View Full Version : [3.5e] The Quest to Not Suck | Chapter 2: The Jaws of Uncertainty

2014-07-24, 07:23 AM
Chapter 2: The Jaws of Uncertainty

You magically appear with the rest of your companions now outside. You all happen to have exited out of the same doorway at roughly the same time. The door seals shut behind the last of you. It would appear this was a one way trip.

You find yourselves in the middle of a barren wasteland. Utter desolation is spread out before you. There appears to be nothing but wastelands as far as the eye can see. Only a seemingly endless expanse of sand. You suddenly feel very lonely.

Loitering about the horizon is the blue moon. You take a little comfort. You know that you must be back in the realm of Vorponath. Unless you've never been outside before, or you've never heard of the moon. Both unlikely. But we've got some characters in this party.

Suddenly the door opens again! That woman's voice...ugh...is back again. This time shouting!

The noise is... very loud.

So loud..that it attracts a hungry hoard of desert antlions. They are unburrowing themselves around you. They appear groggy, but they look very hungry. They don''t look very big (they are only about a foot high) but their sharp teeth look very harmful.

http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b522/wbaucum/fight1_zpsd3f22fcd.png (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/wbaucum/media/fight1_zpsd3f22fcd.png.html)
(Each square is 5ft)

Initiative order:
Gilded Grom
Antlion [B4]
Antlion [B5]
Antlion [C5]
Antlion [D5]
Antlion [E5]
Antlion [F5]
Antlion [G5]
Antlion [H5]
Antlion [H4]

2014-07-24, 10:41 AM
GAISU shrieks and jumps back, a bolt of energy firing from his fingertips at the nearest antlion.

5ft step to D3, fire an Eldritch Blast at the antlion at D5
Attack: [roll0] (-4 for shooting into melee)
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

EDIT: Okay, so with me being level 2, I get +1 to hit and damage from Point Blank Shot. And I forgot to mention that this is a touch attack

2014-07-24, 10:55 AM
Rukbat, for a moment looking terrified at the antlions, makes a few ggestures, speaks some mysterious sounding words and points towards one of the antlions near him, before slowly backing away from the animals, looking slightly confused.

Casting Color Spray (Will DC 15) defensively from the lower left point of my square, pointed at E5, should hit C,D,E 5
Concentration DC 16: [roll0]

5 foot step to F3

2014-07-24, 01:02 PM
A look of rage distorts Gilded Groms face as he tenses up. No. Not rage. Pain. With him no longer being in that arch mages complex, the magic sealing him are breaking. He grits his teeth as the draconic tail explodes through his clothes, swinging powerfully and leaving shallow furrows in the ground behind him. Rather than casting the magic he can feel coursing, barely contained within, he lashes out with his tail, followed by an axe swing that holds nothing back.

full attack(technically. its only so i get my natural weapon.)
target: b4
[roll0](using that bonus +1 you gave us a while ago, just because if i don't, ill forget about it.)
[roll2](power attacking)

2014-07-24, 02:20 PM
Lilyeth blinks then shouts "Food !!!" the tiger burns through as her form simply changes. then she bites the one at f5

not moving so breakdown as follows: move action shifting forms,which is a standard action. speaking is free. attack [roll0] , if crit threat [roll1] , if hit [roll2] , if crit add [roll3]

current stats: tiger form , hp 20 , ac 15

2014-07-24, 04:51 PM
The call of 'food' from a fellow survivor makes Gilded Grom a bit curious, and he realized that his knew found powers might grant him some knowledge about these creatures, though hopefully more information than whether or not they are edible.

i'm under the impression that monster knowledge checks are a free action. if they aren't, then i guess this can be part of next round or something.
if it's dungeoneering, instead of nature, subtract 2 from the above result. i can't imagine it being anything other than those two, though. i take that back. they could be magical beasts. if arcana, subtract 3 from the rolled result.

2014-07-27, 08:47 PM

The halfling pulls out a small bit of wax from his spell component pouch. Rubbing it between two fingers, a faint din begins to crescendo. The din keeps growing until it is the sound of approximately eight unseen humans running towards the antlions. "They're with me," Milo says with a smirk.

Free Action: 5-foot step to D3.
Standard Action: cast Ghost Sound (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ghostSound.htm) to create the sound of 8 humans running towards the antlions and shouting in hopes of scaring them off.
Free Action: gain 20% concealment from Mastery of Twisted Shadow.

2014-07-27, 09:08 PM
GAISU and Rukbat waste no time unleashing their newly found powers upon these fledgling monsters. The targets quickly fall dead and/or numb as their infant bodies prove no match to the prominence of our brave heroes. If that had not scared off the little buggers, then what would follow definitely did. Panicking under the ever growing ever deafening sound of footsteps, surely reinforcements of some kind, and surely not fake in the least bit, three of them quickly burrow back from where they came. Lilyeth forms into her tiger form at first with the intent to claw the nearest antlion; however what she most likely sees now is a delicious meal, courtesy of Chef Rukbat.
Only one enemy remains, and unfortunately for the poor thing it meets an untimely death at the wrath of a newly formed dragon tail.

The monsters have been slain. Albeit a very easy encounter, you can't help but feel empowered by your first victory. And messy. Antlion innerds are splattered all over your new armor. Especially Gilded Grom.

Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that you are in the middle of no where and the IMMINENT DEATH alarm hasn't quieted down at all.

Everyone needs to roll a spot check as much of the terrain around the antlions have been moved and altered which may have revealed something.

Aside from the antlion carcasses and the floating door shouting, you can make out the sight of giant bones in the distance.

Exploration time. Despite the landmark I've given (giant bones) your character may or may not be drawn to it. In these events, its rather crucial for me to know whether or not you are waiting on someone else to post, otherwise this game could stagger!

2014-07-27, 09:13 PM

"Oi, chums," Milo says, "did your peepers catch that? Just a little dab'll do ya, and all of a sudden I'm laying down a whistle of a bluff. Sent them scampering, sure as shooting! This whole portal business wasn't half-bad, I'll tell ya. Take a look at those bones over yonder, think they're worth a gander in the sand or...?" Milo doesn't even finish his sentence, preferring to let the rhyme hang in the air as he chatters with energies both nervous and magical alike.

2014-07-27, 10:35 PM
GAISU looks at his hand
What the hells was that?
His voice comes out deep and gravelly, as opposed to the semi-pubescent voice he normally had, prone to cracking.
What happened to my voice?

2014-07-28, 02:24 AM
Rukbat stares at his hands. Then at where the antlions were. Then at his companions. And after a few seconds of staring at various things, he loudly exclaims:
Gah! Demon!
And with a scared look on his face he slowly backs away from GAISU.

Spot: [roll0]

2014-07-28, 02:25 AM
Gilded Grom looks around severely, trying not to seem a bit nervous, and fighting to contain his amazement at how strong he's become.. Shhh. I don't think this is done quite yet... If i'm right, which something tells me I am, these little critters shouldn't have been too far from their mother..... Pausing, he looks each of them in the eye. And she won't be too happy about this.

He's silent a moment as he scans the horizon and the terrain near by, trying to keep an ear out as well through the din of the death threat blaring beside him, only for a stray though to remove all traces of seriousness from his face. One of you pulled the death lever, didn't you.. I think we're gonna need to have a group pow wow about who's allowed to do what, if we're gonna form ourselves a little adventuring party.


Provided he has the time, and not truly expecting to find much, Gilded Grom also searches the corpses and the area immediately around them.


Gilded Grom looks at Rukbat and shakes his head. I sprouted a tail and killed something with it. That one turned half way into a tiger. And you're concerned about that slip of a tail, some satyr looking horns, and a gruff voice?

2014-07-28, 02:49 AM
Uh... right. When you put it like that... So, who exactly are you? I mean, the scales don't make it easy to see. And who pulled the certain death lever?

Forgot to do it in the last post but I want to know about these antlions too. So:
Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]

2014-07-28, 06:34 AM

" 'Tweren't I, chums," the spry little halfling says. As he speaks, the shadows that had recently fallen over his face begin to dissipate, and he tries to watch them as they go. "You reckon this means we're all archmages now, too?"

2014-07-28, 07:11 AM
Lilyeth has one antlion baby in her mouth, but her ears are perked, almost as if she were listening to the others creatures burrowing around underground.

2014-07-28, 07:37 AM
Whiel some of you search the corpses and the newly unearthed terrain near you, the rest of you search the immediate surroundings.

About 50 feet south of the door (still shouting about awaiting certain death, by the way), you see a skeleton of colossal proportions. A wide selection of skeletal accessories awaits your perusal. Vertebrae, ribs, and who knows what else can be found. The average height of these bones looks to be at least 25 feet high. It's a good thing you didn't meet this thing in its heyday. Plants appear to be growing in isolated spots near the base of the bones.

Everyone needs to roll search and/or listen.

2014-07-28, 08:18 AM
Nervously, Rukbat looks around, trying (and failing) not to notice Lilyeths meal.

I don't think we are. I mean, those are supposed to be really powerful, they can fly, summon angels and other things like that. I can summon a horse.

Listen: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

2014-07-28, 09:40 AM
GAISU jumps back too when Rukbat yells about a demon.
Demon? Where?
Then he realizes Rukbat is backing away from him and he looks down and sees the tail.
So, that's what I was feeling
Then the giant skeleton steps through the portal. GAISU backpedals.
We aren't the janitors you're looking for!

Bluff: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Search: [roll2]

2014-07-28, 04:59 PM
Shaking his head at GAISU's apparent fear of inanimate bones, Gilded Grom suddenly freezes as a sound reaches his ears. He turns, leveling his axe towards the portal, turning his head enough to speak to the group without taking his eyes off of it. Hey, guys..... I don't think the warning was for the antlions.... Somethings on its way here. It might be our golem friend, but whatever it is probably isn't going to be friendly... He pauses for a second, considering. We have some fairly impressive powers now, and as someone with power, i suggest we do something that people with power do...... He pauses a moment for effect.

A tactical retreat.


2014-07-29, 12:25 AM
Retreat sounds like a good idea. Something's comming.

He points with a shaky finger towards the door.

Then he takes a small amount of hair from the component pouch at his belt and with a mystical incantation he throws those hairs into the air before him, were they start to spin, expand and quickly form the shape of a horse, consisting of just enough hairs, that its shape can be distinguished, only for the shape to be filled out by flesh, blood and bones expanding from the center.

Rukbat mounts the newly formed horse and looks over to Milo.

Milo, do you need a ride?

Alacritous Cogitation to cast mount.

2014-07-30, 06:22 AM

"While I'd normally be a tad bit trepidatious about hitching around on an Instant Ghost Horse, our present situation presents an exception, chum," Milo says with a smirk. "I'd be happy to hitch a ride out of dodge."


2014-07-30, 06:44 AM
As Milo mounts Rukbat's summoned steed, everyone is suddenly drowned out by the noise of rapid heavy footsteps coming from the door. The door shakes violently. The hinges don't appear to be able to hold the force contained behind it for much longer. You hear thuds, crackles, and more deafening stomps.

The female voice is heard one last time.


The door explodes. Scraps of wood fly in every bit direction. As the dust settles, you see what was causing the noise.

It's huge. It looks like a mix between a spider and other variosu forms of insects and arachnids. It's huge pupils glow eerily red, its enormous fangs and legs dripping with venom.

"MORSELS!!!! FEEED!!" It shrieks in an ugly high pitched voice as it makes its way to attack you.

http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b522/wbaucum/fight2_zpscada3f52.jpg (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/wbaucum/media/fight2_zpscada3f52.jpg.html)

Gilded Grom

Notice the skeleton. The bones are laying on their side. The skull and leg bones act as natural walls (25ft high). Characters can climb into the rib cage if they should choose.

2014-07-30, 08:52 AM
We aren't the morsels you're looking for! We are your masters!
GAISU yells at the creature in his now deep and gravelly voice.

It's a sign that you've been playing too much DnD when someone says skeleton and you assume it is animated.
Bluff: [roll0]
Diplomancy: Take 10, no penalty for being rushed, 29.

2014-07-30, 09:43 AM
The monster stops at GAISu's words, studying all of you closely.
"MASTERS??!! NO!!! Goblins are masters!! You not goblins!! Your skin is not green!!" it hisses.

What are you!? Are you not the food my masters had me hunt down!? It howls at you. It's venemous drool is forming a small acidic puddle beneath its enormous jaws, dissolving the ground beneath it.

The encounter has paused. Currently this spider-thing is contemplating whether or not to go all out on you. It would appear you have a number of options to get out of this one alive. Choose wisely!

2014-07-30, 09:48 AM
GAISU decides to run with it.
The magic of the portal changed us! We are no longer goblins! We are your masters!

And I just realized Naberius allows taking 10 on both of my checks. So, unless I roll, assume 27 Bluff and 29 Diplomacy are used.

2014-07-30, 11:10 AM
The spider-creature's jaw drops with uncertainty.
Then the monster sighs with relief.

"Masters! It is good to see you! It runs up and gives all of you a giant group hug. Just to think, those claws could have been an excruciating painful cleave attack.

"The sanctum started going BOOM and POP!!! I thought I was gonna die!! But then I was zapped! To a dark cave! A cave with a shiny door! And a sign! A sign that said......it..uh...it said...
PLEASE....KILL...THESE....IDIOTS....THANK YOU!" I thought the sign came from you! That you wanted me to kill the idiots!!"

The spider creature then notices some of the dead antlion babies in the sand.

It seems to be thinking.

OH!!! You killed the idiots already!! Very good!... So how do we get back to the mothership!? I want to see the VOILA we stole!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

2014-07-30, 11:20 AM
I feel like I'm stealing the spotlight...Wait, I assumed bad pact with Naberius, I'm required to do this!
Also, quick check, Knowledge (The Planes): [roll0]

GAISU thinks quickly, and suavely answers the creature.
I fear that the portal's magic has also invaded our minds. I cannot recall the location of the mothership. We are alone in this desert.

2014-07-30, 12:20 PM
Lilyeth grabs one end of her rope from where it fell to the ground when she shifted and begins playing with it, ocasionally running a few steps at a time. close observation will reveal she is winding the rope around the legs of the spider.

bluff to be a kitty [roll0]

winding the rope around the spiders legs [roll1]

edit: each of these rolls gets a +1 for skill mod

2014-07-30, 01:30 PM
not wanting to interrupt what's clearly working, and having no real proficiency with wielding a silver tongue, Gilded Grom stands back, leaning on his axe and nodding occasionally for emphasis. A thought occurs to him, and he works a little of his new magic power to see if he can't learn more about this creature.


casting detect magic as a spell-like ability, maintaining concentration unless otherwise noted, looking at the creature.

2014-07-30, 02:17 PM
simply staring at the monster that just hugged him, Rukbat tries to figure out, what the hell this thing is.

Since I have no idea, what this is... have some rolls.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Knowledge Nature: [roll1]
Knowledge The Planes [roll2]
Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll3]
Knowledge History: [roll4]

Yes, history. Maybe it is a historical figure!

2014-07-30, 09:34 PM

As the magical mount books it away from the strange creature, Milo shuts his eyes tight and prays to the Players for all the luck he can muster to get out of this situation alive. "Whatthewhatthewhatthewhatthewhatthe..." he chants frantically to himself. However, as the bizarre gigantic creature starts talking to the party as if they were friends, Milo opens his eyes and arches an eyebrow. "What the...?" he mutters under his breath.

He sits back (as much as one can when being group hugged by a huge monstrous vermin) while the others talk to the creature for a few moments before he realizes something. The monster thinks they're some kind of transmogrified goblins. And Milo actually knows how to speak Goblin. Somehow. All of a sudden. That portal must have really done a number on them.

"Uh, ark snarf blargle zawf," Milo says with a guttural snarl. "Blash frang nardle mawr."

"These sands are hot. Give us a ride."

The act of speaking this monstrous language causes a large chunk of phlegm to dislodge in Milo's throat, and he spits into the sand. Given the little he had seen of Goblins, the crudeness would probably serve to sell the idea that he was a goblin.

2014-07-31, 06:46 AM
The spider-thing hoists everyone onto its rather large abdomen. The sticky slush of its hairy flesh, not to mention its stench, reaks havoc to your poor senses. Rukbat's mount obediently stands next to the creature, although a little uneasy regarding its proximity to it.

With reckless abandon, and with our heroes fully resided, the spider-creature charges into the horizon.

For a full 30 seconds.

In the distance you see a small cottage. It's a quaint little structure of stone design, but seems very out of place given the vast wasteland that surrounds it. You can see smoke coming from its chimney.

The spider thing...lets call it Mr. Spider...Mr. Spider waits for your instructions.

We can assume that Rukbat's mount has been following all along. I wasn't sure if Milo would want to stay on it or join the gorup on the Mr Spider.. Either way is fine.

2014-07-31, 07:47 AM
GAISU mounts up.
No, I don't think that would be a good idea. Not yet at least. Perhaps they know how to get to the mothership.
GAISU looks down at the creature.
I'm afraid the portal's magic has caused me to forget your name.

2014-07-31, 07:54 AM

Ettolrahc is so loud you can't help but wonder if its ceaseless shouts will draw attention from inside the cottage.

2014-07-31, 08:02 AM
Can you take us closer so that we can investigate the house?

2014-07-31, 08:07 AM
"Oi, and try to do so quietly," Milo growls in Goblin.

2014-07-31, 08:12 AM

Ettolrahc creeps almost comically up towards the house. With one of its large drippy appendages it reaches towards the door and knocks.


Underestimating its own strength, it successfully destroys the door, opening the way inside.

WEAK DOOR!! it hisses.

2014-07-31, 10:14 AM
GAISU facepalms
Why don't you wait outside while we look inside?
He slides off of the new team car.

2014-08-01, 06:08 PM
time shenanigans:

Lilyeth hurries to gather her meager belongings. depositing almost all of it on her house robe. grabibg the bundle in her jaw she nervously climbs on the bugs back, her tail twitches in apparent fury about something.

present time:

Lilyeth almost happily dismounts the reversed charlotte wannabe then stares at the other would be heros. For some reason she picks the dragon blooded to drop her belongings off with. then she quietly sneaks into the cottage.

sneaking like a stalking cat: [roll0]
staying out of sight like a cat on the prowl: [roll1]

2014-08-02, 05:15 PM
Gilded Grom blinks at the bundle he's been handed then shrugs, tying it to his axe in hopes of adding more weight to it for a stronger swing.
So, we're going in? peacefully, I assume?

2014-08-02, 05:18 PM
GAISU nods
For now.
He lowers his voice
I seem to be quite a silver-tongue now.

2014-08-03, 12:10 AM
Rukbat, who decided to stay on his horse, rides up next to the spider currently serving as the party mount.

We are going in? After we "knocked" on the door like that?

2014-08-03, 08:34 PM

"But of course," Milo insists. "Worst case, we owe a proper apology for the damage caused by ol' Ettelorahc's entrance."

2014-08-04, 07:07 AM
All of you slowly but surely enter into the cottage. It seems quaint and all. The lovely antique furniture and beautiful floral arrangements along the windows give you all a small sense of home. Or at least a sense of ease.

When suddenly the furniture disappears...

And then the floor disappears...

All of you begin to fall as fast as you didn't know humanly possible. Then, a mysterious green light envelops each of you. You feel light as a feather as you come to a final halt at the bottom of someplace deep underground. You feel the grond under your feet as if it was covered with rock fragments and pebbles. You can make out a series of stalagmites (or are the stalagtites??) lining the parameter of this room.

All of you can hear loud gruntings from an unknown creature further down the cavern tunnel north of you.

2014-08-04, 12:29 PM
Lilyeth almost roars with surprise, then she almost growls with frustration, after all one does not fall then stop falling with landing first. (if she payed attention to the mages they did this all the time, its called feather fall.) Daintily she steps off heading to explore, but she pauses shaking the rock she stepped on from her paw, perhaps revealing to others ahe was raised indoors. finally she figures out how to not step on pebbles and sneaks off to investigate.

hiding in the spooky underground: [roll0]

pretending to be a mouse: [roll1]

listening for sounds of interest: [roll2]

watching for ROUS: [roll3]

2014-08-04, 08:21 PM

"Oi!" Milo shouts as the floor gives way. As everyone comes to land on the pebbles, Milo dances back and forth like a child who has to go to the bathroom. "What do we think this is, chums?" Milo asks about the odd sound.


2014-08-04, 08:25 PM
GAISU shrieks as he falls, and keeps shrieking until his feet are on the ground. Then, hearing voices, he grins, wanting to try his newfound power again..
Hail, friends.Why don't you come out and give us a hand?

I promise I'll stop abusing this eventually...

2014-08-05, 03:10 AM
Gah!, Rukbat yells in surprise, as the floor disappears.

After landing on the floor, he looks around with a surprised look on his face. I don't know, but it is rather dark in here. Does anyone have some light?

Listen: [roll0]

2014-08-05, 06:09 AM

"Sorry, chum," Milo says as he shakes his head, "but I get the distinct impression that whatever's coming won't be our friend even if you hit 'em with the ol' Pretty Please."

2014-08-05, 01:27 PM
Shaking his head from the somewhat disorienting fall, Gilded Grom leans on his weapon, as much as you can lean on a double sided axe, and shrugs. I could give you guys light. It wouldn't last all that long, though. AND I have no need for it. Seeing in fading light's cool and all, but i can see in the dark just fine. Well.... As long as it's close enough.... Gilded Grom thinks about it for a moment, then shrugs. Oh well. It's not like it wastes magic or anything. Well, it does waste magic, just not my magic. Well, i guess it is my magic, but not.... Gilded Grom continues like this for about a minute while he tries to figure out the difference between spell and spell-like, gives up, and promptly casts dancing lights near those who don't have low light or dark. Those won't last long. If we're moving, we should move now.

2014-08-06, 06:35 AM
You slowly descend into the cavern. Thanks to Gilded Grom, there's plenty of light to illuminate the way, for now.

You come across a small opening in the cavern. You see what appears to a large iron grate on the floor. You guestimate that its about 30ft by 30ft. Beyond the iron grate the cavern continues.

Suddenly you see a series of tentacles spit out from random gaps in the grate. You've never seen a creature like this before. It's not an octopus or anything of tha mtter. Just some oblong mutant ball thing with countless tentacles. The tentacles appear to be blocking your path. It's horrific groaning louder than ever, this must have been the creature you heard upon crashing in.

This creature must want to be your friend.

2014-08-06, 10:56 AM
GAISU looks at the tentacle thing

2014-08-06, 11:40 AM
GAISU's query is met with a five additional tentacles desperately surging out from the iron grate, reaching out in an attempt to grab him, but being short by about 10 ft. Whatever this thing is, it doesn't appear to understand you.

2014-08-06, 01:20 PM
Rukbat, staying far out of the tentacles range, eyes them warily.
Maybe we should find another way. I mean, I have heard things about tentacles...

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll0]

And because I want to know how much I can trust the grate:
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering): [roll1]

2014-08-06, 06:11 PM
Lilyeth does what all cats do when faced with an unknown wiggly thing dancing in front of her face, she bats at it experimentally. that is to say her paw raises up slowly and almost lazily touches a tentacle.

(touching a tentacle to see what it is and what it does) touch attack:[roll0]

2014-08-07, 02:09 PM
Gilded Grom eyes the creature, then eyes his axe, then eyes the creature again.
I know its a creepy monster, and that we could try to find another route, and that tentacles are typically things you don't want touching you..... But I kinda wanna kill it.


2014-08-07, 02:26 PM
Before Lilyeth can put her paw upon the new creature, five more tentacles sporadically appear. It would seem the creatuer does not want to be a cat toy, and it would rather play with her.

The tentacle monster attempts to entangle Lilyeth. if more than one tentacle make their attack against Lilyeth, the more...complicated it will be to free her.

Tentacle1: [roll0]
Tentacle2: [roll1]
Tentacle3: [roll2]
Tentacle4: [roll3]
Tentacle5: [roll4]

2014-08-07, 03:20 PM
You want to kill it? I'd be more worried about who put it here. THe grate looks rath-

Which is, when he gets interrupted by the tentacles attempting to grab Lilyeth.

Oh. Do you guys want to deal with it or should I summon some help?

2014-08-08, 01:30 AM
I'd be more than happy to start with the cutting, Gilded Grom hefts his stolen axe, wishing he had something with a little more reach. Though I can't guarantee the kitty won't get declawed. Then again, she might learn not to poke monsters.

2014-08-08, 09:35 AM
Two of the giant tentacles manage to grab onto Lilyeth by the torso, immobilizing her in her current position!

http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b522/wbaucum/tentacleencounter_zps9b0ed318.png (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/wbaucum/media/tentacleencounter_zps9b0ed318.png.html)

2014-08-08, 12:27 PM
Lilyeth does not like wiggly things wrapping around her torso, her paws she could handle, but not her torso.
With a mighty RRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRR, tiger speech translation: JUST WHOM DO YOU THINK YOUR MESSING WITH WIGGLY THINGY, Lilyeth displays the cats unnatural dexterity and tries to bite the tentacle that is the most secured around her torso [roll0] if crit threatened [roll1] damage [roll2] if crit confirmed add [roll3] and initiate grapple [roll4] trying to pull the creature out from under the grate through the hole the tentacle came out from. strength check [roll5].

ooc: and you wonder why tigers are considered lords of the land. please do not forget the quadreped bonus to lifting and carrying for lilyeth. and i hope i did those calculations right. grapple might not be a - 4 though.

2014-08-08, 01:35 PM
Well then, Gilded Grom cracks his neck to the left and right then hefts the axe. Time to go Drake ****! He's about to rush forward to separate a few tentacles from the mass, then something occurs to him. he pulls out that shimmering gold bracelet he found and puts it on his wrist, then casts some of his new magic over his axe. It still feels weird casting magic, but he'll get used to it.

spell was magic weapon. I have no idea what, if anything, the bracelet does. I realize i could have taken a peak at it with detect magic at literally any time but now, but whatever, i'm dangerous like that.(i just hope it's not cursed) Are we in initiative right now? cus, if so, that's my whole turn.

2014-08-08, 02:13 PM
GAISU facepalms as the cat gets grabbed.
All in favor of abandoning the feline menace?
He raises his hand

2014-08-08, 02:54 PM
Rukbat looks horrified at the suggestion.

Abandon her? We can't! If we leave her behind, at least we should leave her somewhere safe!

2014-08-08, 09:26 PM

"We can't just up and tiptoe off," Milo says. "We were just given heroic powers, right chums? So who fancies we use them to be heroic? Now have a listen here, if I can make Ole Grabby down there go all squinty and we stick together, we may be able to get around the thing without getting nicked. Can anyone grab the catlady away from that thing?"

Ready action: cast Obscuring Mist if the party agrees to the plan.

2014-08-08, 09:35 PM
GAISU looks at Rukbat.
The Hells am I supposed to do against something a bloody tiger can't wrestle? Also, I don't want to worry about waking up as a chew toy!

2014-08-11, 06:51 AM
Lilyeth, 50% out of instinct and 50% out of rage, bites into the larger of the tentacles ensnaring her. With luck, she manages to rip the tip of the tentacle off! The monster squeels loudly in pain, immeidately retracting both tentacles from the tiger.

The monster huddles into the corner, four of its tentacles emerging in the NE corner of the room under the grate, pronged and ready to strike. All of the tentacles that were on the west side of the room are gone now. On one hand, you expect they may show up again any moment. On the other hand, Lilyeth may have really scared the monstrosity senseless.

2014-08-11, 07:15 AM
Great, you scared it, you little furball.
GAISU suddenly has a fit of hacking coughing.
<Infernal> Damn, something went down wrong.
He looks over at the grate
<Infernal> Hey, tentacle thing! We're putting the mean cat away!
He looks up at the party
<Infernal> Someone put the mean cat away.

2014-08-11, 07:20 AM
Startled by the odd language GAISU starts to speak and perhaps even more by his understanding of it, Rukbat nevertheless turns to Lilyeth.
Um.. could you please go back there? I think he wants to talk to the monster.

2014-08-11, 07:45 AM
Hearing GAISU's demonic voice echo throughout the room, the tentacle monster only shivers moreso. You can see the four primed tentacles quivering.

2014-08-11, 07:48 AM

Another fit of coughing strikes GAISU.
<Celestial> Come on now, be a big boy and come out!

2014-08-11, 12:47 PM
Gilded Grom looks down at his axe sadly, watching the magic slowly spend itself.

If we're not killing this thing, we should move on quickly. I think our new powers deserve a proper challenge.

2014-08-11, 05:15 PM
Lilyeth lets her tail speak for her as it rises straight up with only the top end waving. She wastes no time in crossing over the now empty section of grate to continue exploring.

and the usual rolls: quietly moving forward: 1d20 +10, hiding in the shadows: 1d20 +10, listening for other things : 1d20 +8, spotting things to be spotted : 1d20 +8

2014-08-11, 06:23 PM
Gilded Grom purposefully strides forward after the were tiger, striking up a few sparks as he lets his axe drag across the empty spaces in the grate, taking a moment to glare down at it before continuing on.

2014-08-13, 01:29 AM
Rukbat carefully walks on the ground to the left of the grate and, after reaching the other side, turns to the tentacle monster.

Sorry about disturbing you. We really didn't want to.

2014-08-13, 07:38 AM
GAISU crosses the room as well, coughing again.
<Dwarven> I don't understand why we still need the cat. She is clearly a liability that this company cannot afford.

2014-08-13, 07:44 AM
All of you manage to circumvent the iron grate holding the tentacle monster without any probllem. Clearly a mighty legend that will be passed down for several generations.

You continue down the cavern pathway until you come to another clearing. Twenty feet in front of you is a closed stone door. There are six stone pillars in the room, two sets of three, each five feet apart from the other, three to your left and three to your right. You see flaming braziers on each pillar burning brightly. The pillars stretch all the way to the dirt ceiling.

http://i1290.photobucket.com/albums/b522/wbaucum/doorway_zps4a5f2c1c.png (http://s1290.photobucket.com/user/wbaucum/media/doorway_zps4a5f2c1c.png.html)

Judging from the fact that there's no other path, it would seem you need to find a way thorugh the door. (Duh!.

2014-08-13, 07:03 PM
Lilyeth moves into the center of the approach to the door (G9) and lays down as if to say "I'm not going first".

2014-08-15, 01:28 AM
Gilded Grom tours the room, keeping an eye and an ear out for anything interesting, then coming back to the center of the room.

Hey, Kitty Cat, if you go through that door first, and wait on the other side for all of us to pass through, i'll give you some food.


2014-08-15, 02:14 AM
Rukbat too walks around the room, trying to see if something catches his eye.

Maybe we should throw a rock at the door, just to see if that does anything.

Listen: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

2014-08-15, 06:32 AM

"Easy now, chums," comes a voice of reason from the halfling. For once, it's not followed by seventeen other words in quick succession. At least, not immediately. Instead, Milo scans the room, looking for signs of anything fishy.


Assuming he finds nothing out of the ordinary, Milo still doesn't trust it. He stands in place, focusing his vision. He mutters something under his breath, and his hand instinctively traces a bizarre arcane gesture in the air. Squinting, Milo begins to see faint auras of color around himself. He looks up and scans the room for any similar auras.

Milo casts Detect Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm)

He proceeds carefully down the hall, looking closely for any traps as he goes. If something seems too good to be true, Cousin Phinneas' words echoed in Milo's head, it usually is. Phin had always been a bit of a paranoid downer, and it was the reason Milo suspected that Phinneas was invited to far fewer parties than he was. Even still, there was some wisdom in these words. Milo proceeds with caution.


Coming to the door, Milo squats down to Lilyeth's level. He scratches his chin for a moment thinking how one would speak to a cat, then opts for the traditional "loud and slow" approach, complete with hand gestures. "Oi...Kitty," he begins. "You...like food?" As he says the F-word, he mimes placing something into his mouth and chewing. "You...go...slow...get food" He nods and mimes again, this time the act of walking--creeping, even, at a snail's pace. Milo is hoping to provide positive reinforcement for good behavior. In a puff of smoke, the image of a succulent fish floats just above Lilyeth's head, swimming to and fro in the air.

Milo is casting a spell with his Conceal Spellcasting skill trick.
Milo casts silent image (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/silentImage.htm).

"You...go...fast," Milo shakes his head to deliver negative reinforcement. The image of the fish disappears in another puff of smoke as Milo intones, "then NO food....now scram!" Milo shoos the catwoman away from the door so he can search it for traps, locks, or easily accessible and entirely safe doorknobs. Whichever.

2014-08-15, 11:34 AM
GAISU watches his comrades investigate the hallway. At least it seemed they didn't like the cat anymore than he did, since they were sending it in first.

2014-08-16, 07:12 PM
As Milo casts his detect magic spell, you notice each of the six pillars glow for a split second.

You both spot small switches upon the base of each pillar. Each of them are in the down position. Perhaps one of these switches opens the door?

2014-08-17, 10:40 AM
Rukbat frowns at the pillars.

That is interesting. They seem to react to magic... I think I will take a better look at them.

He makes a complicated arcane gesture and speaks a few mysterious words, then taking another look at the pillars.

Rukbat casts detect magic and looks at the pillars, if nothing interrupts him for the full three rounds.

If Spellcraft is required, I will be taking 10 for a result of 21.

Also, Spot for Milo's illusory fish: [roll0]

2014-08-18, 12:50 AM
Wondering if he's found himself a puzzle, Gilded Grom inspects each of the switches in turn, finishing by inspecting the door, hoping to find some sort of identifying markings to give some insight into the nature of the puzzle. Halfway through, he gets a bit curious, and heads over to Rukbat. If you're checking for magic, could you take a look at this bracelet i slapped on my wrist earlier? He says, waving it in Rukbat's face in a way that would probably make it impossible not to check it. After a few moments of this, however, he returns to his searching.


I don't suppose there was anything in particular that i noticed, either felt or saw, when i put on the bracelet, was there?

2014-08-18, 07:49 AM
Oh, good idea. I want to take a look at something of mine anyway. Just hold it there until I say that I'm finished with looking at it.

Rukbat then takes a golden ring from his pocket and holds it in front of his eyes as well.

2014-08-18, 08:06 AM
Milo and Rukbat soon deduce that pillars E4 and I4 are composed of strong fire-based energy. Pillars E8 and I8 appears to be eminating a faint acidic-based energy. Pillars E6 and I6 appear to have some sort of magical link with the aforementioend fire-based and acidic-based pillars. Unfortunately, aside from best guesses, the nature of the link and the purpose of the pillars themselves are unknown.

Rukbat can clearly acknowledge that the relics they recovered from the sanctum during their escape are clearly of magic design. They don't appear to be "activated', for lack of a better word. Something, or someone, is needed to bring their magical properties alive. Perhaps someone in Violet Castle will be able to assist, or someone with massive arcane knowledge.

2014-08-18, 09:54 AM
Now, this is interesting.. first, these objects. They are some kind of magic items, but dormant... Somehow they must be activated. At least they don't seem to be malicious, so it should be safe to wear them.

He then puts the ring on and then looks at the pillars again.

Now, the pillars. The two closer two the door have fire-based magic, the ones furthest away acid. The two in the middle seem to be linked to the other. Maybe we have to expose the pillars to their respective element? Or to the opposite of that element.

2014-08-18, 01:43 PM
"Or they flat zap you," Milo says with a shake of his head. "The pillars aren't magic any more than the bottle what holds honey mead is alcoholic. They're just vessels, savvy? Uncork the wrong bottle and blammo. Best keep our distance, chums. These two are holding evocation spells," he says matter-of-factly. The word rolls off his tongue, even though a few short hours ago he wouldn't have even known how to spell "evocation," much less define it as spells that blast forth elemental nastiness in such a fashion as to make the target shout hilarious things like "it burns!" and "owww yoww oh gods, my skin!" Classic.

Milo scratches his miniscule chin, pantomiming as if he had a luscious beard instead of the tiny bits of peach fuzz he's got. "Mayhaps the linked containers are receptacles? Activate one of them first, then the corresponding blaster. Watch fire hop from one to the other?" He looks around to the group for ideas. "Either way, nobody touch the switches. Least of all you," he says as he turns his attention to Lilyeth. Again, the Loud & Slow method takes over: "Pillars...no touch. Bad for kitty." He pantomimes...something while he speaks, but it's not entirely clear what it is. He retrieves one of the mops from his janitor's warbucket. "Comes in handy in a pinch," he says with a shrug. "If anyone has any reason why I shouldn't flip this switch, let him speak now or forever hold his peace..." he intones as he stretches out the pole toward the pillar linked to the fiery one. He stretches out his short limbs, doing his darnedest to keep his actual body clear of any of the pillars.

2014-08-20, 08:17 AM
Milo bravely pulls the lever.


You hear audible clicks.

And the door opens! A sense of relief slowly surrounds all of you.

2014-08-20, 11:51 AM
Lilyeth gets up off her belly."CHFFFT..ffft..ffft..ffftt". She then demonstrates what "fast movement" means to her.

(ooc: full run= x5 movement rate. crossing the same area of g9 to g1 and back 5 times which ends up with her moving to g1.)

With a flick of her tail, she moves ahead in scouting mode.

move silently:[roll3]

2014-08-20, 08:29 PM
Rolling his eyes, Gilded Grom advances, heading for the door. He smirks slightly, heading to the side and tapping his shiny bracelet experimentally against one of the pillars aligned with fire. (assuming he survives this curiosity,) Gilded Grom then marches through the now-open door, axe braced against shoulder and eyes always moving.


2014-08-20, 08:41 PM
GAISU, who has been coughing most of the time in the room, finally recovers.
<Elven> Well, time to get out of here.
He strides forward, though he stays well behind the cat.

2014-08-21, 07:12 AM
Rukbat, trying not to look at Lilyeth, starts walking towards the door.

I'm glad that worked. Maybe the pillars and all of that magic was just a distraction.

Then, at the door, he tries to see what lies behind, without steping through.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2014-08-22, 09:21 AM
The narrow path before you comes to a steady inclne of cold stoen steps. You ascend these steps. It seems as if you've been ascending these steps for several minutes.

Suddenly the dim light that has been illiminating the stiars fades completely. You become aware of the fact that you cannot move or speak. A strang unknown force has taken over.

A massive image appears before you. It resembles a winged gargoyle. It bears large yellow fangs and brilliant bright blue skin.

It begins to speak.

"SO, you have found your way into my hallowed chamber. Fortunately there is much more to you all than meets the eye.

I have been monitoring your travels since you appeared in this desert. It appears that you are up the proverbial estuary without a menans of locomotion.

I'm afraid that "Ellotrahc" friend of yours just became a Brood Mother's breakfast while you were down here. you are obviusly in need of transportation. so let me see if you all are worthy of our assistance...

On the surface lives a beast called the sand yeti. It proves to be a bit of an annoyance on occasion. Dispose of it and bring back evidence of your conquest. Only then will I deal with your plight. Good luck...wierdos...

In short, bring to me evidence of the sand yeti's demise and we'll talk more."

...With that, you find yourself magically transported to the surface, outside the cottage, alongside the chewed up remains of Ellotrahc

2014-08-22, 11:52 AM
"Oi," Milo frowns. "Looks like a band hand for her. Shame, too--that big, giant, terrifying death spider was just like a big, giant, terrifying death spider to me." He spends a moment in silent reflection, hands in his pockets and eyes to the ground. As the moment passes, he looks to the group with his trademark grin once more affixed to his face. "So chums," he says with a wink, "I don't suppose anyone has perfected their sand yeti call?"

2014-08-23, 11:11 AM
Well that was..... unique. Gilded Grom scratches his head and looks around at the rest of the group. Is everything gonna be like this from now on? And, no, unfortunately i never did learn that call. I knew I should have shelled out for that whistle. I got suspicious when the peddler said i'd need it in a few years, but here we are. Gilded Grom takes a few steps away from the group then stretches. I don't suppose any of us magically became ace trackers?

2014-08-23, 11:45 AM
Lilyeth raises a paw in response to gilded grom's question. Then she does a double take. When the heck did she learn to track? She then paws at her belongings, and once gotten she shifts back into her 16 year old human form and gets dressed.

Umm yeah so I'm not sure when I learned but I can track. And um ..I somehow learned to speak Sylvan. Just because I'm in my tiger form doesnt mean I cant understand you you know. And I was moving slowly. My name is lilyeth. Who the heck are you guys? I know you were janitors, but the janitorial staff never lasted more than 6 months before. Hey you, the one who keeps coughing and speaking different languages, may I have that axe your carrying? Oh yeah I'm a weretiger, by birth. Not my choice, but hey free food. Speaking of food i'm hungry. Does anyone have any raw meat to spare? What happened to the metal thingy that opens coffers? Does anyone know which desert we are in?

Narrator: Oh my, it seems our little weretiger is starting to open up to the others. The constant babbling of a teenage girl is starting. This could be a blessing, or a curse... your choice dear reader, your choice.

2014-08-24, 09:31 PM
While Lilyeth fires off a litany of questions, Milo listens to all of them in turn and responds with the same enthusiasm and speed. "Milo Brushscrubber. It's rude to ask. No. It's gone. Not a clue. Think that hits all of them, aye? So how about we start tracking that sand yeti Kitt--er, Lilyeth?"

2014-08-25, 01:00 PM
I took the liberty to roll Lilyeth's survival check.

Lilyeth sucessfully finds a large set of tracks in the sand not too far from the cottage. They appear to wander randomly before setting off a little ways north of the cottage. You follow the steps cautiously.

To the north you see the tracks lead into an small cave within the side of a sandy cliff, roughly 100 ft from your position. In the mouth of the cave itself you see a huge lumbering beast covered head to toe with sandy fur. Long claws reflect the suns light from its bulky appendages. Enormous horns protrude from its massive head accentuating its jaw as it voracisouly chomps up and down on a baby rock wyrm it found.

It doesn't appear to have noticed your arrival.

2014-08-25, 01:14 PM
GAISU, who by now has resumed speaking Common, looks at Rukbat.
Five gold that's the yeti.

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Replace. Pet.

2014-08-26, 08:11 AM
Before he can even think, Milo has fished some coins from his pocket. "Oi, chum, I'll take that action," he whispers. Milo curses himself for taking the bet the second he does--that should teach him to bid before he thinks. "We've got it with its trousers down. Everyone keep back a tick; I've got a surprise for it."

With that, the halfling retrieves a pinch of rainbow-colored sand from his component pouch and begins to stalk toward the sand yeti. He uses his lack of height and the sand dunes around him to conceal his position from the creature, attempting to close with it before it notices. However, as he approaches he steps on something sharp in the sand which digs right into the sole of his foot. "Mmph!" Milo stifles his yell of pain, hoping to stay quiet enough to not be noticed.

Move action: move at half speed while hiding (gets 10 ft closer to sand yeti).

[roll1] Lucky Start

2014-08-26, 08:57 AM
Rukbat, looking back at GAISU

I think it is. And I'm not going to bet on that. By the way, what was that language you spoke before we left down there?

Then he stands back and waits for Milo to do what he set out to.

Knowledge (Nature): [roll0]
I assume that this is the correct knowledge, if I want to know anything about the yeti.

2014-08-26, 09:04 AM
GAISU raises an eyebrow at Rukbat
Wait, I did what?

2014-08-26, 11:29 AM
Lilyeth waits with the others. I think he spoke elven. It's close enough to sylvan that some words can be made out and they share an alphabet. Lilyeth blinks, then frowns, then opens her mouth to say something else but closes it. When the heck did I learn that information?

2014-08-26, 12:56 PM
Wait, I did what?

Yeah, we two seem to have gotten mostly the same languages. I mean, you spoke celestial, dwarven and apparently elven, although I can't understand the last one.

2014-08-27, 08:15 AM
Our heroes look on as Milo nears the beast with the utmost caution. Despite his minor infliction to his foot, he somehow manages to muffle the yell of pain well enough to remain unnoticed.

The yeti gurgles loudly, finally spitting what appears to be a large skull out of its muth. It then proceeds to turn its back to you and scratch its arse profusely. It would appear it still is not aware of your presence.

2014-09-01, 06:54 PM
So.... Gilded Grom whispers Are we gonna sneak up on it and just stab it in the back? Or do one of you have a strategy for this beastie?

2014-09-01, 08:06 PM
"Shh..." Milo whispers to Gilded Grom with a finger to his lips. The halfling retrieves a few rose petals from his spell component pouch and holds up his left hand, letting the petals drift and fall. However, instead of falling into his right hand, they move toward the yeti and fade from view as they close in on the creature.

Standard Action: Milo casts Sleep (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sleep.htm) on the sand yeti. It must make a Will Save (DC 17) or fall unconscious for 2 minutes as long as it has 4 HD or less. Regardless of its save, it takes a -2 penalty to attacks and AC for one round unless it is immune to mind-affecting abilities.

2014-09-03, 08:15 AM
Milo silently casts the spell to hopefully make hte sand yeti succumb to a realm of blissful dreams.


And it works. The yeti falls with a deafening thud. It is sound asleep, its horrendous snoring torturing your poor ears.

I swear one of these days you will have to fight! LOL

In the meantime, its your choice to either kill the yeti or simply procure some of its hair in hopes that is proof enough that the deed is done.

2014-09-03, 09:40 AM
GAISU walks up towards the yeti. A little energy sparks at his finger tips.

2014-09-03, 11:54 AM
Lilyeth walks quietly past the yeti towards its cave. I'm going to look inside and see if it had anything we can use. we might want to take it's head back as proof, she whispers to the others.

standard rolls for exploration
move silently:[roll0]

2014-09-05, 02:53 PM
Carefully walking up to the yeti while still staying several feet away from him, Rukbat eyes it warily, as though afraid it might jump up, yell "fooled you!" and eat everyone present.

I don't really want to kill it... what if it is a sentient being? and what did it do to deserve this? Maybe if we bring the other guy just some of the hair. But I don't think we should lie about this...

2014-09-08, 07:15 AM
While some of the group begin discussing what to do with the sleeping beast, Lilyeth enters into the cave itself to see what she can find. Immediately, she sees its by no means a big cave, only going roughly fifteen feet inwards. There is a half eaten human carcass on the ground. The body (or what's left of it) is wearing the garments of the mages from the Archmage's Sanctum. They are shredded up and bloodied. It would seem the yeti found him before he could safely return to the Violet Castle.

2014-09-08, 09:09 AM
GAISU looks at Rukbat.
But we have a job to do, and the job is to kill it. I doubt anyone would hire people to kill it if it wasn't a threat to society!

2014-09-09, 02:08 PM
Milo looks at Gaisu with an arched eyebrow. "Oi, haven't met many people, have you, mate?" he asks with a sad shrug. "Either that or you're a bleedin' optimist. Either way, the Game'll sort that outta ya eventually. Here's what we've got--this yeti annoys the gargoyle thing we saw so the gargoyle thing wants the yeti thing to be less living. The gargoyle thing seems to have some control over Old Squeezy the Tentacle Monster. Thus therefore and ergo, we can either kill this yeti thing or face the possibility of the gargoyle thing getting annoyed with us. Enter Old Squeezy, which isn't a stellar prospect, savvy? So I says we send this yeti to meet its hairy maker, else by the grace of the Holy Rollers go we. Let's just not pat ourselves on the back all the while, eh chums?"

2014-09-10, 07:58 AM
You can hear what sounds like static coming from the shreadded remains of the mage in the cave.

As you continue your discussion regarding the yeti's fate, you can hear it starting to grumble. It would seem the sleep spell is starting to wear off.

2014-09-10, 09:02 AM
"Oi, whatever we're about to do let's do quick, chums," Milo says.


2014-09-10, 11:30 AM
lilyeth starts to search the body of the dead mage for an identification or rather anything that can be used to identify the mage.

search check:[roll0]

2014-09-11, 12:39 AM
Fine, let's kill it. I still don't like it, but i guess we have to.

Listen: [roll0]

2014-09-11, 06:21 AM
Milo nods and suggests, "Oi, looks like it's waking. Whatever you're about to do, best do quickly."

2014-09-12, 08:49 AM
Lilyeth finds what appears to be an arcane message sender. Normally, she would not know what devices the mages construct. However, because its shaped like a ball, and because she likes to play with bouncy balls, she had been reprimanded on numerous occassions to stop playing with them. The message sender is glowing, which Lilyeth knows means a message is inside waiting to be read. Only problem is she doesn't know to "get" said message.

The lot of you can see the yeti beginning to stir. It looks like its about to roll over and get up onto its hind legs. it yawns loudly, and it appears to be really struggling to open its foul eyes.

2014-09-15, 07:52 PM
Milo shakes his head and pulls out a tiny dagger. "Oi, chums," he says without his usual trace of mirth. "Time to piss or get off the pot, as they say. Step aside." With that, he takes the dagger and plunges it into the sleeping yeti's heaving chest. Granted, this has the effect of a thorn in the paw of a sleeping lion, but still.

Coup de grace for [roll0] piercing damage and the yeti must make a Fort save (DC 14) or die.

2014-09-15, 09:30 PM
For all her worth lilyeth simply stares at something on the ground inside the cave. her hand reaches for it several times but stops. Finally she picks up what appears to be a glowing ball.

2014-09-15, 10:08 PM
At the same time that Milo goes to cut the yeti's throat, GAISU fires a blast at its head.

Coup de Grace: [roll0]
DC 10+ Damage Fort save or die.

2014-09-16, 04:09 AM
Seeing how the others seem to do their best to kill the yeti, Rukbat too takes his knife and, with a hint of hesitation, tries to stab it into somewhere it won't survive.

Coup de Grace for [roll0]Damage, Fortitude 10 + Damage to survive.

2014-09-16, 07:34 AM
As the yeti lies dead, scorched, and disembowled before you (OOC: holy crap, you guys!!), the massive gargoyle image appears before you yet again.

"So, the deed is done..." the massive gargoyle says.

Suddenly you see a small doorway emerge on the west side of the mountain wall adjacent to the cave.

"S-s-step forward." you hear, from a voice much different this time. A small drow appears in the doorway, dressed in ragged clothes. "Please, don't b-be alarmed. I mean you no harm. I am c-c-cautious, though. Can't be too careful out here. L-l-looters and all... W-w-welcome to my lab. Come in." With that, he gestures you into his laboratory.

You can hear sounds of machinery within the room.