View Full Version : Helpful Tips

Talon Betimere
2014-07-21, 01:37 PM
So in my campaign we have a barbarian, cleric, ranger, and rogue (me) and during our travels my rogue has built an animosity for the ranger and that animosity built into pure hatred after the ranger shot him with an arrow (long story short, he tried shooting a spider, failed and his arrow went thru a bush and hit Talon the rogue in the thigh, putting him at -2). Then afterwards, when the battle was over, the ranger tried removing the arrow but did more harm than good, dropping him to -8. In the past, Talon has tried hard making Gon's (the ranger) life Hell, and now he wants to end it. My friend that plays him said to kill him off this thursday because he wants to reroll a new character and I thought what better way to solve this feud than to have Talon commit the act. However, its proving rather difficult, I have made one plan to do it, but my DM says he has high HP and my idea, even as nice it is, wouldn't get the job done. My plan was the wait till we set up camp, once everyone is asleep Talon moves over to Gon and does a non-lethal coup de grace, after everyone makes their listen checks and hopefully fails he would drag him off into the forest and finish him off, cut off his hand and frame a kobold our party had ran into a few days before. (Talon likes cutting fingers off enemies he kills as trophies, a kobold we ran into cuts off hands as trophies and this fueled a bit of rivalry). Now, I'm asking you guys for help. What advice could you guys give me to assassinate the ranger? What plans? I'll give my stats for a bit of help...

Level 2 rogue
Feats: Two-weapon fighting, two-weapon defense, improved initiative, evasion, sneak attack, trapfinding
Weapons: Masterwork morningstar +1 Attack 1d8 damage, Punching Dagger 1d4+1 (+1 attack +1 damage when no allies are within 10feet), light crossbow w/ 18 iron bolts 1d8
Armor: Hardened black leather +3 AC (this armor is regular leather, if you wanna know why its black and hardened ill tell you in a different thread)
Skills: Bluff 2, Hide 2, Intimidate 4, Listen 5, Move silently 6, Search 5, sleight of hand 2, spot 7

Those aren't all of the skills, just ones I thought would be important for this task. If you need anymore information I'll gladly supply it.

2014-07-21, 05:16 PM
The Red Towel: Moved to 3e/3.5e/d20. If this is in error send me a PM.

2014-07-21, 05:45 PM
Odd that another player would be ok with you offing their character but if it's what they want...

The kobold idea doesn't sound entirely viable as is since they wouldn't be strong enough to drag the ranger that far without detection.

Got any poison? If so I'd make a small pit trap and coat the stakes with poison. Set up something that will make noise on a direct line past the sleeping ranger and the pit trap. Wake the ranger up during the night and tell them you hear something. When they investigate they will step into the pit trap and will either die or be weakened enough to finish them off. Chop of their hand afterwards to make it look like the kobold did it - kobolds being well known for traps after all.

Talon Betimere
2014-07-23, 12:06 AM
Odd that another player would be ok with you offing their character but if it's what they want...

The kobold idea doesn't sound entirely viable as is since they wouldn't be strong enough to drag the ranger that far without detection.

Got any poison? If so I'd make a small pit trap and coat the stakes with poison. Set up something that will make noise on a direct line past the sleeping ranger and the pit trap. Wake the ranger up during the night and tell them you hear something. When they investigate they will step into the pit trap and will either die or be weakened enough to finish them off. Chop of their hand afterwards to make it look like the kobold did it - kobolds being well known for traps after all.

No poison and used up the last of my spikes as foot traps to guard our camp while in hostile territory. Thought it might not matter anymore, the situation we're in right now is pretty bad. We're in the middle of a goblin fort, basically slayed half the fort until the boss came riding in on a warg. I'm down on -5 health, our barbarian is down on -1, our cleric has one 0-level spell left. The warg was badly injured but managed to get away, however, we notice in the fort there are 2 stables...meaning there's possibly a second rider out there. The way it looks right now, I might die and I've already started rolling a new sheet. Going for either an assassin (concept character in the quintessential rogue book) or a sorcerer since our original sorcerer bailed on the campaign.

2014-07-23, 12:43 AM
No poison and used up the last of my spikes as foot traps to guard our camp while in hostile territory. Thought it might not matter anymore, the situation we're in right now is pretty bad. We're in the middle of a goblin fort, basically slayed half the fort until the boss came riding in on a warg. I'm down on -5 health, our barbarian is down on -1, our cleric has one 0-level spell left. The warg was badly injured but managed to get away, however, we notice in the fort there are 2 stables...meaning there's possibly a second rider out there. The way it looks right now, I might die and I've already started rolling a new sheet. Going for either an assassin (concept character in the quintessential rogue book) or a sorcerer since our original sorcerer bailed on the campaign.

Well, assuming you get out of that situation, with regard to killing the ranger I'd argue the mechanics (hp etc.) are irrelevant. Since both you and the ranger's player are ok with it, just come up with a story you both like, and that's how it happened.

2014-07-24, 12:05 AM
Just kill him. Clean your weapons, cover your tracks, and in the morning everyone wakes up and he's dead. The mystery will go unsolved forever.