View Full Version : What do you think will happen to Belkar?

2007-03-02, 03:46 PM
He'll Escape - He'll break out, either on his own or the OotS/Linear guild/Miko/etc will help him

Azure City will Fall - The whole city is captured, thus allowing him to escape somehow

He'll be set free after the battle - For some reason or other, Hinjo (or whoever has authority) will let him go

Roy will find a replacement - Roy (or another member of the order) will find someone to take Belkar's place and they'll leave him to serve out his sentence

thog will give the jailer ice cream - thog will bribe the jailer, with ice cream, to let them all go and also give thog a puppy

2007-03-02, 03:50 PM
I think he will somehow get the MoJ removed before or during the big battle and then the OoTS will have no reason to stick around for him to carry out the sentance.

2007-03-02, 04:33 PM
I don't think they are going to leave Belkar for an entire year (in comic time, of course). Plus Belkar still has to cause the death of someone and I don't want to wait the "year" to find out who. So my votr is that he gets released somehow.

2007-03-02, 04:35 PM
If he does as well as I think he will, Hinjo should let him go free, also they have enough things on their minds without the thought of imprisonment.

2007-03-02, 04:48 PM
I went with AC falling - though I'd really have liked to see some kind of option that involves the Mark getting removed as a part of the battle.

If her were Charmed, Dominated, etc, V or Durkon or another caster may be forced to Break Enchantment on him. I might even be possible that Xykon throws a Mordi^h^h^H erm, Mage's Disjunction with Belkar in range (say several buffed PC's were closing on him) and that might be ruled enough to remove the mark.

2007-03-02, 05:33 PM
There's always the possibility that this whole thing will turn out in such a way that the OotS ends up sticking around for a year for reasons unrelated to Belkar's prison term. I'm not sure what those will be, but it has happened in RPG campaigns where the party ends up taking several months of downtime while various characters train, make items, research spells and do other things. Perhaps that will happen here and Belkar's term in jail will pass in the space of a few strips.

I don't think it's likely because of the urgent nature of stopping Xykon from getting to the other gates, but who knows how the Giant will work things...

The Extinguisher
2007-03-02, 05:34 PM
My guess:

Xykon fails, but Azure City is badly damaged. Belkar is locked up and someone else joins the group temporarily until the sentence is up.

Tokiko Mima
2007-03-02, 06:05 PM
By the end of the battle, Shojo will have returned to life some way, and will pardon Belkar

2007-03-02, 06:07 PM
My choice wasn't there, which is that he dies in the battle. Just as Miko is about to do something heroic and suicidal during the battle, Belkar will interfere and both save her life and do the heroic/suicidal thing instead. Not because he suddenly develops a better nature, but just to be sadistic. Miko will have been looking for some big gesture to earn back the favor of the gods, and to be saved by Belkar will snap whatever is left of her sanity.

Although unless he's resurrected, that doesn't allow for him to kill whoever he is supposed to kill, so my theory still needs work.

2007-03-02, 07:00 PM
My guess:

Xykon fails, but Azure City is badly damaged. Belkar is locked up and someone else joins the group temporarily until the sentence is up.

My sentiments exactly.

2007-03-02, 07:31 PM
I don't know how spoilers work so...

City falls, B escapes and V uses magic to render sapphire intangible thereby permanently securing gate from being tampered with

Rai Thunder
2007-03-02, 07:59 PM
My choice wasn't there, which is that he dies in the battle. Just as Miko is about to do something heroic and suicidal during the battle, Belkar will interfere and both save her life and do the heroic/suicidal thing instead. Not because he suddenly develops a better nature, but just to be sadistic. Miko will have been looking for some big gesture to earn back the favor of the gods, and to be saved by Belkar will snap whatever is left of her sanity.

Although unless he's resurrected, that doesn't allow for him to kill whoever he is supposed to kill, so my theory still needs work.

Seconded. He could always go on a little trip through the afterlife if necessary.

2007-03-02, 10:45 PM
My choice wasn't there, which is that he dies in the battle. Just as Miko is about to do something heroic and suicidal during the battle, Belkar will interfere and both save her life and do the heroic/suicidal thing instead. Not because he suddenly develops a better nature, but just to be sadistic. Miko will have been looking for some big gesture to earn back the favor of the gods, and to be saved by Belkar will snap whatever is left of her sanity.

Although unless he's resurrected, that doesn't allow for him to kill whoever he is supposed to kill, so my theory still needs work.

I'm more for that he kills her when she tries to do that. After all he has to kill either Roy, Miko or Miko's horse and at this point Miko's horse is no longer available for killing.

I'm still wondering how he's going to do anything helpful in the battle with the MoJ.

2007-03-03, 03:00 AM
I'm more for that he kills her when she tries to do that. After all he has to kill either Roy, Miko or Miko's horse and at this point Miko's horse is no longer available for killing.

Don't forget, the prophet's included in that too. Belkar could possibly end up meeting the prophet again and killing him because he's a kobold. And Belkar HATES kobolds.

2007-03-03, 03:27 AM
Azure city falls, and, in the final stand of the defenders at the throne-room, Hinjo has his last wizard remove the MoJ to enable Belkar to fight effectively at last (especially now that most of the undead have been dispatched by Azure City's clerics and whoever). In the final confrontation, Hinjo and the rest of the NPC defenders are killed, but Belkar and the OotS escape, managing to destroy Shojo's throne in the process, thus delaying Xykon's victory and insuring that the Prophecy will be fulfilled by Xykon traveling to Girard's Gate next. In the ensuing chaos, Miko and the Linear Guild escape from prison.

2007-03-03, 03:47 AM
I think he'll be released into the wild, then eaten by a shark, then he'll roll a new character named Belkar Bittertree who will be a Halfing Barbarian.

2007-03-03, 05:05 AM
I think he'll be released into the wild, then eaten by a shark, then he'll roll a new character named Belkar Bittertree who will be a Halfing Barbarian.

No he will be a totally different character named Welkar who is a Gnome Fighter/Ranger!

2007-03-03, 05:14 AM
No he will be a totally different character named Welkar who is a Gnome Fighter/Ranger!
Or better yet, a Kobold, just for the irony.

2007-03-03, 08:55 AM
Roy replaces him, I think:smalltongue:

Elliot Kane
2007-03-03, 10:00 AM
I think that having made his point about the life of the guard being important, Hinjo will pardon Belkar after the battle for services rendered during it. Don't forget that Hinjo genuinely believes that Belkar is on the edge of turning over a new leaf, and with the OOTS about to go chasing off after a fleeing but still dangerous Xykon, they'll need all their members to succeed.

Hinjo is the only person in his entire city who is even close to being the right level to accompany the OOTS as a replacement for Belkar, and he can't go for obvious reasons.

The only other option I see is for Miko to be sent with them under the effects of a Geas or Quest spell, as a replacement for Belkar, but she has a trial for treason ahead of her, and in the eyes of Hinjo is a far worse criminal than Belkar right now.

2007-03-03, 11:12 AM
I wonder if

Belkar will somehow find a way to pin the murder of the guard on someone else (perhaps claiming that Miko did it to have a reason to kill him?) and get off.

2007-03-05, 03:44 AM
Somehow I can't picture Belkar allowing anyone else to get credit for his kills.

2007-03-05, 07:59 AM
Its probably worth noting he asked the oracle if he would "cause the death of" anyone, not necessarily kill them directly. So in theory he doesn't have to be anywhere near the OotS to kill them (plus he's be in a jail cell near Miko anyway).

2007-03-05, 08:08 AM
I wonder if

Belkar will somehow find a way to pin the murder of the guard on someone else (perhaps claiming that Miko did it to have a reason to kill him?) and get off.
Belkar's guilt is no longer at issue as far as the law is concerned -- he's pleaded guilty and received his sentence.

2007-03-05, 08:11 AM
Actually Happy turtle your theory is perfect, since he has already killed windstriker! With his constant attacks on miko's sanity and perception of the order he tectnikly made her kill shojo.

2007-03-05, 08:22 AM
That didn't kill Windstriker at all. Quite the contrary, Windstriker will now safely remain on his LG home plane.

2007-03-05, 08:27 AM
Actually Happy turtle your theory is perfect, since he has already killed windstriker! With his constant attacks on miko's sanity and perception of the order he tectnikly made her kill shojo.
In any case, Belkar doesn't have to kill Windstriker to fulfil that option -- any "stupid horse" in Miko's possession at the moment will do.

2007-03-05, 11:00 AM
He'll be replaced.

2007-03-05, 11:12 AM
While Azure City won't be completely destroyed, it will be in very bad shape. Enough so, that they simply won't have the time or resources to deal with prisoners (the Tower Jail might even be destoryed during the attack, with all of the hilarity that implies). So Belkar will be released into Roy's care, contingient on Roy going out and finishing off Xykon and/or Redcloak once and for all.

The irony that this is pretty much what Shojo did, is of course, delicious. :smallwink:

2007-03-05, 03:34 PM
While Azure City won't be completely destroyed, it will be in very bad shape. Enough so, that they simply won't have the time or resources to deal with prisoners (the Tower Jail might even be destoryed during the attack, with all of the hilarity that implies). So Belkar will be released into Roy's care, contingient on Roy going out and finishing off Xykon and/or Redcloak once and for all.

The irony that this is pretty much what Shojo did, is of course, delicious. :smallwink:
That would be my guess if we were betting money.
However, I have a sneaking suspicion that we are near the end of Belkar. How, I do not know, but I'm finally starting to learn to listen to those nagging feelings in the back of my mind.