View Full Version : New Order of the Stick minis!

2014-07-26, 07:18 PM
Also, the cost of the Zombie Dragon went down. From the latest newsletter:

On the morning of Friday, August 8th we will be releasing four (actually
five as one doubles as two figures) new Order of the Stick figures into our
web cart. These figures are:

Redcloak or Hobgoblin Shaman (depending on how you paint him)
Hobgoblin Warrior
Monster In The Darkness and Demon Roaches

These figures will be available in our online cart on August 8th and will
also be available at Gen Con.

The price for the Order of the Stick Xykon & Zombie Dragon has changed.
When this figure was released, it was done in a special resin made for us
which this dragon wouldn’t be have been possible to produce without. The
downside to resin is that it requires molds to be replaced often in order to
keep good quality casting. This set has 11 molds used in casting each set,
so the cost adds up when they have to be replaced. Since this figure was
released, we’ve been able to extend the mold life of new molds and as such,
are able to lower the price of any new Xykon & Zombie Dragon sets

Looks like my custom MitD has some competition. I'm excited they're making Ochul so soon. I didn't think they'd get to him until after the Linear Guild.