View Full Version : Player Help Higitus, figitus, migitus, mum: How to make a Wizard?

Oakbarrel Stout
2014-07-25, 12:04 AM
My group and I are starting a side-campaign and after 12 years of avoiding the class, I've decided to play a wizard. That said, I am suffering from a complete case of gamer's block and I generally have no idea how to put together a wizard. Here's what we're working with:

PHB races only.
All WotC books and Dragon Magazine material is available.
28-Point Buy.
Up to two Flaws
Up to two Traits
No multiple class dips/Non-optimization but Gestalt may be allowed.

Now I know it's probably cheesy, but I am set on the idea of playing your archetypal Merlin-like wizard. And to be more specific, I'm set on the idea of playing a "Walt Disney's The Sword in the Stone" archetypal Merlin-like wizard. He doesn't have to be elderly or live backwards through time or anything but I am looking for the spellcasting, the shapeshifting, the talking familiar, the animated items, the bag-of-shrinking, and even the singing if I can figure out how to do it. A bumbling yet charismatic spell-slinger.

I'm just not sure how to make any of that work within the confines of the system. I've read the Handbooks (which are more based on optimization than concept) but I'm still befuddled. I just don't know the arcane side of things at all (I'm usually the cleric). If anyone could throw out some ideas I'd be all ears.

2014-07-25, 12:23 AM
First off, whether or not gestalt is allowed is a big deal. As in, build changing big.

As it is, I recommend grabbing druid to get animals as a thing.

Oakbarrel Stout
2014-07-25, 12:42 AM
First off, whether or not gestalt is allowed is a big deal. As in, build changing big.

As it is, I recommend grabbing druid to get animals as a thing.

For the sake of argument, let's say that it will be allowed. The allow/disallow comes from having a good enough backstory to justify it so I can hash something out there.

2014-07-25, 12:43 AM
In that case, I would recommend using Wizard//Druid to get both familiar and animal companion, as well as the ability to summon little forest animals.

2014-07-25, 01:15 AM
IMO, babby's first Wizard in a gestalt game shouldn't be a full caster on both sides. It should be something more passive on the other, like a Marshal for example.

Which will give him a D8 hit die, 3/4 BAB progression, class skill in some very useful skills like Diplomacy and Spot and Listen, a good Fort save (AND Reflex, if you choose the minor aura that boosts it), light and medium armor proficiency (meaning he only needs to worry about ASF, not ACP as well, and that's easier to bring down on its own), and some very nice passive auras that the whole party will like. The only real direct downside to Marshal is that it adds Charisma to worry about as well, but since it's not your active side, you don't really need to worry about it. A CHA-booster late-game will be all you need.

Incidentally, Marshal gets thrown out as a recommended finisher for a lot of 20-level caster builds that incorporate 10-level PrCs, because it's just nice in general. I know the Mailman finishes on it, for example.

THAT BEING SAID. Druid does pair very well with a wizard just because both are great spell lists that complement each other well. And it fits what you want. It works.

There are a couple real problems with it, though, those being the MAD (INT and WIS as primary casting stats, DEX to land Wizard's ranged touch attacks and Reflex saves, and CON for HP and Fort saves) and the action economy (two active spellcasters means you won't be able to get the max out of everything).

2014-07-25, 06:01 AM
as a wizard the main thing is knowing what your spells do. this is what is assumed by everyone who will be giving you advice. i know you have been playing for a while, but i have a friend who has played for 5 years and always a mundane or low caster. and we usually play low level games. so he has no idea what spells are really like. a few and an idea, but could still not play a wizard.

if you don't know them very well then give a quick read through.
once you know the spells your main job as a wizard is applying the right spell to the right situation. that is what merlin would do. be very clever about how to use his spells. and you need to fill your spell book with as many as possible.

2014-07-25, 06:23 AM
IMO, babby's first Wizard in a gestalt game shouldn't be a full caster on both sides. It should be something more passive on the other, like a Marshal for example.

Which will give him a D8 hit die, 3/4 BAB progression, class skill in some very useful skills like Diplomacy and Spot and Listen, a good Fort save (AND Reflex, if you choose the minor aura that boosts it), light and medium armor proficiency (meaning he only needs to worry about ASF, not ACP as well, and that's easier to bring down on its own), and some very nice passive auras that the whole party will like. The only real direct downside to Marshal is that it adds Charisma to worry about as well, but since it's not your active side, you don't really need to worry about it. A CHA-booster late-game will be all you need.

Incidentally, Marshal gets thrown out as a recommended finisher for a lot of 20-level caster builds that incorporate 10-level PrCs, because it's just nice in general. I know the Mailman finishes on it, for example.

THAT BEING SAID. Druid does pair very well with a wizard just because both are great spell lists that complement each other well. And it fits what you want. It works.

There are a couple real problems with it, though, those being the MAD (INT and WIS as primary casting stats, DEX to land Wizard's ranged touch attacks and Reflex saves, and CON for HP and Fort saves) and the action economy (two active spellcasters means you won't be able to get the max out of everything).

From the sound of what you want, druid actually seems like a fine second half. Personally, I think Archivist/Druid would be better, but pay that no mind.

Well, to make it work, choosing academic priest from the dragon lance supplement is exactly what you need. It turns any divine spell caster's casting stat into INT. You have to take it at level one, but that's fine.
So now you can cast from both spell lists with one score. Dump STR, dump cha.

Pick up faerie mysteries initiate feat for Int to bonus HP instead of CON.
Also Insightful reflexes and keen intellect for INT replacing main stat for reflex and will saves.

2014-07-25, 06:25 AM
Honestly, a single-classed Wizard with Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a) and perhaps Arcane Disciple for the Animal-domain can do most of this. Charisma is just needed as a stat; Wizard does most of the rest. Maybe add a bit of Ruathar and call it a day. Though Bard would work too.

2014-07-25, 03:48 PM
Epic Disney reference deserves a bump to the first page.

To the OP's question, a Tier 1 may not be the shallow end of the pool, if that's what you are looking for. Wizard can pull off this concept, but that isn't saying much. A more limited concept might be more manageable, or maybe not. But you've chosen a pretty big bag of tricks for your first wizard, especially if you want all of that online ASAP.

2014-08-04, 10:01 AM
My group and I are starting a side-campaign and after 12 years of avoiding the class, I've decided to play a wizard. That said, I am suffering from a complete case of gamer's block and I generally have no idea how to put together a wizard. Here's what we're working with:

PHB races only.
All WotC books and Dragon Magazine material is available.
28-Point Buy.
Up to two Flaws
Up to two Traits
No multiple class dips/Non-optimization but Gestalt may be allowed.

Now I know it's probably cheesy, but I am set on the idea of playing your archetypal Merlin-like wizard. And to be more specific, I'm set on the idea of playing a "Walt Disney's The Sword in the Stone" archetypal Merlin-like wizard. He doesn't have to be elderly or live backwards through time or anything but I am looking for the spellcasting, the shapeshifting, the talking familiar, the animated items, the bag-of-shrinking, and even the singing if I can figure out how to do it. A bumbling yet charismatic spell-slinger.

I'm just not sure how to make any of that work within the confines of the system. I've read the Handbooks (which are more based on optimization than concept) but I'm still befuddled. I just don't know the arcane side of things at all (I'm usually the cleric). If anyone could throw out some ideas I'd be all ears.
Note that I've never actually seen the referred-to movie.

Elderly would actually be a pretty good move for making a wizard, with bonuses to mental ability scores for age, and physical penalties which aren't really as much of a problem as for other classes. I recommend cranking up INT and CHA with a minor focus on Con (so that the final score after age adjustments and race adjustments and stuff is a Minimum of 12), and nerf the hell out of STR and DEX, being lenient on Wis. For standard gameplay you wouldn't want to kill Dex and Wis like that but for a 'bumbling' character it makes sense, plus you've got spells that can make up for the difference, and good Will saves anyway. As far as a talking familiar, just pick up a raven as your familiar; already listed as speaking Common when made into a familiar. Unfortunately animate objects isn't on the wizard spell list, but I'm sure someone on here knows a trick to pick that up. And I assume bag of shrinking is basically a bag of holding? And then you can always put some of the unnecessary skill points you have into Perform (singing) for flavor.
Alternatively, a gestalt Wizard/Bard is going to make good use of the Charisma, and animate objects *is* on the bard spell list. Plus combination of prepared and spontaneous casting is always nice.

2014-08-04, 04:15 PM
And to be more specific, I'm set on the idea of playing a "Walt Disney's The Sword in the Stone" archetypal Merlin-like wizard. He doesn't have to be elderly or live backwards through time or anything but I am looking for the spellcasting, the shapeshifting, the talking familiar, the animated items, the bag-of-shrinking, and even the singing if I can figure out how to do it. A bumbling yet charismatic spell-slinger.

I've seen the Sword in the Stone, so I know what you mean.

The Transmutation spell type is pretty much based on the Sword in the Stone, along with a sprinkling of Divination.

So I'd recommend making him a Transmuter and pick up these:
Owl Familiar (archimedes)
spells0th - Pretidigitation, Open/Close, Mage Hand, Mending, Message
1st - Enlarge Person, Reduce Person, Feather Fall
2nd - Alter Self, Levitate
3rd - Shrink Item, Water Breathing, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4th - Scrying, Polymorph
5th - Contact Other Plane, Overland Flight, Baleful Polymorph, Animal Growth
6th - Legend Lore, Mordenkainen's Lucubration
7th - Scrying, Greater, Vision
8th - Polymorph Any Object
9th - Shapechange

2014-08-04, 04:32 PM
"I've never played X before, what do?" is the sort of question handbooks are designed to answer.

While the tone is facetious and more than a little cocky, it doesn't get much more helpful than Treantmonk's stuff. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=394.0)

2014-08-04, 04:33 PM
I highly, HIGHLY, recommend you give Logic Ninja's Guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?104002-3-5e-The-Logic-Ninja-s-Guide-to-Wizards-Being-Batman) a read. it has everything you need to play a wizard from spell selection to PrC ratings. From there you can get a better grasp of what you can do so you can better choose what you want to do

2014-08-04, 05:40 PM
If you want to be charismatic but bumbling, and have a few specific spells you expect to favor, sorcerer might be a better choice than wizard. Polymorph is a pretty good spell for a sorcerer to have, since it's so versatile.