to shore up other weak points. The constitution boost helps a bit. Maybe some way to boost charisma?