View Full Version : Optimization Halfling Ubercharger Paladin - Let's CHEESE it!

2014-07-22, 09:37 PM
So. I was thinking to myself, "What's an interesting character concept?"

I Perused. I browsed. I Thought. Then I smiled. I saw a picture of an Alaskan Malamute doggie. Then I said, "These things can haul 3k lbs. So, A mounted Halfling-a-din, In full plate? Yeaaaahhh. Let's do that."

Let's optimize. Matter of fact, let's make this a contest.

I'll edit in my attempt in a moment.


Level 10 max.

Any Template you want, however, size must not rise above small, and may not have more than 2 templates. (This includes things like Dragonborn.)

No Magic Items.


Must Ride.

May have up to 2 flaws.

Elite Array Stats.

No Spell Compendium Spells. (They just plain make me jealous.) Edit: Yes, I'm aware that this is just complicated lists of spells form other splats. Let's change that to say, "SRD Spells only."

Victory goes to: They with the highest raw damage output. (This will be graded in 3 segements, Air, Ground, Charge.)

Anyone Down? Post a Reserve slot first. I'll see when we should end the thread tomorrow or so.

Strongheart Halfling

Hit Points: 9D10+10(Lvl1)+10(Con)

Flaw: Unreactive -6 Iniative
Flaw: Vulnerable -1 AC

AC :9 + 8 + 1 + 1 = 19

+Bonus Feat
+2 Dex
-2 Str

Flaw? Mounted Combat
Flaw? Ride-by Attack
Lvl 1 Power Attack
Bonus Spirited Charge
Lvl 3 Improved Bull Rush
Lvl 6 Shock Trooper
Lvl 9 Improved Unarmed Strike

Lvl 4 Str
Lvl 8 Cha

15 Str = 14 Str
14 Wis = 14 Wis
13 Cha = 14 Cha
12 Con = 12 Con
10 Dex = 12 Dex
8 Int = 8 Int

Aura of Good, Detect Evil, Smite Evil (3/day) Divine Grace, Lay on Hands, Divine Health, Turn Undead, Special Mount, Remove Disease 1/week

lvl 3

Tougher than Small (Ex): When a Wary Swordknight is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), she is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to her. A Wary Swordknight is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect her. The benefits of this class feature stack with effects that change her size category.
This benefit replaces the standard paladin's aura of courage class feature.

Lvl 6

Haste (Sp): At 6th level, a Swordknight becomes able to use a haste effect on herself once per day. Her caster level for this ability is equal to one-half her paladin level.
This benefit replaces the 1st-level spell slot gained at 6th level, as well as the remove disease class feature normally gained at 6th level. From this point forward, a Wary Swordknight has one less weekly use of remove disease than normal.

Spells Per Day = 1(Lvl1), 2(lvl2)

Ride = 13 (+1)
UMD = Cross Class = 2 (+2)

Possessions: MWK Lance, MWK Spiked Gauntlets, MWK Guisarme (The tripping halberd who's name I always forget.) MWK Full Plate, MWK Sling, MWK Bullets

Ground : Guisarme 1d6+3+(PA)(Shunt to AC)20=1d6+23 (Allows Trips. 24 - 29) (FA= X3 (Haste.))
Air: Sling 1d3+2 (Slings add str mod.)
Charge: Lance 1d6+3+(PA)(Shunt to AC)20 X 3 (Spirited charge) =3d6+69 (72 - 87)

2014-07-22, 10:13 PM
You realize Spell Compendium is just Spells from different sources collected, right?

2014-07-23, 12:06 AM
No Magic Items.

That's a really strange restriction. High level adventurers are assumed to have a small country's GDP in magic items tethered to them to keep up with their enemies. In particular, the lack of magical flight prevents the halfling from charging enemies in the air, which hurts.

I don't feel like coming up with my own build, so I'll use yours as a chassis. Taking Warblade for your 9th or 10th level to get you Battle Leader's Charge, which adds 10 x 3 = 30 damage when you use it with spirited charge. If you replace Improved Unarmed Strike with Battle Blessing, you could cast Bull's Strength as a swift action as you charge, adding 3 x 3 = 9 damage. Alternatively, Divine Might could do the same if you moved some stat points over to Cha and increased it to 16.

2014-07-23, 02:49 AM
The main Ubermount build is already a Halfling Paladin. Taking Paladin, a smidge of Druid, Devoted Tracker, and Halfling Outrider gives you a seriously beefy mount. Fill up the rest with as much Cavalier as you can, and you have a pretty good Ubercharging Mounted Paladin. C'mon, at the heart of it, is there much more to be done than a Spirited Chagre Power Attack with a Lance?

2014-07-23, 03:33 AM
The main Ubermount build is already a Halfling Paladin. Taking Paladin, a smidge of Druid, Devoted Tracker, and Halfling Outrider gives you a seriously beefy mount. Fill up the rest with as much Cavalier as you can, and you have a pretty good Ubercharging Mounted Paladin. C'mon, at the heart of it, is there much more to be done than a Spirited Chagre Power Attack with a Lance?
I thought the standard build was something like Paladin 5 / Beastmaster 1 / Halfling Outrider 10 / Wild Plains Outrider 3 / Beastmaster +1, indeed with Devoted Tracker and Natural Bond. This would give an Effective Paladin level of 15 (Paladin 5 + Halfling Outrider 10) and an Effective Druid Level of 21 (Beastmaster 5 + Natural Bond 3 + Halfling Outrider 10 + Wild Plains Outrider 3). Though I know there are ways to make the mount even stronger (involving making it a dragon and also giving it familiar bonuses and what not).

2014-07-23, 08:21 AM
I'm confused...

First of all the traditional ubercharger paladin is already a halfling I don't know what you are trying to pull. But the restriction to be a paladin isn't there...

So... halfling wizard 5 / zhentarim skymage 5.