View Full Version : DM Help my ultimate character

2014-07-23, 06:08 AM
ok im doing something that is going to be the final boss for one of my campaigns, and i need some help
heres my idea so far.
ok the final boss will be a mind flayer that has achieved almost perfect immortality.( meaning he has reached the peak of his life and takes no negative effects of aging and only magical diseases can affect him. he can still die ffrom any source that would do enough damage. like normal)
he is going to have every class i can find from my many pdfs. he will only use 1-3 classes at one time.he will have a special ability that lets him change his gear instantly to a new set of gear approiate to the class he is using when his hp is knocked low enough he will switch classes and gear
he has killed many heroes and has several thousand guards in his castle. the pcs have mustered an army of dwarves elves halflngs gnomes and (i cant remember what they are but they are like bird cat people that shoot a double foot bow and have wings favored class ranger).anyways the things i need help with are
where do i find the heritage feats for a mind flayer and which book is it in(there is no homebrew stuff allowed only stuff in actual books this rule only applies to the pcs) the other question i have is which book has the mind flayer as a playble race not as a class thx for any help
also can you guys suggest great gear sets for your favorite classes price is not a problem

2014-07-23, 06:45 AM
ok im doing something that is going to be the final boss for one of my campaigns, and i need some help
heres my idea so far.
ok the final boss will be a mind flayer that has achieved almost perfect immortality.( meaning he has reached the peak of his life and takes no negative effects of aging and only magical diseases can affect him. he can still die ffrom any source that would do enough damage. like normal)
he is going to have every class i can find from my many pdfs. he will only use 1-3 classes at one time.he will have a special ability that lets him change his gear instantly to a new set of gear approiate to the class he is using when his hp is knocked low enough he will switch classes and gear
he has killed many heroes and has several thousand guards in his castle. the pcs have mustered an army of dwarves elves halflngs gnomes and (i cant remember what they are but they are like bird cat people that shoot a double foot bow and have wings favored class ranger).anyways the things i need help with are
where do i find the heritage feats for a mind flayer and which book is it in(there is no homebrew stuff allowed only stuff in actual books this rule only applies to the pcs) the other question i have is which book has the mind flayer as a playble race not as a class thx for any help
also can you guys suggest great gear sets for your favorite classes price is not a problem

I'm trying to understand why you'd want the work of adding like 40 classes (or hundreds if you include PrCs to a monster), while causing your players to suspend disbelief while the monster's gear shifts between thousands or millions of gold worth of random different items, to make your encounter memorable. Depending on the level of the party, I'd probably just add some levels in sorcerer or the paragon template (it just so happens the entry for paragon is already a mind flayer so the work is done for you) and call it a day.

I'd also be careful about how you handle combat for thousands vs. thousands. There are rules for it in Heroes of Battle, and I once tried a mass combat myself where I rolled for 20 units at a time, but my best advice is to avoid rolling it out. Maybe create some condition where the party can sneak in and sabotage the enemy army to kill or disable many of them, or find some cache of items that will give their army enough of an advantage; either way a condition where the party can help their army win, without having to do the attack rolls for the army vs army fight. Then maybe when their army reaches the final circle, tell the players that their army is getting killed off when they try to break through to the mind flayer's final defenses (maybe some spells that kill low HD creatures), forcing the party to advance in. There, you could have a couple final encounters with the mind flayer's most elite minions before they face the mind flayer himself.

I think there are some mind flayer feats in lords of madness, and there is a character entry in the monster manual.

2014-07-23, 08:01 AM
Just give him Illithid Savant from Savage Species, which allows him to permanently gain the skill ranks, feats, prestige classes, and racial abilities of creatures whose brains he's eaten. If he eats the brain of a 20th level spellcaster, then he can permanently acquire that 20th level spellcasting class feature. If that happens to be Wizard or Sorcerer casting, he can make a Simulacrum of himself and eat its brain. He can then spend a single use of his Acquire Class Feature ability from Illithid Savant to gain the simulacrum's Acquire Class Feature 3 class feature, thereby allowing him to acquire three more class features. He can use those on more simulacrums of himself to acquire additional uses of Acquire Class Feature or other things from Illithid Savant, allowing him to gain an unlimited number of creatures' skill ranks, feats, racial abilities, and class features.

Forget about multiclassing him, just give him that and he can potentially learn every feat, skill, class feature, and racial ability in the game, as long as he's able to eat the brain of a creature that has it.

2014-07-23, 12:26 PM
Just give him Illithid Savant from Savage Species, which allows him to permanently gain the skill ranks, feats, prestige classes, and racial abilities of creatures whose brains he's eaten. If he eats the brain of a 20th level spellcaster, then he can permanently acquire that 20th level spellcasting class feature. If that happens to be Wizard or Sorcerer casting, he can make a Simulacrum of himself and eat its brain. He can then spend a single use of his Acquire Class Feature ability from Illithid Savant to gain the simulacrum's Acquire Class Feature 3 class feature, thereby allowing him to acquire three more class features. He can use those on more simulacrums of himself to acquire additional uses of Acquire Class Feature or other things from Illithid Savant, allowing him to gain an unlimited number of creatures' skill ranks, feats, racial abilities, and class features.

Forget about multiclassing him, just give him that and he can potentially learn every feat, skill, class feature, and racial ability in the game, as long as he's able to eat the brain of a creature that has it.

I am pretty sure you are reading Illithid Savant wrong - Acquire Class Feature 3 is the third acquired class feature not 3 Acquired Class Features.

At 7th level and again at 10th level, the illithid savant can gain another class feature from a consumed brain.

So no matter how many simulacrums of himself he eats ( which is a little gross by the way :smallamused: ) he only has a total of 3 acquired class features, 4 acquired skills, 4 acquired feats and 2 acquired special attacks/special qualities.

To the OP:
Do not roll dice for large combat - eventually boils down to rolling dice for like 20 minutes and become very boring - even if you have a die roller - PCs feel removed from the combat. Instead have them accomplish goals with a point value per goal. So many points are needed to have a successful large scale invasion.

Unless the PCs are super high level and can lay waste to vast swaths of the material plane in a few rounds, in which case the big battle is a pointless speed bump.

Suggest having the battle as a background with random stuff happening (Group of Soldiers stumble upon you, Bad Soldeirs have Good Soldiers pinned down, Good Soldiers are stuck at a barricade and cannot get past).

Illithid Heritage Feats can be found in Complete Psionic and here (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-psionic--59/illithid-heritage--1432/).

Mind Flayer can be found in the MM (note this is not found on d20srd as it is copyrighted) as well as Complete Psionics (the latter is better as it has things like power point reserve).

I would avoid the whole - infinite gear - as your PCs will want to find this massive hoard of treasure. As a DM I always go under the assumption that my PCs have a chance at winning - and thus capturing all the goodies - don't fiat the treasure away b/c you want a Universal Character.

Since Mind Flayer HD and Psion levels stack in terms of ML - I suggest you learn everything you can about being a psion.