View Full Version : A particularly fiendish PRC

2014-07-20, 10:06 PM
So i recently found the Eldritch Theurge PRC and it looks interesting to me so i was wondering what the people here in the playground thought of it

2014-07-20, 10:33 PM
Arcane spellcasting is generally so much better than invocation use that after a few levels, it'll just play pretty much like whatever spellcasting class you advance with it.

That said, there are a couple cute things you can do with it (like AMF into Spellblast). And if you pair it with one of the fixed list casters, like Beguiler, you can benefit from the increased options (e.g., not being mostly shut down by immunity to [mind-affecting]).

2014-07-21, 02:48 AM
Arcane spellcasting is generally so much better than invocation use that after a few levels, it'll just play pretty much like whatever spellcasting class you advance with it.

Except for the part where it doesn't cost you any spell slots or money to be perpetually flying and invisible. Both handy abilities for a caster last I checked.:smallwink:

Also, two words: Baleful Utterance.:smallbiggrin:

2014-07-21, 07:44 AM
I like it with Sha'ir, especially since they are also divine casters so you can go into Eldritch Disciple (with a tiny bit of finagling) to pick up 9ths and Dark Invocations. Also, Sha'irs are Cha-focused, which will help your invocations, and the invocations give you something to do while your gen is out bargaining. There's a lot of mechanical and flavor synergy there.

2014-07-21, 02:16 PM
Except for the part where it doesn't cost you any spell slots or money to be perpetually flying and invisible. Both handy abilities for a caster last I checked.:smallwink:

Also, two words: Baleful Utterance.:smallbiggrin:
I cast Overland Flight every day on all my casters anyway. At-will Invisibility is an undeniably nice trick, though.

I think Baleful Utterance is one of the most overrated things in the game. I mean, Shatter is a nice utility spell to have in your back pocket, no lie, but I don't feel like it comes up often enough that you're gonna break the bank by just carrying a Wand of Shatter around in your actual back pocket and using it whenever it comes up.

2014-07-21, 02:21 PM
I cast Overland Flight every day on all my casters anyway. At-will Invisibility is an undeniably nice trick, though.

I think Baleful Utterance is one of the most overrated things in the game. I mean, Shatter is a nice utility spell to have in your back pocket, no lie, but I don't feel like it comes up often enough that you're gonna break the bank by just carrying a Wand of Shatter around in your actual back pocket and using it whenever it comes up.

Think about how MANY uses it has though, that lich's phylactery on the other side of the room from him? SHATTERED, the enemy fighter's fancy armor? SHATTERED (with save to negate), the uses are plentiful :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-21, 02:27 PM
^ FYI, a lich's phylactery is a magic item and therefore is immune to Shatter

2014-07-21, 02:30 PM
^ FYI, a lich's phylactery is a magic item and therefore is immune to Shatter

Huh, i never knew that shatter couldnt affect magical items, good to know :smallsmile:

2014-07-21, 02:33 PM
I think Baleful Utterance is one of the most overrated things in the game. I mean, Shatter is a nice utility spell to have in your back pocket, no lie, but I don't feel like it comes up often enough that you're gonna break the bank by just carrying a Wand of Shatter around in your actual back pocket and using it whenever it comes up.

There's a big difference in applicability between Shattering one thing and Shattering everything.:smallwink:

2014-07-21, 02:38 PM
I like it with Sha'ir, especially since they are also divine casters so you can go into Eldritch Disciple (with a tiny bit of finagling) to pick up 9ths and Dark Invocations. Also, Sha'irs are Cha-focused, which will help your invocations, and the invocations give you something to do while your gen is out bargaining. There's a lot of mechanical and flavor synergy there.

This sounds great but explain to me this, how exactly did you finagle the turn undead requirement?

Also, which do you think is easier to drop greatreach blast and fiendish resilience 2 or gift of the divine patron and timeless body? this is because its not possible to take all 10 levels of each PRC

2014-07-21, 03:19 PM
no more thoughts or anything?

2014-07-21, 03:31 PM
This sounds great but explain to me this, how exactly did you finagle the turn undead requirement?

The easiest way is a Sacred Exorcist dip (Sha'irs get dismissal as it is on the sorc list). Alternatively, you can simply use the Eldritch Disciple adaptation (CMage 56) that drops the turning requirement entirely and powers your gifts with a "similar ability" - which to me says the uses/day still scale with Cha.)

Also, which do you think is easier to drop greatreach blast and fiendish resilience 2 or gift of the divine patron and timeless body? this is because its not possible to take all 10 levels of each PRC

I generally go ED 5 and as much ET as I can fit in, depending on how I qualified earlier. Timeless Body doesn't do anything noteworthy (few campaigns last long enough for it to matter) and there are only a couple of decent Gifts anyway. (I tend to go for Healing Blast and Protective Aura with a CG Sha'ir. ) This also gets you Eldritch Spellweave on both your arcane and divine spells.