View Full Version : The Sundering? [Realmslore] [Novel Spoilers]

2014-07-23, 06:08 PM
I've read a few reactions on Candlekeep about the Sundering novels and the impression I got was that the books didn't do a good job of explaining what the Sundering actually is. The books are on my To Read list, but I'd like to get a grasp of how the lore is changing from 4e to 5e. Some Archmages fight each other and apparently...

The city of Shade crashes into Myth Drannor?

Here's a list of questions I've got if anyone has answers for them.

What happens to the parts of Abeir that are on Toril? I think that they're swapping again but I'm not sure.
What's happened to the parts of Toril that were transplanted onto Abeir?
What's the status of the Dragonborn?
Does the Shadow Weave still exist?

Some if not all of these questions will probably have to wait to be answered until the campaign setting comes out, but if you've got an answer or a juicy rumor spill it!

Edit: I just realized I posted this to the 3.5 sub-forum out of habit. It probably should be in the 5e sub-forum. I'll report it and ask it to be moved.