View Full Version : End of all things. Apocalypse

Crimson Wolf
2014-07-22, 09:36 PM
So while still making some tweaks to my Campaign I am making my friends while we just do small prologue sessions to get them started and introduced to this new world I have made I sometimes go through the bestiary books to hopefully get inspiration. Tonight, I think I just finally helped see how I can bring the end of the epic campaign to a climax. Mainly wihtout going too much into details the group is on a new planet after a mage unlocked a portal to there, unlocking another (so two right next to each other) letting the races of both planets meet, find peace and have a unity to explore this rich new planet. Five years later with a massive city built, and people starting to explore the new lands the group will see why no other races are on that planet to begin with seeing a mass extinction of sentient (as in human species like races) are there, and having to stop a mass demon/devil invasion that would spill into both unlocked worlds.

Well reading through the bestiary I found a few creatures and then inspiration hit me like a train that was picked up by a tornado made by a elder air elemental. Behemoths, I finally read upon these massive, godlike creatures and read the lore. Seeing them as tools of pure destruction sent by the gods I finally found the climax that the story can have. Through some unholy abomination of a ritual, the main villains have unlocked a way to put these three creatures under their control and at the end, the group MUST find a way to break/end this control else not only the current world, but the two worlds that are unlocked (their home worlds) would be brought low by this power.

Again a major work in progress seeing as still they are in level one prologue but, I really really wanted a honest opinion on my idea. I would love to just hear what everyone things about my idea for a campaign finish and would love to start conversation on ideas to add to it, tweaks, changes, and filler to make it happen.

2014-07-22, 10:41 PM
Sounds like a lot of various works of fiction on the market and movies. But what the hey, if it works go with it. There are worse ways to end a campaign. Like player apathy and just sitting there staring at your notes wondering what to do next. You may want to leave some hints and things though so they don't think the light at the end of the tunnel was all along a train.

Like in the movie Prometheus; leave some dead ancients or something laying around with cryptic warnings of why this world in the multi-verse was left uninhabited. The clerics in the party getting disturbing visions as soon as they go through the portal. Fun details like that.

Crimson Wolf
2014-07-22, 11:10 PM
On the market and such? I am a little confused watcha mean here xD And oh no worry I will leave certain warnings and such. Not to mention in the game there are several ruins scattered along the massive continent that may or may not have fragments of the past and warnings, let alone one that is near the massive main city that has been built has a "watchmen" like spirit left bound to an item (kinda making it a plot point item, it teleports around, place to place giving the party a word or two of wisdom, helping answer a couple questions before leaving again to who knows where). The premise behind another big plot point it, to have closed and banished the mass demon/devil army that invaded before, all the metallic dragons that were there combined all their energies to literally, blast them all back to hell, only with barely enough power to return to their lairs and pass out into a coma like sleep. Thus the giant lack of dragons in this new world, I planned on having the group stumble upon a primal dragon, deep inside a mountain that is still awake, to help explain a lot of events that has happened, and possibly insuring they don't happen again, or at the very least, preparing for the worst.