View Full Version : Optimization Barbarian tweaking

2014-07-27, 06:13 PM
Since my character died last session i need to make a new one, the character in question will be a dwarf barbarian.

Race: Dwarf

Class: 4 Barbarian/ 3 fist of the forest / 2 deepwarden (basically i want to recreate gotrek)

The thing is that i want him to fight unarmed, i know about the various talent to augment my unarmed strike, the hel i need is when i should take them to maximize the damage?

2014-07-27, 06:22 PM
Take the City Brawler barbarian variant. Trades armor for better unarmed strike.

You can avoid taking Improved Natural Attack with a Fanged Ring.

You want Superior Unarmed Strike ASAP

There is not much else.

You might like Hammer Fist, although it is very limited:
Since it specifically requires you to use both hands it prevents secondary attacks, either from claws or from unarmed TWF (only a Monk is allowed to use his whole body)
Also RAI it won't work with Snap Kick and Flying Kick (the sword and fist version, naturally) which are both good feats for an unarmed warrior. This depends on your DM.
It does not double Power Attack damage either.

2014-07-27, 06:50 PM
Thanks Seppo.

So Improved unarmed strike = d3

Superior unarmed strike : 1d8

Improved natural attack : 2d6

Fist of the forest :since the damge is already 2d6, with the unarmed strike from fof the damage goes to 2d8 or 2d10?

Also i forgot, no dungeon allowed.

2014-07-27, 07:22 PM
By raw I believe that the 2 increases from FoF should stack with SaS, leading to a base damage of 2d10 (4d8 with improved natural attack) at level 20

I think the correct order is the following:
1-Compare your current medium sized unarmed damage (which depends on SaS) with FoF damage. If it's equal or higher, go to the following step according to the Monk's medium sized damage table, or two steps ahead depending on how many levels of FoF you have
2-Apply any size modifier to your resulting unarmed damage

For your character this means

SaS = 1d8
FoF (2 increases on the monk table) = 2d6
INA = 3d6