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View Full Version : 3rd Ed New BAB bonus+6/+1 question

2014-07-25, 01:19 PM
My 5th level fighter just achieved level 6 and I got a new BAB of +1 so I am now +6/+1 my question is what other bonuses apply to the new level? Do I apply my STR. bonus? I fight with a 2 handed greataxe that's +2, does that apply as well? I have weapon focus feat as well, does this apply for the to hit as well? I need some direction and any help wold be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

2014-07-25, 01:21 PM
the +6/+1 just means that you have two attacks. the BAB for the first one is +6 and the second one has a BAB of +1. All other bonuses apply normally.

2014-07-25, 01:23 PM
It works just like your base attack bonus did before. Basically, you get one attack with your full bonus, and one at -5 of that bonus. Just like before, your Str bonus applies to attack rolls, as does Weapon Focus. If your greataxe is a +2 magic weapon (your phrasing was unclear) then that would be another +2, again just like it was last level.

2014-07-25, 01:23 PM
Treat the new attack exactly the same as your first, with the only exception being your BAB is +1 instead of +6.
STR, feats, (weapon focus and the like, buffs (such as from a bard's music), weapon enhancements, etc, are all added normally.

2014-07-25, 01:43 PM
You should keep in mind that using both attacks at once is a 'full attack', and takes a full round, and you only get a 5 foot step for movement.

This is in place of the other option, which is a standard action and a move action (or two move actions). So, before, you could move up to something and use your standard action make your one attack. You can still do that for one attack (at +6), but for not for multiple attacks, unless you have 'pounce'.