View Full Version : Optimization Build Help

Ace Nex
2014-07-24, 08:36 PM
Hey all, I'm currently in a game where I have a 21st level character that is going to jump to 40th (don't ask why). Her levels are Wizard 5/SwordSage2/Jade Phoenix Mage 7/Initiate of the Seven Fold Veil 7. I don't know exactly where to go next, whether or not to finish off those JPM levels, to go in the direction of Psionics or even Truenamer magic (something interesting, particularly as the DM did a fix on truenaming which makes those checks a whole lot easier, it's only 10+Their CR+Level of Utterance (Only the level of utterance is doubled)]. Thoughts? 3.X is allowed, and some Pathfinder too, the DM is pretty open about what to allow in so long as it's run by him. If it's too ridiculous, it's not allowed.

2014-07-24, 09:11 PM
Epic spells like this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?353655-Permanent-epic-spells#11), and tricks to avoid the normal casting time like the feat Uncanny Forethought in Exemplars of Evil. You can also do that with the reflect seed for every damage type that exists, including bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing, as well as every descriptor such as death effects, fear effects, mind-affecting, transmutation effects (petrification), etc. That makes it so anything that ever tries to harm or hinder your character in any way will have their attack turned back upon them, and it even still works in antimagic field and dead magic areas and the effect cannot be dispelled or disjoined.

This is only one of many, many examples of how epic levels, especially epic spellcasting, is completely broken and unplayable.

As for your character, assuming you're not going to abuse epic spellcasting, get three levels of Cloistered Cleric with the feat Initiate of Mystra in PGtF, and take Dweomerkeeper (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20040522a) 10+ and possibly also Incantatrix 4+.

2014-07-24, 09:43 PM
The game is unplayable at 40th level without extensive artificial life support, so take any advice we give with a grain of salt; it's impossible for us to know exactly what kind of heroic life-support methods the DM is using the maintain game balance. In particular everything about 40th level play is ridiculous, so it's hard to know where your DM is going to draw the line with his "too ridiculous" restriction.

For 40th level play, you should, at a minimum, be immune to magic, immune to death through hit point damage, immune to every status effect, immune to every type of energy damage, able to take actions when it's not your turn, and have at least one way to self-resurrect in mid-fight. It's also extremely helpful if you have the ability to instantly analyze foes and determine their defenses, both innate, gear-based, and spell-based. You should also be able to travel instantly from anywhere in the multiverse to anywhere else, several times per day. It would probably also be wise to be immune to all forms of divination. If your defenses are stripped, you should have some viable method of reinstating at least some of them in the middle of a fight. Initiate of the Seven Veils and Jade Phoenix Mage give you a decent start on a couple of those priorities. Dweomerkeeper is actually a pretty good choice; while overpowered for levels 7-16, it's quite appropriate for levels 31-40. In fact, I might recommend tacking on a few levels of epic dweomerkeeper to give yourself a few extra daily uses of supernatural spell. The ability to throw effects that are immune to even epic dispel is pretty handy.