View Full Version : Roleplaying A new spin on regaining a destroyed psicrystal

Lord Haart
2014-07-24, 05:55 AM
A psionic being can only make one psicrystal in its life, ever (since it's made by taking Psicrystal Affinity feat, which can't be gained twice), and there are no hard-written ways to restore a destroyed psicrystal (short of Wish/Miracle/Reality revision or rewriting past events, probably), but what if a replacement can be taken by force from another psicrystal owner? The psicrystal only grants benefits to its owner, but that's not a well-defined term in 3.5, and both items and subservient creatures are known to change ownership. The implications suddenly make high-psionics settings much more interesting, don't they?

2014-07-24, 09:39 AM
The problem with psicrystal destruction is that it means you're stuck with a feat that grants no benefit. If you have a feat (and meet the prerequisites of that feat) you continually gain the benefits, this is one of the assumptions of the game.

It also makes no sense thematically. A psicrystal is just a chunk of rock with a bit of your mind in it. You didn't lose any of your mind when you created it, why can't you make a new one?

In Pathfinder, you simply get it back after 24 hours if it was destroyed. In Hyperconscious, you lose XP (similar to losing a familiar) and have to wait longer, but you can get it back.