View Full Version : Rules Q&A General Rules Questions/Discussion That Don't Deserve A Whole Topic To Themselves

2014-07-27, 02:28 PM
It's about time I started one of these. I have a few questions that have been in the back of my mind and sometimes I won't ask because I deem them too unimportant or they could be answered with just a 'yes' or 'no', wasting a thread. Then I'll forget what I was gonna ask later on that week. So here is a thread to keep all those questions that don't deserve their own thread contained. With any luck, maybe an interesting discussion will take place.

A few to start off with.

1. Thrown weapons like daggers and javelins - do you add your STR modifier to it?

2. How much should a DM created item be worth that increases the amount of time a spell or effect lasts? Examples:

Ring of Long-Lasting Rage - makes your Barbarian Rage last an extra 1 round.

Staff of Prolonged Summoning - makes your summons last one round longer.

Necklace of Glittering Pixie - the effect of a Glitterdust spell lasts one extra round.

For question #2, I am thinking of the Extend Spell and how much an item that gives you this feat would be worth, then probably divide that amount by how many extra rounds a spell would last.

I have a lot more questions I can't remember right now but these two should do for now.

2014-07-27, 02:30 PM
Quick yes/no questions are usually handled in the RAW questions threads (one for 3.5 and one for PF) stickied at the top of the forum.

More subjective questions (like your second question) are actually fine in their own thread.

2014-07-27, 08:51 PM
It's about time I started one of these. I have a few questions that have been in the back of my mind and sometimes I won't ask because I deem them too unimportant or they could be answered with just a 'yes' or 'no', wasting a thread. Then I'll forget what I was gonna ask later on that week. So here is a thread to keep all those questions that don't deserve their own thread contained. With any luck, maybe an interesting discussion will take place.

A few to start off with.

1. Thrown weapons like daggers and javelins - do you add your STR modifier to it?

2. How much should a DM created item be worth that increases the amount of time a spell or effect lasts? Examples:

Ring of Long-Lasting Rage - makes your Barbarian Rage last an extra 1 round.

Staff of Prolonged Summoning - makes your summons last one round longer.

Necklace of Glittering Pixie - the effect of a Glitterdust spell lasts one extra round.

For question #2, I am thinking of the Extend Spell and how much an item that gives you this feat would be worth, then probably divide that amount by how many extra rounds a spell would last.

I have a lot more questions I can't remember right now but these two should do for now.

1) PHB section on combat
2) mic and DMG have rules for custom items.