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View Full Version : Purifying souls & affixing to constructs as warforged.

2014-07-23, 02:53 AM
I have a wizard character in a game, Bloodmagus/Maester, I want to make warforged out of purified demon/devil souls being added into constructs. The only thing i cant do so far is purify those souls. I am looking for any way i can get this capability other than Wish spells.

C/G Hellbred (Body) Wiz5/BM4(10)/M0(5)

I'd like something sooner rather than later. Help?

2014-07-23, 04:52 PM
To clarify I'm looking for ways to purify souls as an arcane caster. If anyone has any ideas as to how this can be achieved, i'd greatly appreciate some insight.

2014-07-23, 04:55 PM
To clarify I'm looking for ways to purify souls as an arcane caster. If anyone has any ideas as to how this can be achieved, i'd greatly appreciate some insight.

Wasnt there a spell that trapped their soul for a year and then they came out good? maybe use that one?

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-07-23, 04:58 PM
Sanctify the Wicked is the only way I know to purify a soul, but I believe cannot target outsiders. I'm away from book, but you may be able to chain a few spells from Spell Compendium to get an outsider to count as a humanoid for purposes of Sanctify the Wicked. The first is I think called "Veil of Unearth." Then one of the humanoid essence-like spells to remove all those pesky undead traits.