View Full Version : Quality vs Quantity: Lv 100 Fighter vs 5 Lv 20 T1s

2014-07-20, 11:16 AM
How would you go about taking out 5 level 20s as a lv 100 fighter, or how would you go about taking out a level 100 fighter as 5 lv 20 T1 Characters?

2014-07-20, 11:22 AM
The fighter's main advantage (pretty much their only advantage) will be their ludicrously high hit points and saving throws. I would pretend to be no one in particular and strike them down at their weekly tea party or whatever, giving no warning signs of any kind beforehand, so they can't prepare. That's going to be your best bet.

There are far more ways you can get rid of the fighter as a level 20 wizard. Off the top of my head, a greased ramp and a portal to the Elemental Plane of Water. Fighter fails Balance check, slides down into an infinite realm of water, you close the gate, and go back to tea.

Emperor Tippy
2014-07-20, 11:24 AM
How would you go about taking out 5 level 20s as a lv 100 fighter, or how would you go about taking out a level 100 fighter as 5 lv 20 T1 Characters?

As the Fighter: Use my massive WBL to buy the services of capable full casters to kill to level 20 full casters for me or to buy enough magic items to totally fake being a level 20 caster myself.

As the Tier 1 casters: Foresight + Celerity to ensure that I go first and then Time Stop + Moving next to the fighter and dropping an Ice Assassin Animated Object created on a dead magic, extremely slow time, plane that has Permanent Emanation: Planar Bubble, and laugh as the fighter is stuck in that spot for the next hundred trillion years of my time while a second passes for him.

That is just one of hundreds of possible ways to deal with a level 100 pure fighter.

2014-07-20, 11:30 AM
1. get your WBL and spend it on hiring 100 lvl 20 T1's for a day. should be well within your price. it would be pocket change. sit on your purchased demi plane with your servants and sleep whilst your enemies die. or just call one of your god mates of which you probably have a few and call in a favour.

2. you pay a few barmaids to have sex with the fighter. they then have the fighters DNA or "a part of the original" something like this should suffice as a material component or to take a hair during ect. something.

then you all cast ice assassin and persist it with buffs and such and then he has to take on 5 of himself. kitted out by you 5 casters.
you could then fly in whilst he is busy and unleash spells and buffs and debuffs to keep him on the back foot.

to kit out your guys shapechange zodar and wish for their items. alter self back and repeat.
in the combat you could timestop, wish and shapechange to desired effects. wish to reverse if he gets a very lucky round. that sort of thing. you could then keep gating in solars and stuff, all of those are small compared but as a high level caster itself it would buff your ice assassins and stuff and are tough enough to take a few hits each. you can make 1 each.

many many ways.

edit - im a slower at typing then the other two so i got tippy-saged

2014-07-20, 11:33 AM
Killing the fighter:
1. Disjunction (Use Celerity to ensure you go first)
2. Overland Flight
3. Laugh

2014-07-20, 12:56 PM
That is not fair. A fight more fair would be one single T1 against a level 100 fighter bearer of wealth by level. Seriously, if your fighter has the same wealth as the caster, he as good as dead. Else, he could as well be a commoner, since only his ability to mimick being a caster will really matter (especially since his HPs should not matter and since a fighter still has two weak saves, but I guess having all the fighter feats in the game may provide to be somewhat useful). Or maybe wealth by level will make him a better caster with better defense, and then he will win.

But against 5 level 20 with five time better action economy and creative strategies? That is not nice.

2014-07-20, 01:45 PM
How optimized are we talking?

Because I'm reasonably sure that with Dark Chaos shuffle and dozens of bonus feats, the fighter might turn himself into a pretty capable caster himself.

2014-07-20, 01:59 PM
The only way for that to happen is that 100 level fighter had to have been born as a particular member of race in a particular campaign setting, with a particular feat. Even Dark Chaos Shuffle and Retraining Cannot make that happen, and as far as I am aware, without access to a 3.0 book and custom magic items, cannot qualify for it that way either. That is independant of foghter as well.

Without access to stuff to extend his life (in which case not relevant to fighter), it therefore becomes incredibly easy to learn about. A party of 5 T1's can go back in time using teleport through time to before he was born and kill him then.

There is absolutely nothing said Fighter can do that is part of his class features or base abilities that allows him to remotely match, let alone beat the casters.

The only thing that he has.going is his WBL, which is an arbotrary figure, considering since casters with access at Level 1 to partially charged wands of wall of salt, and their ability to sell their spellcasting services will have far and away outstripped the fighter.

2014-07-20, 03:18 PM
The only way for that to happen is that 100 level fighter had to have been born as a particular member of race in a particular campaign setting, with a particular feat. Even Dark Chaos Shuffle and Retraining Cannot make that happen, and as far as I am aware, without access to a 3.0 book and custom magic items, cannot qualify for it that way either. That is independant of foghter as well.

Without access to stuff to extend his life (in which case not relevant to fighter), it therefore becomes incredibly easy to learn about. A party of 5 T1's can go back in time using teleport through time to before he was born and kill him then.

There is absolutely nothing said Fighter can do that is part of his class features or base abilities that allows him to remotely match, let alone beat the casters.

The only thing that he has.going is his WBL, which is an arbotrary figure, considering since casters with access at Level 1 to partially charged wands of wall of salt, and their ability to sell their spellcasting services will have far and away outstripped the fighter.

Actually the price of salt collapsed. In the era of wizard salt is free. And gold does not buy magic stuff, so wbl does not represent money anymore but objects found/taken in this post-magic economy.:smalltongue:

2014-07-20, 03:21 PM
Then they sell their spellcasting services until they barter enough for Scrolls of Wish for 25k worth item, rinse and repeat.

And yes i now realise that was a joke...