View Full Version : Pathfinder Elements and SLAs for Races

2014-07-23, 10:36 PM
Hey Playground,

I'm looking to build Elemental races with some SLAs for an upcoming game. Originally I thought to co-opt the psionics system but that got a bit squishy and not fun for me. So instead I want to give my races some nice SLAs. I have one race per classical element, and I'm honestly ok with having a rather wide breadth, and would TOTALLY be ok with having feats that expand the list and/or times per day. What I'm looking for help for is developing a list of good elemental SLAs that I could give each race.

Current thoughts:
Fire: Control Flames (which... is Psionic, but whatever)
Water: A weaker version of Control Water?

(I've folded some things together, air and lightning most obviously) I'd appreciate any input you have

2014-07-23, 11:47 PM
Why don't you use ifrid (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-ifrit), sylph (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-sylph), undine (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-undine) and oread (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-oread)?

2014-07-24, 12:10 AM
I looked at them, but the rest of the race doesn't fit what I want. They're a touch weak, all things told, and I've got the rest of the racial features in place already, just the SLAs are missing because it's a last minute change for simplicity's sake.. Though some of their alternate racial features could be co-opted... Good to think about.

2014-07-24, 12:32 AM
Well, if the ability you like is a not particularly strong 1st level power ...

Water - Hydraulic Push (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hydraulic-push)
Earth - Stomp (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/s/stomp)
Storm - Gust of Wind (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/gust-of-wind) - technically 2nd level but it doesn't deserve to be.

2014-07-24, 09:34 AM
Thanks for those, that will help!

2014-07-24, 10:05 PM
Actually, while we're at it, I've had an idea for special magical items that allow you to add various racial traits to your character, but I don't know how to price them. Generally, I'd price them according to their RP cost from the Pathfinder race building tool, but how much in particular I don't know. I'd like them to be fairly expensive as they don't take slots reserved for other magical items. Is there a guideline I could use to extrapolate somewhere?