View Full Version : XP components

2014-07-21, 10:44 PM
I'm working on a character concept that's heavily dependent on a high-level spell with a big XP cost to use. Is it possible to reduce or eliminate this cost? If so, how? Thanks!

2014-07-21, 10:52 PM
The Dweomerkeeper prestige class (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040522a) gets the ability to cast spells as a Supernatural ability a certain number of times per day based on their class level. This eliminates all components, including material and XP.

You can use the SLA High Arcana of the archmage class to make a spell a SLA with components, then use Supernatural Transformation to convert that into a componentless supernatural ability.

2014-07-21, 10:53 PM
There are many ways to eliminate XP components. The easiest is to make the spell into a spell-like ability. This can be done through Dweomerkeeper, Archmage, or a handful of other PrCs. There's also magical item/trap construction but that's very DM dependent. Edit: Swordsaged.

2014-07-22, 07:30 AM
The Dweomerkeeper prestige class (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040522a) gets the ability to cast spells as a Supernatural ability a certain number of times per day based on their class level. This eliminates all components, including material and XP.

You can use the SLA High Arcana of the archmage class to make a spell a SLA with components, then use Supernatural Transformation to convert that into a componentless supernatural ability.

There's also a few races - such as the Phaerimm from Lost Empires of Faerun - that cast spells as SLA's, with no escape clauses (so the general header for SLA's rules, and there are no components).

If you Planar Bind something that has Wish as a spell-like ability (such as a Glabrezou, Noble Djinni, or an Efreeti [if you're suicidal; seriously, they're lawful evil, so work well in groups, and they've got a racial hatred for slavery... do NOT repeat-bind those]), you can coerce it into making a scroll of the spell for you.

The psionic power Fission (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fission.htm) neglects to mention that XP spent by your copy counts against your total; it's not one of the things that gets shared, so any XP your duplicate spends doesn't matter (unless your main body dies).

If you suffer a negative level, and let it become real level loss, your XP total is set to halfway between your old and new level. If you later score a (greater) Restoration spell, your XP total is set to the minimum necessary for the highest level you've previously attained. So if you get hit once by a wight under your control (evil Cleric), let yourself lose the level, you can cast a lot, then cast Restoration, and be back where you were. Over & over & over again.

There's also Ambrosia (Book of Exalted Deeds) and Liquid Pain (Book of Vile Darkness) for buying XP for such things.

Also... ritual sacrifice from the Book of Vile Darkness, and using souls as power from the same book.

2014-07-22, 04:45 PM
...The psionic power Fission (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/fission.htm) neglects to mention that XP spent by your copy counts against your total; it's not one of the things that gets shared, so any XP your duplicate spends doesn't matter (unless your main body dies)...

It's worth noting that, depending on how high-level we're talking, the Phrenic Creature template (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/phrenicCreature.htm) from the Expanded Psionics Handbook grants Fission 1/day as a Psi-like ability along with a host of other benefits, for a relatively manageable LA of +2. If your DM allows buyoff (and doesn't flatly ban the template), you might be able to get it for basically free.

You (the OP) mentioned that you wanted to cast a high-level spell, so I presume that picking up a 7th-level Egoist-specific power via normal means might be a bit too much of an investment, even if you were to go Cerebremancer or something.

2014-07-22, 05:56 PM
It's worth noting that, depending on how high-level we're talking, the Phrenic Creature template (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/phrenicCreature.htm) from the Expanded Psionics Handbook grants Fission 1/day as a Psi-like ability along with a host of other benefits, for a relatively manageable LA of +2. If your DM allows buyoff (and doesn't flatly ban the template), you might be able to get it for basically free.

You (the OP) mentioned that you wanted to cast a high-level spell, so I presume that picking up a 7th-level Egoist-specific power via normal means might be a bit too much of an investment, even if you were to go Cerebremancer or something.

The build is hypothetical only, just something interesting I was thinking of and wanted to see if I could make work. I was already considering gestalt and/or epic for this character, so working in high-level psionics shouldn't be a problem.