View Full Version : DM Help Is my Animated Knife (Construct, Diminutive) too strong?

2014-07-21, 02:27 AM
Animated Knives and Cleavers (animated object), Diminutive

HD: 4d10
AC: 18 (+4 Dex, +4 Size)
Speed: 0 ft / 40 ft fly
BAB: +3
Grapple: -9

Str: 18
Dex: 19
Con: -
Wis: 1
Int: -
Cha: 1

Fort: +1
Will: -4
Ref: +5

Attack: Slash +7 1d2+4 or Peirce +7 1d2+4

I need to give it 2 feats and it has 14 skill points to spend.

I also would like to require a reflex check to grapple the knives and cleavers, of DC 15, since they are so small and quick. Is there a way to that within the established rules? Is this fair to my PCs

I'm aiming to pit 5-8 of these against a group of 5 level 4 PCs with the hopes that they will lock them in cabinets or drawers as an alternative to a strait fight.

2014-07-21, 02:35 AM
This belongs in the Homebrew section. However, I'm not sure it should have a Strength score. Given that it's a sword that's flying around, I think it should have no score. Attacking with a nonability is a +0 modifier. Which does lower its AB quite a bit, but the size and Dex mods to AC are a big plus. This is something that could also just be an annoying distraction, and a potentially one deadly if they're guarding their creator. They can get flanking attacks, or perhaps provide a flanking or Aid Another bonus to a stronger guardian.

Another option is to give them Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. That way they still have the AB, if not the damage. Incidentally I think a butcher's knife or cleaver is 1d4-1 damage. And now that I look at it, I think a Construct defaults to 10 Wis.

2014-07-21, 02:42 AM
Can this post me moved by any moderator viewing it?

Also if I give it a Str of 1 and Weapon Finesse as a feat, it will retain the +7 AB but lose out on a lot of damage...

I guess I can make up for it with numbers, perhaps add some frying pans or a pot.

2014-07-21, 02:43 AM
I need to give it 2 feats and it has 14 skill points to spend.

No, as a creature with no Int score it does not gain any Feats or Skillpoints through hit dice.

I also would like to require a reflex check to grapple the knives and cleavers, of DC 15, since they are so small and quick. Is there a way to that within the established rules? Is this fair to my PCs

Grapple attempt already require a touch attack to get a hold for which this creature has an AC of 18 (because it is so small and quick).

I'm aiming to pit 5-8 of these against a group of 5 level 4 PCs with the hopes that they will lock them in cabinets or drawers as an alternative to a strait fight.

Depends on the group. One point to consider is that the party probably can't outrun the animated objects with their 40 ft. fly speed.

Also if I give it a Str of 1 and Weapon Finesse as a feat, it will retain the +7 AB but lose out on a lot of damage...

For the record, the Strength score of a diminutive animated object can be extrapolated to 6. But since your knifes have 4HD, Str 18 seems not out of the line to me.

2014-07-21, 02:46 AM
Can this post me moved by any moderator viewing it?

Also if I give it a Str of 1 and Weapon Finesse as a feat, it will retain the +7 AB but lose out on a lot of damage...

I guess I can make up for it with numbers, perhaps add some frying pans or a pot.

The wise fellow above me beat me to it adding notes about grappling the thing. Look at it this way, though: picture the spellcaster of the party, at level 4. A bunch of high AB, high damage, high AC monsters may tear the mage apart. You want to pick two out of three at that level.

Example: An ogre is high AB, high damage, but low AC/Will.

2014-07-21, 02:53 AM
Oh, I did not realize that they didn't get feats or skill points is that a feature for all constructs or just animated objects?

EDIT: Oh, its the intelligence score that does it. My bad.

Numbers it is then and the touch attack I forgot about too. I chose 40 ft flying specifically and 4 HD because I want them to figure out how I want them beat or figure out another creative way to do it.

Oh, I don't think I want the to have a hardness score because I don't want it to be TOO hard if they go with the direct approach.

Their master is a passive foe and he cast permanancy on the kitchenware.