View Full Version : Player Help Help With Shapechanger Build

2014-07-25, 11:15 PM
So I'm looking at making some type of shapechanger character. Fluff-wise I want him to know a lot but have nothing known of him, he'll be somewhat of an information/bounty hunter guy. I was thinking Wild-Shape Mystic Ranger with Sword of the Arcane Order into Master of Many Forms with Warshaper. I want melee mostly with utility/buff casting and of course, fun wild shape stuff. Believe me when I say I would go Druid if I could but I made one for a high-power one-shot with my group and now people are really cautious when I come near high tier stuff. Because of that I thought I'd keep it tier 3 maybe 2. Go nuts and as always, thanks for any and all input.

Edit: Oh and I was thinking Vecna-blooded for the people not knowing anything about him. I want him to be all mysterious and stuff.