View Full Version : Rules Q&A Knights Fighting Challenge

2014-07-24, 10:04 AM
Hi everybody, first post to this forum

I have a small question with regards to the Knight class (from Players Handbook II 3.5ed)

Fighting Challenge (Ex): As a swift action, you can issue a challenge against a single opponent. The target of this ability must have an Intelligence of 5 or higher, have a language of some sort, and have a CR greater than or equal to your character level minus 2. If it does not meet these requirements, a use of this ability is expended without effect.

If the target does meet the conditions given above, you gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against the target of this ability. You fight with renewed vigor and energy by placing your honor and reputation on the line. If your chosen foe reduces you to 0 or fewer hit points, you lose two uses of your knight’s challenge ability for the day because of the blow to your ego and confi dence from this defeat.

The effect of a fighting challenge lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Charisma bonus (if any). If you are capable of issuing a knight’s challenge more than once per day, you can use this ability more than once in a single encounter. If your first chosen foe is defeated or flees the area, you can issue a new challenge to a different foe. You cannot switch foes if your original target is still active.
At 7th level, the bonus you gain from this ability increases to +2. At 13th level, it rises to +3. At 19th level, it increases to +4.

What troubles me is whether this is a certain taunt as opposed to mettle which has a Will DC of: 10 + ½ PC + CHA mod.

Both test of Mettle and Fighting Challenge has the notion that one issues a challenge and my GM and I interprets these rules differently. Someone who has encountered this before?

2014-07-24, 10:08 AM
It's an automatic bonus. It never says it requires a will save. Besides, who would make the save? The ability improves your own morale. It doesn't affect the enemy directly.

2014-07-24, 10:09 AM
So the only taunt a knight gets is from test of Mettle (which appears useless in high level)

2014-07-24, 10:49 AM
So the only taunt a knight gets is from test of Mettle (which appears useless in high level)

Why would you think so?

Also, its not a taunt, its a challenge.

2014-07-24, 11:12 AM
Why would you think so?

Also, its not a taunt, its a challenge.

It is sort of implicated in the description of the class that it specialises in 1v1 combat, and therefore I thought that the challenge function would work in the same way as e.g. Goad

2014-07-24, 12:16 PM
You challenge them. They don't give a crap about you.

This is you saying "Ill kill you first". That puts no onus on the person you challenged to hit you back, especially if they can rip apart your wizard friend.

Test of Mettle is the only Taunt in DnD. I am disappointed by this, but so it is.

Knights aren't the master of one on one combat, they are megatanks. Between Test of Mettle, heavy armor, shield bonuses, Bulwark of Defense, and, most of all, Loyal Beyond Death (my favorite capstone in the game), they are the guy who stands in the narrow passage between the village and the mouth of hell, and yells "YOU. SHALL. NOT. PASS.", and holds the damn line while the village evacuates.