View Full Version : ability score and AC enhancing items.. is there a detailed list somewhere on here?

2014-07-20, 10:37 AM
I tried looking for it, but my forum-fu failed me.
I'm trying to check what the various items are that enhance ability score and/or AC.. which of those are incompatible (I'm sure there are a few that occupy the same slots).. items that enhance AC without clashing with worn armor, magic or otherwise (natural armor maybe?)
is there a comprehensive list or a dedicated thread somewhere?
not looking for workarounds, spells or odd solutions to the same effect.. I'm talking pure, straight up "this item gives you +x bonus to y, but you can't wear it if you're already getting a bonus to it somewhere else or if you're already wearing that other item that gives you a bonus to z in the same slot"... sort of thing.

is there, for instance, a selection of "basic" magic items that allows you to add something to every ability score? or are some of these basic items incompatible?

I'm thinking belt of strength, cloak of charisma, periapt of wisdom... was it gloves of dex? what about the other 2? I always forget their names (and relative slots)

2014-07-20, 10:53 AM
None of these items are incompatible. As of Magic Item Compendium, adding bonuses to AC or an ability score is a "common effect" which does not incur a price multiplier. That is, a set of gloves of storing and +6 Dexterity costs the same as a pair of gloves of storing and a pair of gloves of +6 Dexterity added together. You can add any number of common effects onto the same item in this fashion, and the list of all possible slots is on the same page.

2014-07-20, 11:23 AM
Wasn't the +con item using the same slot as the wisdom periapt? (talking about the basic item, not a homemade one)

2014-07-20, 11:35 AM
yes both neck slots. this is why those item creation rules exist.