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View Full Version : Pathfinder Requesting Assistance Aiding Players

2014-07-20, 11:04 PM
Hello Playground,

I'm looking for a little help in advising my players in their character builds. A secondary goal is to generate an interesting gear-list. We're looking more for things that are fun and flavorful rather than outright optimized, and I want to help them be aware of good synergistic options. We're all a little new to Pathfinder; my players are totally new, I'm moderately familiar. I've got a three person party, and races are decidedly nonstandard, so don't worry about that.

The party's front line is a Barbarian 2, Sorc 1, eventually going for Dragon Disciple (Red or Bronze undecided. Fire is the theme of the day.)

The party's rogue-type is a Rogue 2, Sorc 1 (Arcane Bloodline), going for Arcane Trickster.

The party's caster is a Wizard 2 (Air Elemental School, Wand Arcane Bond), Cleric 1 (Knowledge and Magic domains). Going for Mystic Theurge.

I'd prefer options from the Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's guide, but I'm not technically forcing it.

Thank you all very much.

2014-07-20, 11:14 PM

this lists some pretty optimized stuff, but it also grants an in depth look at the classes, and can help players understand their abilities and potential.

2014-07-20, 11:33 PM
Hrm, that's a lot of information. Thanks! Oddly nothing for Mystic Theurge in particular, but casters are casters and there are many guides for that.

2014-07-20, 11:45 PM
Just a point to keep in mind, not a criticism about badwrongfun or anything like that.

In pathfinder, single class builds generally outperform multiclass builds. Arcane trickster and mystic theurge, in particular, are late bloomers (there are early entry tricks I won't get into). Make sure both the players and you as the DM are aware of that. They'll be behind the curve a bit at lower levels, and a man down. You don't want to accidentally TPK them.

2014-07-21, 12:32 AM
Yeah, that was my concern, but they love the concepts, so I'm ok with it. I'll have to make sure they know that though.

As far as being a man down, in the first dungeon they'll have an NPC helper to help out, make sure they don't get killed, and all that. I'll be careful, thanks for the words of caution.

2014-07-21, 11:28 AM
Hrm... does anyone else have some advice?