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2007-03-02, 06:28 PM
Does anyone else enjoy either of the CSI franchises and/or NCIS?

Big fan of NCIS for the characters and I enjoy CSI for the weird cases.

Any thoughts?

Ugh...messed up the thread title....

2007-03-02, 06:38 PM
My girlfriend got me into CSI: Las Vegas/Miami/New York. I watch them fairly regularly, but I keep away from NCIS, because I suspect it is just more of the same and I just don't have time (cause once I'm in, I'm in...)

Overall, I enjoy them, though CSI: New York has the most bizzare episodes that are likely to break my suspension of disbelief (I'm looking at you business men Ninja episode...)

2007-03-02, 08:03 PM
The ninja business-men episode was one of my favourite episodes of CSI! Although I'll agree that NY certainly requires you to have an open mind.

I used to be a big fan of Miami, purely for Horatio Caine (best tv name ever) but since I dislike the one-case format I've moved on somewhat.

Personally prefer Vegas for the foursome stories it occassionally does.

Oh and I thought NCIS would be more of the same when it started on Five, but it really is not. I joined in the fourth episode of the first season and I think it's much better. The crimes are more realistic in a sense, and the characters are much more interesting. I tune in more for the group dynamic more than the crime itself, I would never dream of doing that with CSI.

2007-03-02, 09:14 PM
Not a big fan of CSI (prefer the Law and Order shows), but I love NCIS, mainly for the interplay between the characters....

... and for Abbie...

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-03-02, 09:18 PM
the original CSI is one of the best shows currently on TV, and one of my favorites (but not the favorite, that's LOST). CSI Miami sucks (a cardboard box could act better than David Caruso), and CSI NY isn't too bad. I haven't seen NCSI so I can't comment on that, nor am I really interested in ever watching it.

2007-03-02, 09:27 PM
CSI is pretty good. Miami was never all that good but I stopped watching completely after the episode about video games making people kill others, commit robberies, ignore girls ("you have to play video games just to get noticed by the guys," what a load of a crap), and kill yourself. CSI New York was never very good and all the exaggerated accents are annoying.

2007-03-02, 11:33 PM
I've been a big fan of CSI: Las Vegas since it started. I love Nick...and Warrick...and Greg...and Grissom. All the guys are great! My favorite episode was the two-parter directed by Quentin Tarentino, where Nick gets abducted and buried alive and practically eaten alive by fire ants. I don't like CSI: Miami too much (David Caruso just doesn't do anything for me), and I've seen a few episodes of CSI: New York, but it doesn't interest me as much as the original. I've never seen NCIS, and probably never will, since I have too many other TV shows I'm interested in (especially Heroes and Scrubs).

2007-03-03, 06:46 AM
N.C.I.S is great. When it's on over here.

Fat Daddy
2007-03-03, 12:26 PM
I'm a big fan of the Original CSI and NCIS. I don't like CSI NY. I agree that David Caruso was a poor casting choice for Horatio Cain. I still watch CSI Miami though because I live in FL and I know a lot of the places they visit and talk about and that makes it fun.

Edit: Oh and I agree with Angela, Abbie rocks!! Brilliant and funky...the perfect woman. I hope my daughters turn out like that! :smallsmile:

2007-03-03, 12:29 PM
I really enjoy NCIS, CSI Vegas is pretty good as well, but Miami is kinda meh and i dislike NY...

2007-03-03, 02:34 PM
I love CSI Vegas. I'll watch the other ones if I see they're on which is kinda never since I don't watch TV much, just thursdays for Vegas. I've never seen NCIS but my parents watch it (though that doesn't tell me much since they watch most everything) But I am a Huge Crossing Jordan Fan

2007-03-03, 03:41 PM
Wow, I am quite surprised at the hostility towards Horatio... it's true that Las Vegas is better than Miami, which is better than New York, but they are all a bit on the corny and unbelievable side. I don't think Horatio Caine, Super Cop, is any worse acted than any of the rest of the franchise.

On the other hand, I do think the Law and Order franchise is overall better.

2007-03-03, 08:08 PM
Sheesh...I thought I was the only person who loved Abby in NCIS. Always bright, funny and interesting, tends to wear cool outfits too...Pauley Perette does an awesome job on that show! I'm an Abby/Ducky/Gibbs man myself.

I like CSI:NY, it tends to feature stories with more modern elements to them. But am I the only one who, because of these elements, feels really uncomfortable about the product placement? Sometimes it's fine with me, for instance with the "Hung Out to Dry" episode where I ordered one of the t-shirts since it looked so cool. Arrived today, and I'm just in awe of it. But regardless, I feel that a lot of the stories are just there to give publicity to groups or activities that are cooler if they stay cult. That was running through my mind anyway, watching the Suicide Girls episode that was on a few hours ago...

2007-03-05, 05:54 AM
Sheesh...I thought I was the only person who loved Abby in NCIS.Foolishness :smalltongue: :smallbiggrin:

I like N.C.I.S, but I never really got into CSI...

2007-03-05, 06:40 AM
My mother got me hooked into the show, and then the civilians* at work made me sick of it.

*Note: Logic does not hold civilians in general any hostility. Just the ones that are supposed to be working the same job as Logic, but in reality are getting paid to watch CSI, and are in fact getting paid more than Logic.

2007-03-05, 06:44 AM
Ahh getting paid to watch TV... That would be a sweet job :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-05, 06:45 AM
My sisters are big fans of CSI. Me, I just love ripping the piss of Horatio. He's like Arnie with the one-liners.

Personally the whole premise of the CSI shows, that these are real detectives as opposed to mere lab monkeys, puts me off the whole thing.

2007-03-05, 08:12 AM
But surely anything that gets people interested in the important work of forensics has to be useful, irregardless of how tedious the genuine work is? We need them doing their thing, but that's not going to happen if nobody cares, or it doesn't get any sort of publicity.

The callous one-liners are one of the things that make CSI worth watching! More like a James Bond quip than an Arnieism though, "positively shocking" and whatnot.

2007-03-05, 08:14 AM
Problem I have with it is anything that remotely resembles real-life techniques is just creating 'how not to get caught through forensics 101'

2007-03-05, 08:30 AM
I like CSI: Las Vegas. Grissom is the best. character. ever. Admittedly they have to speed things up to tell a good story, but hey, if that's what it takes... Interestingly enough there were some worries about criminals watching the show to find out how to not get caught, they apparently never materialized. Either criminals are dumb, or the whole "we always catch the bad guy" thing put them off it.

2007-03-05, 08:39 AM
But surely anything that gets people interested in the important work of forensics has to be useful, irregardless of how tedious the genuine work is? We need them doing their thing, but that's not going to happen if nobody cares, or it doesn't get any sort of publicity.I've heard that the opposite is happening - people are complaining that real life police are not as capable as their TV equivalents. "You have one of his hairs, why can't you track it on the database and get his current location?"

In reality it takes weeks for a DNA test to come back and they are not always conclusive. IN CSI they stick them in a computer, get some fancy graphic and then use it as a basis for jumping in a squad car and arresting someone.

2007-03-05, 08:43 AM
The thing is, a DNA test does not take all that long, but the fact is there are only so many facilities in the world that are capable of doing a DNA test, add to that the mail time, and all the backlog of evidence that arrived first, it takes quite some time to get any results back.

2007-03-05, 02:40 PM
I know that it takes a while, and not every scientific procedure takes the form of a montage, but you've also got to tell a story in fifty minutes. You do have to compromise. The main issue is that a forensic team does not have just one case on the books at one time like in CSI. They can have way too many, and that's what I think takes the time in solving a case.

BTW I have heard that the rise in popularity of CSI and it's ilk has caused criminals to become more devious. These shows show you how to catch the criminal, but therefore they also show the criminal how to avoid being caught in the first place!

2007-03-05, 02:49 PM
I don't like CSI: Miami too much (David Caruso just doesn't do anything for me)

My family refers to him as The Sunglasses of Justice and mocks his (unconscious?) model-poses mercilessly. I like CSI and NCIS, have never watched CSI:NY and find the adrenaline-junkie fanservice in CSI:Miami annoying.

CSI: Miami: Because a show about forensic investigation really needs explosions and frequent gunplay.

2007-03-05, 05:14 PM
As I said before, I've never really watched CSI at all... I saw most of an episode with the sunglasses man, so I guess it was Miami. But is it just me, or are these guys: Collecting forensic material, following leads, questioning suspects, and solving the case/arresting the bad guys?

'Cause I have a hard time believing that any of the forensic team would go past the collecting stage :smallconfused:

2007-03-05, 05:17 PM
I like all the CSI's a little but I really like NCIS it is just a better show all around more character less shock gore and over acting by david caruso.

2007-03-05, 05:40 PM
I like all the CSI's a little but I really like NCIS it is just a better show all around more character less shock gore and over acting by david caruso.

*tilts head to the side*
*reduces voice to low growl* Are you saying...he over-acts?

2007-03-06, 02:22 AM
I started watching the orignal (and BEST) CSI: LA about 2 seasons in. I really enjoy watching the wicked plot twists. The one episode with the 11 yr old Indigo child basically schooling Sara Sidle and the team was hilarious. My roommate is trying to get me into NCIS; but I just can't get into it that much. Mark Harmon bugs me a little. Actually a lot. =_)

I like Gary Sinse as an actor; but the characters do not play off each other as well. I also have an unhealthy apprehension towards David Caruso. Probably happened around the time of the first season on NYPD Blue... guuuhhh ... repressed... memories.... surfacing..... AAAAHH!!!

2007-03-06, 08:06 AM
*tilts head to the side*
*reduces voice to low growl* Are you saying...he over-acts?

Ever noticed the fact that Horatio always takes off his sunglasses, or puts them back on again just as he says anything that's vaguely important? I just can't see him telling someone that they're under arrest anymore without him putting on his sunglasses at the same time.

Has anyone else noticed that the actress who plays Stella in CSI:NY looks a lot like Sarah Jessica Parker? Or is that just me?

2007-03-06, 09:47 AM
Will be watching Gibbs et al tonight.
Anyone else knew that Pauley Perette has a degree in that Phorinziks stuff?

2007-03-06, 02:07 PM
I'm more of a CSI liker, although I do watch NCIS now and then recently.

I use to like CSI Miami (for the action and suniness, I'll admit), but it just seems to be getting more and more teen dramaised, which I just find tiresome. So I don't really bother with it anymore.

2007-03-06, 02:55 PM
Ever noticed the fact that Horatio always takes off his sunglasses, or puts them back on again just as he says anything that's vaguely important? I just can't see him telling someone that they're under arrest anymore without him putting on his sunglasses at the same time.

Has anyone else noticed that the actress who plays Stella in CSI:NY looks a lot like Sarah Jessica Parker? Or is that just me?

I would say that was particularly noticeable - everybody comments on it, even Channel Five! It's just part of the overall cheesiness of the series.

Yeah, the actress who plays Stella does look a bit like Sarah Jessica Parker; I always thought she looked stereotypically 'Greek', and one of the latest episodes I watched referenced the character's 'Greek heritage.' Judging from the actress' second name (which I just looked up), she is also of Greek descent.
Of course, since Sarah Jessica Parker doesn't appear to be of Greek descent, that proves nothing, except that either I am good at guessing or that I subconsciously paid attention to the actress' name during the titles and confirmed my own preconception!

2007-03-06, 02:59 PM
I love NCIS, its great. The pltos actually sound feasible, and Gibs reminds me so much of me. Plus Abbie's HAWT.

2007-03-06, 07:12 PM
I have the weird habit of noticing whenever characters guest star in thes sorts of programmes. On the subject of Lost for instance, I saw the episodes of CSI:Miami and NCIS that had Emilie de Ravin in with a small role. And did anyone think that Terry O'Quinn was really cool in his guest appearance in NCIS in the second (?) series?

On Stella, I saw that Greek mythology episode of NY and they were really playing on it then. I've never exactly been able to tell "Greek" heritage though.

2007-03-08, 07:07 PM
CSI is the only CSI (but I know not of the NCIS of which you speak) :smallconfused:

I do also watch Law & Order SVU, but that's primarily because my brother works on the show (off camera). I do have a nice photo of Marishka Hargitay with her Golden Globe and my brother though.... :smallamused:

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-03-12, 12:33 PM
CSI is the only CSI (but I know not of the NCIS of which you speak) :smallconfused:

I do also watch Law & Order SVU, but that's primarily because my brother works on the show (off camera). I do have a nice photo of Marishka Hargitay with her Golden Globe and my brother though.... :smallamused:

I think they mean the multiple versions of CSI like CSI:las vegas (original), maimi and there is new york too I think.

NCIS is more of a cop drama show and less ferensics (spelling?) although it includes that too. I think it's on CBS but Tivo does that all for me so I don't really know.

I like both shows my only complaint with CSI is the many times that their methods or science is unreal or highly excaggerated. Yes I know it's just a TV show and that why I watch and enjoy it but when they have a database for EVERYTHING and it never takes more than a few seconds to search the entire database... ya I don't think so.

2007-03-13, 12:20 PM
I watch them all, and as often as I can. I like the original CSI and NCIS the best but the other's are pretty good, too. My favorite character out of all the people on any show is Agent David. She's just so cool. and cute:smallredface:

2007-03-13, 06:40 PM
I think they mean the multiple versions of CSI like CSI:las vegas (original), maimi and there is new york too I think.

Oh yeah... I know. New York is only around if CSI (the only CSI) is a rerun..... that I don't want to watch.... for the third time. :smallwink:

Miami holds nothing for me. David Caruso can't act his way out of a wet paper bag. :smallannoyed:

2007-03-14, 03:15 PM
I quite like Ziva too, but it's always going to be Abby for me.

I'm a fan of all the characters in NCIS. I watch CSI for the crime, so I can happily miss episodes if it doesn't sound too interesting, but I watch NCIS for the characters, so I try and watch it religiously.

Phoenix Talion
2007-03-14, 03:42 PM
What's NCIS? (Not kidding, serious)

I LOVE the original CSI, though I just started watching it recently. I've been watching the re-runs on Spike. Grissom ROCKS. And Greg is really cute.

2007-03-14, 03:57 PM
What's NCIS? (Not kidding, serious)

It was originally a spin off of Jag. It is a crime/ cop show with the cops being Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents they investigate crimes by or against navy and marine personnel or on naval property. The characters are the best thing about the show though.

2007-03-14, 05:12 PM
What's NCIS? (Not kidding, serious)NCIS at Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NCIS_%28TV_series%29)